[3.0] Dark Pact Clearspeed Berserker (MASSIVE AOE) (Sucks in 3.1)
![]() (t11 shaped racecourse) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 UPDATE We lost vaal pact insta leech which made berserker so strong and unkillable with cwdt spells and constantly casting stuff. We lost damage and ALOT of AoE on dark pact. I can't recommend playing this build anymore it's very likely garbage. The closest you can come to replicating this build is EK nova ~something~ Lightpoacher. Im sure there are guides out there for that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a clear speed build, it can kill bosses very easily up to t15 maps with a wither totem and conc effect instead of Inc AOE. Don't expect to be running end game bosses with it if you are looking for easy kills. (Normal Atziri & Uber Izaro are very easy)
Build Info
Hi. This is mostly a clearspeed build designed around 1 shotting the screen and moving to the next pack as fast as possible. This is similar to my old 2.6 EK nova AOF build. This build is completely reflect immune, we scale minscule cold just to shatter and it doesnt deal enough damage to reflect any significant portions of damage back. The only map mod you cannot run is 'Cannot Leech'. We scale as much generic damage as we can to both dip into scaling the chaos damage dark pact provides aswell as scaling cold damage (flat from gear) to supplement clearspeed. Shattering is important for clearing comfortably and makes mapping alot safer. I also had 7k life at 95 with life on every jewel. Build is cheap to get started with only a 5 link carcass jack and a Brightbeak recommended to start.
Ascendancy/Skill Tree/Bandits/Pantheon
Berserker is the obvious choice for free leech both to life and mana from spells. Free 40% MORE damage and massive amounts of attack speed (56%!). Ontop of all this we get insane leech with Cloaked in Savagery making a cwdt bladefall/bladevortex full heal us instantly whenever we drop hp. Get this ASAP. ALSO YOU MUST HAVE VAAL PACT WHEN YOU START MAPPING. ![]() TREE. RUSH VAAL PACT. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.0.0/AAAABAECAQQHBLMHHgj0C2EOSA5cD6sPxBEtES8RlhQgFr8W6RzcIG4hkCLqIvQkNySLJpUqCyo4KwosnDIBMtE1kjpYOuE7fDwFPC09Xz38QZZFR0V-RZ1JUUmxTLNN41AwUEdSU1NSVUtVxlhjXfJfP1_QYeJh62ebaPJqQ2r6bAttGXBSfIN_xoNfg8yD24TFidOMNozPjxqP-pMnlS6XlZf0mFea4Ju1n9-hL6IAoqOmV64-rrOvbLIZtz64yrlvuZO86r6KvwjAZsMJwzrGrsbYz3rQH9D12L3bXuRR6hDr7uv17w7vfO_r8B_w1fId8kX2SPhf_gr-jw==?accountName=maddognils& BANDITS HELP ALIRA. (+25 Crit Multi, +15% all resist, +5 mana regen) PANTHEON Pantheon's aren't very important since their bonuses are so miniscule it comes down to personal preference. Major Gods Soul of the Brine King can make sure your casting almost never gets canceled if you're taking consecutive massive hits that can stun you. This might provide more safe leech in beyond maps or crazy maps in general. Soul of Lunaris provides 8% movespeed and 8% physical damage reduction quite often aswell as 5% chance to dodge attacks & spells. Certainly a viable option. (Capture Strand Boss) Soul of Arakaali can majorly help with damage over time from things like poison clouds from boxes & zombies and desecrated ground. Switch to this if you feel like you're dying to damage over time. (Capture Maze Boss) Minor Gods Soul of Yugul provides reflect immunity to the cold damage we have, while this cold damage will never kill us to reflect it reduces the damage quite significantly while also providing 5% reduced cold damage taken at almost all times. (Capture Waste Pool Boss) Soul of Garukhan gives you 5% chance to evade attacks if you've taken a savage hit recently, this occurs quite often so could be helpful aswell as 6% movespeed if we haven't been hit recently. (Capture Gorge Boss)
Not necessary but gives nice AOE. Onslaught is a must. Quicksilver is obvious. Crit way more. We have alot of evasion so this flask is worth it also lets you facetank safer.
