[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

Another noob question, what's the purpose of full conversion from physical to cold? If it is to make it easier for cold penetration, how does PtL before the helmet enchant help since it's lightning based?
I've farmed enough currency with my inquisitor, well I got really lucky with those drops. I'm gonna start a sabo soon and will attempt a fast mapper and boss killer variation. Unsure if it will work at the moment but I'll keep you guys posted soon enough :)
wrathofmoocow wrote:
Apologies if this is a dumb question, but...why increased critical strikes gem over elemental focus/controlled destruction. PoB puts both of those significantly higher, and I'm not sure that it's that big of a deal to no longer be able to freeze enemies...

Asking Questions is the right way.
You should switch them around in Path of Building and then look at the average Hit Damage not only in the Individual listing in the link.
Both Controlled Distruction and Elemental Focus have trade offs.
Some Builds can deal with them and some don’t.
F.ex Spark with 5% base Crit and Controlled Destruction will Stil crit a lot.

The Freeze from GC is offenes and Defense in one.
Play without it and see if you die more or not.

Bottom line: Keep testing and improving.
Maybe your own setup is better for you :-)
Last edited by Alienbutter#5323 on Mar 10, 2018, 5:46:30 AM
rotiprata_ wrote:
Another noob question, what's the purpose of full conversion from physical to cold? If it is to make it easier for cold penetration, how does PtL before the helmet enchant help since it's lightning based?

Conversion is strong for more than just penetration.
It also will get more Elemental Damage modifiers if 100% of physical is converted to Elemental.
Then you can increase the Base Physical Damage and still get more.

Hope that helps.
Everything for Glacial Cascade is so damn expensive this league.....won't even have a chance at The Long Winter or helm enchant for quite some time.
Shaper easily done, 45k tooltip at HO.

My gear so far:


If we cant get helm enchant, do you guys think 2 long winter jewels are necessary? I am using hrimsorrow atm, it does the same think when it comes to conversion but long winter jewels have "Glacial Cascade has an additional Burst" mod is it better than regular 3 mod damage jewel?

I am not really sure they are worth for about 40c total in beastiary,and hrimsorrow isnt too bad compared to any regular glove what do you guys think? Whats the advantage to use 2 threshold jewels vs hrimsorrow/burn?
IGN: LadyAlistra
Hi guys,
I usually don't craft much, but I got this after couple alts and wanted to ask, if this dagger is worth meta-crafting.

phys - cold is Tier 2
ele pen Tier 3
anone wrote:
CroDanZ wrote:
Can anyone watch over my character pls: Kryakull

How can I get 100k profile DPS in HO, as somene told here in the forum? (Page 144, 2nd post from bottom)

Currently have 24k DPS in HO.

Cant imagine that a 6 link + 11 passive points gives me +76k DPS...but mb Im wrong. :)

Ty in advance

additional mine helmet - not obligatory but will improve your dmg .

additional mine helmet mod is huge QoL to map clear and bosses dmg, but have nothing to do with tooltip dps. Without that mod we are able to place only 3 mines with one cast, this mod will improve DPS by 1/3, cause you will place 4 mines per cast.

Anyway guys, shaper and uber atziri is killable / farmable with just 30k tooltip dps (without flasks and buffs, only conc effect)
Ghoser wrote:
Hi guys,
I usually don't craft much, but I got this after couple alts and wanted to ask, if this dagger is worth meta-crafting.

phys - cold is Tier 2
ele pen Tier 3

Regal it, if you get another %extra damage mod, then yes, if not then no, but do craft some other stuff on it and not multi mod, it's not worth 2 ex to multi-mod it.

To meta craft, I suggest, re-rolling with alts, regal and scour until you get dual extra mod (lightning/cold), then multi-mod to add the rest. Note this can be tedious and extremely expensive- if you're starting out, don't bother.

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