whats bad with Hypothermia? Look for gem status here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2150625
Still 39% more Damage with hits and ailmnents against chilled enemies like before.
The new part is an additional 39% more DOT cold damage against all enemies.
Doesn't look bad for me. Still viable against enemies you can chill.
You're correct! I read the patchnotes and thought they were making it a damage over time ONLY gem. Hypothermia will still be great for the build.
Good luck to everyone choosing this as a starter!
Posted bythi3n#0446on May 31, 2018, 5:19:17 PM
thi3n wrote:
whats bad with Hypothermia? Look for gem status here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2150625
Still 39% more Damage with hits and ailmnents against chilled enemies like before.
The new part is an additional 39% more DOT cold damage against all enemies.
Doesn't look bad for me. Still viable against enemies you can chill.
You're correct! I read the patchnotes and thought they were making it a damage over time ONLY gem. Hypothermia will still be great for the build.
Good luck to everyone choosing this as a starter!
Oh Guys, I missread too that's why I asked in the first place. My bad too.
Nice finding and good to see!
IGN: Gonorreitor
Posted byValmar#3550on May 31, 2018, 7:35:32 PM
For anyone that's having difficulty deciding between Arc and GC totems; I compared Mathil's tree with this one and they are similar enough that respeccing would be easy. This build is a win-win; You can essentially faceroll, and if you run into difficulty, swap into the current-meta with currency already farmed.
Posted byMalfetus#2917on Jun 1, 2018, 12:18:57 AM
Schweist wrote:
For anyone that's having difficulty deciding between Arc and GC totems; I compared Mathil's tree with this one and they are similar enough that respeccing would be easy. This build is a win-win; You can essentially faceroll, and if you run into difficulty, swap into the current-meta with currency already farmed.
Good to know - i was hoping that might be the case but was too lazy to check and find how many regrets would be needed
Curious, whats workaround to not rely on soul mantle?
Like how badly will things be if I were to use cloak of defiance? other than the fact I lose 1 totem dps (I honestly hate the curse effect and relying on potion)
Posted byPandaZeus#6551on Jun 1, 2018, 6:32:16 AMBanned
Schweist wrote:
For anyone that's having difficulty deciding between Arc and GC totems; I compared Mathil's tree with this one and they are similar enough that respeccing would be easy. This build is a win-win; You can essentially faceroll, and if you run into difficulty, swap into the current-meta with currency already farmed.
Would you mind linking me his build?
Posted byeminem#7514on Jun 1, 2018, 10:48:00 AM
PandaZeus wrote:
Curious, whats workaround to not rely on soul mantle?
Like how badly will things be if I were to use cloak of defiance? other than the fact I lose 1 totem dps (I honestly hate the curse effect and relying on potion)
Some good things about Herio:
Totem placement speed. Faster placement and activation of the skill being cast. This quality of life helps in all aspects of the game. Getting 5 totems up and firing will take no time at all.
Easier to gear. Soul Mantle is even less required in this version because going from 4 to 5 totems is less of a DPS upgrade than going from 2 to 3 totems. Soul Mantle is still fantastic for the free link however and it is still 20% MORE damage if you have all 5 totems going at a time.
Posted byScar_Finger#4977on Jun 1, 2018, 12:47:23 PM
sry for another noob question how do you place totems without spell totem?? didn't see any skills in the tree that enables spell totem o.O
Posted byPandaZeus#6551on Jun 1, 2018, 8:55:14 PMBanned
PandaZeus wrote:
sry for another noob question how do you place totems without spell totem?? didn't see any skills in the tree that enables spell totem o.O
you need the spell totem gem
Posted byLyutsifer665#1671on Jun 1, 2018, 9:40:02 PMOn Probation
Exxxiled665 wrote:
PandaZeus wrote:
sry for another noob question how do you place totems without spell totem?? didn't see any skills in the tree that enables spell totem o.O
you need the spell totem gem
but when i looked at the gems section there are 6 gems provided and none is spell totem
Posted byPandaZeus#6551on Jun 1, 2018, 9:57:19 PMBanned