[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

lukamikori wrote:
what do we do for bandits? kill all?

PoB shows help Alira or am I reading it wrong?

hi windz,
what about icycle support gem for lvling?
and when i can get icespear setup, ty!
Hi miners, what do you think about taking the fire damage nodes at the top of the tree for the pyroclast mine?

This what I had in mind after doing some research(it's my first attempt at making a build): https://pastebin.com/SQbuqqfL

But I do not know if im sacrificing many defences or even if the burning nodes are worth it.

Also, what are your thoughts about the new Curtain Call? Last night I made it to act 3 and got one dropped from a Blight encounter. However, I realised 2 things:

1. WTF 800 Dex/Int. Dude is that even possible in this game?? xD
2. My clears are worse now, cause the icycle mines are detonating much faster and I cannot feed the detonation sequence fast enough. (Without CC I just drop few mines to the ground, start the detonation festival and keep dropping more mines close to the explosions until nothing moves.)

Looking forward to seeing that sweet updates :D
caac wrote:
lukamikori wrote:
what do we do for bandits? kill all?

PoB shows help Alira or am I reading it wrong?


Guess I missed that sorry.
Hi2u wrote:
Are you sure that Unbound Ailments can support Skitterbots and increase the effect of the Ailments? Because the skill gem says "Supports any Skill that HITS" and I'm not sure if Skitterbots are really hitting or if the just apply an aura around them.

Thanks for the Update, I think I will leaguestart with this in SSF-HC and hope to get some good hybrid gear.

Yeah, I messed that up, tested it on league start and it doesn't work. Infernal Legion does seem to apply the Burning Status to enemies for the Explo Expert crit multi tho.
I've been playing with the PoB and just been playing causally, I'm currently level 77 my main skill is icicle mine and its been great to play and level with. something I found is you can grab the Efficient Explosives node via the oils and it helps a lot with mana cost while giving a decent damage boost.

with acendancy I'd like to see your take on them but I personally have taken Born in the Shadows - Bomb Specialist - Pyromaniac in that order and I haven't done uber lab but I'd take Explosives Expert next.

my reasoning for taking Pyromaniac instead of Explosives Expert is I wanted to be able to maintain my mines so the reduced mana cost was great and I really enjoy having the ability to ignore shock and ignite plus the HP regen is nice though not amazing. where as the extra damage is not needed at all since I have great single target and amazing clearing.

I found that Icicle mine in a 4L inside
along with
is better then any other setup I have done with a 4L, sadly I cant tell you if a 5L is better since I havent found one yet.

Silky322 wrote:
Hi2u wrote:
Are you sure that Unbound Ailments can support Skitterbots and increase the effect of the Ailments? Because the skill gem says "Supports any Skill that HITS" and I'm not sure if Skitterbots are really hitting or if the just apply an aura around them.

Thanks for the Update, I think I will leaguestart with this in SSF-HC and hope to get some good hybrid gear.

Yeah, I messed that up, tested it on league start and it doesn't work. Infernal Legion does seem to apply the Burning Status to enemies for the Explo Expert crit multi tho.

I recommend bonechill linked to skitterbots if you play with any cold mines.
Last edited by wowow2264#3079 on Sep 8, 2019, 1:14:00 PM
TSGDavid wrote:
Hi miners, what do you think about taking the fire damage nodes at the top of the tree for the pyroclast mine?

This what I had in mind after doing some research(it's my first attempt at making a build): https://pastebin.com/SQbuqqfL

But I do not know if im sacrificing many defences or even if the burning nodes are worth it.

Also, what are your thoughts about the new Curtain Call? Last night I made it to act 3 and got one dropped from a Blight encounter. However, I realised 2 things:

1. WTF 800 Dex/Int. Dude is that even possible in this game?? xD
2. My clears are worse now, cause the icycle mines are detonating much faster and I cannot feed the detonation sequence fast enough. (Without CC I just drop few mines to the ground, start the detonation festival and keep dropping more mines close to the explosions until nothing moves.)

Looking forward to seeing that sweet updates :D

If you're going icicle mines, you'll need piercing shots either with skill points until you can annoint that passive on your amulet. With and without piercing shots is a world of difference in that skill clearing capabilities.

So im using this build for the 5th time this league cause new mines

Anyone else finding blight maps hard to complete or am i missing something?

Ive used arc/gc 1 out of 3 maps i could do (think i did it with gc and still almost lost) on a 5l

I dont even think i could do it with the new mines as they dont have much range (well ice one does but it misses/doesnt chain)
Hey Windz,

i noticed in your new video you are playing with ice & pyro mines, how do you feel that compares to the old GC setup?

I played GC based on your build a few leagues ago, and i loved it. If anyone out there has tried the comparison , i'd love some feedback before i start really leveling and specializing (yes i'm a filthy casual ... only just started blight league today)
Lynerus wrote:
So im using this build for the 5th time this league cause new mines

Anyone else finding blight maps hard to complete or am i missing something?

Ive used arc/gc 1 out of 3 maps i could do (think i did it with gc and still almost lost) on a 5l

I dont even think i could do it with the new mines as they dont have much range (well ice one does but it misses/doesnt chain)

i dont know about that, i havent done blighted map with gc/arc mine, but i done it with icicle, i feel its kinda smooth if you have enough damage

Diminatrix wrote:
Hey Windz,

i noticed in your new video you are playing with ice & pyro mines, how do you feel that compares to the old GC setup?

I played GC based on your build a few leagues ago, and i loved it. If anyone out there has tried the comparison , i'd love some feedback before i start really leveling and specializing (yes i'm a filthy casual ... only just started blight league today)

icile is really good if you setup it properly, at first i feel its very clunky and the damage is really low because i used fork+chain support, then i changed to pierce,and its feels good now

and windz, i made some update to my builds, now im using scold bridle, probably gonna change to farrul helmet, this is my gear atm, yeah my gem setup is still a mess, i will probably change some of my tree for more defensive, and i probably will use the oil for destructive apparatus

and this is the PoB https://pastebin.com/NYkPBV9E
Last edited by keroro800#1038 on Sep 11, 2019, 10:45:52 AM

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