Audio Feedback.
" That's exactly what I've been hearing for every enemy I encounter. Thanks for looking into this issue! I've been Jay Wilson-ed.
Diablo 3: World of Kitecraft Immortalsoulz: lvl 72 dual-weapon duelist Zealato: lvl 41 Elemental bow ranger |
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Hi Andrew, have you considered increasing the bass of sound effects? It goes along way in evoking power and strength. I imagine a deep rumbling thunderclap at the twilight shores would be fantastic for the game's atmosphere.
Also, one way that might solve cleave sounding really weak for 2h weapons is to make the sound of the weapon swinging very strong, and then play that sound concurrently with the cleave sound effect. The creaking sound of the bows being drawn back when you fire them needs to be increased in volume, you should be able to hear it slightly without having to zoom in. Additionally, for slow firing bows you should consider a louder sound effect. Ditto for slow swinging weapons. |
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Yeah. I think lightning arrow and Lightning strike would sound a lot better with a real thundercrack to them, to accompany the lightning bolt!
Also arrows striking targets with a THUNK would be nice. |
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I dont think music is a big deal in computer games because i always listen to my own music =) but allthough the ingame music is awesome =)
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I like the mix of Audiothemes and songs in the Game
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@ destrock: It's hilarious you say Diablo I's catacomb music not epic, or gets dull after a while, but mention others. You won't hear any more epic and dark at the same time that could top Uelman's music regardless of how hard anyone try.
Besides, whatever you listen after 1000th time you won't feel anything towards, at least the way you feel like before. "This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
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I don't got any constructive critic just wanted to say I fucking love the Church Dungeon Soundtrack! I had the biggest smile on my face when I first encountered it so thanks for that great piece of music.
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"Church Dungeon music needs big improvements, as of now its pretty short and feels very repetitive naturally. But its a true step in the name of evilness at the least, and we need more, needless to say. "This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take" Last edited by BrecMadak#3812 on Aug 28, 2012, 10:28:51 AM
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Edit: Turned out to be a cable-connection issue - weird that I on;y noticed it on the character creation screen.
Running heists fully zoomed in... because Last edited by CelticHound#7630 on Sep 4, 2012, 4:31:57 AM
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after experiencing such epic game music that you have in PoE i was completely underwhelmed by how annoying and horrible sounding the in game voice acting is, i found the character select introductions great but the casting and attacking sounds (especially the shadow), terrible, to the point i turn SFX off