Arcane Lightning Helmet Clipping
I can wait |
iT hAS bEeN tWO yEaRs sINCe tHIs bUG WAs fIRsT rEpORtED aND i'M rEpORtiNG tHIs BUg eVeRY lEAguE aFtEr fINiSHIng 36 cHAlLenGes. iF tHIs bUG WOn'T bE fIXeD uNtIL 4.0, wILl i hAVe tO Do tHiS fOR aT lEAsT aNoTHeR yEaR ? tHaNkS ! |
This post is 2 years old... Now GGG introduces a weapon skin which can be only used for axes which probably isn't even worth the money and in addition they promote Arcane Lightning Set which goes "well" along with that axe skin... BUUUT, the helmet there is VISUALLY BUGGED and even after 2 years it isn't fixed yet :DDD And on top of it they are releasing useless skins when they have much more important stuff to do. I'm gonna repeat myself, W O W ! Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...
New mute system is another hot garbage. |
Staff needs to look into this, it's been far too long.
Bump, fix please, funny how Crucible Was fixed withing days after a reddit post but this has been happening since 2017.... to think i still cant play around this helmet with any duelist after so much time is extremely annoying.
When You die on Softcore, you lose experience.
When you die on Hardcore, you gain experience. |
please do not fix this bug. I hope to see this clipping bug in poe2. thank you |
This is fixed. I can finally |