This goes here: ![]() This will generate all charges for free. Atk speed cast speed to make the build feel good. Life on every jewel is a must.
Brightbeak has 50% more multiplier to shield charge speed. If you want damage go for a spell dagger with crit chance to spells/spell damage/attack speed/flat cold. Dark pact AOE enchant ofcourse. Any base will do just fine aslong as you can get life/resists here. 20% aoe. 50% area damage. Life and all resist. Perfect chest. Easy colors. Great boots. Crit chance. Flat cold to spells. MS. Resist. Attack and cast speed is BIS enchant. Essence of insanity shield charge gloves. Fingerless best base. Crit chance/Life/Resist/spell dmg/cast speed shield. Perfect for the build. Must have for farming. This will make you drop much more currency. Get 80+ Quantity roll. Reduced flask charges used. Resist. MS. Tons of life. (If you got one) Resists/Life/cast speed. Cap resists and get life here before investing into cast speed/atk speed. Diamond rings are important.
Gem Links
6L Dark Pact Spell echo is interchangeable for crit multi. I don't like it because it locks you into a casting animation. Personal preference. Left to right in order of priority. Switch Increased AOE to Conc Effect for bosses if you are lacking damage. 4L CWDT This saves our lives over and over. These gem levels are a must. 3L Wither Totem Put down on bosses. Adds tons of damage. 4L Vaal Skill/Herald Link herald of ice to Inc Aoe for the juicy explosion size. Vaal haste for fast clear. 3L Golem/Curse Blasphemy is good again thanks to 3.0 changes so assassins mark blasphemy is a must have setup. This generates power charges and makes our crit ALOT more consistent on packs. 4L Shield charge Movement
I leveled with axioms and blade vortex until dark pact. Rush all crit chance on the tree and run assassins mark on blasphemy when you can. Run added lightning/added cold in your links. (Yes even in dark pact) You can also just level as sunder. (Travel to RT and unspec later) Any ideas/suggestions to improve the build are very welcome. Enjoy blowing up the whole screen in one cast! Speaking of blowing things very hard.. check out my friend Xevosh's Heavy Strike Berserker Creator: @maddognils Co-Creator: @Kubaslov The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806 The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 Last edited by maddognils#6939 on Dec 25, 2017, 12:12:44 PM Last bumped on Feb 17, 2018, 4:09:09 PM
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The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 |
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Nice build, almost exactly like my own lol.
However I did a few things differently: - Ice bite linked to HoI - Using HoT with CoH Assassins Mark - Using CWDT lvl 1 with Warlords Mark Im not using Brightbeak just yet, might switch to it later. Good cheap option for a dagger is Divinarius. It has nice spell damage, crit chance and inc. AoE. I like the intuitive leap into Overcharge, used it alot but didn't think of it during this build. A suggestion for flask could be: Doedre's Elixer to proc the 100% leech from the ascendancy. Good guide, will surely help some new players. Postcount +1
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" I found ice bite linked to HoI to be very inconsistent. I could go a few maps without gaining a single frenzy. I used blasphemy simply because I felt like having the curse on the enemy before casting felt more consistent in terms of crit chance. Thanks for the feedback! The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 |
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" I know what you mean with the Ice Bite but I'm more using it to kill a few more mobs at the edge of the AoE then for gaining frenzy's. But in the end it's all the same in the end :) Postcount +1
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Looks solid, would you recommend this setup for speed farming t10-13 maps in HC? Is it safe enough?
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" I have not died to anything other than crazy beyond maps. Your health spikes alot though. I can't speak that well for HC since I don't play it. I'm sure if you're an experienced player you can make the necessary changes to make it safer. You are completely reflect immune. Good luck! The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806 The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 Last edited by maddognils#6939 on Aug 14, 2017, 6:41:23 AM
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" It is safe enough for HC IMO. That being said, you'll have to get yourself used to the skill a bit as it can scare you a bit with your life going down. It's not a very good build for party play as people steel away your kills and thus your leech. So if you plan on running this build don't expect to do insane in parties. A friend of mine is running a Berserker Sparker and if I map with him I only attack the mapboss lol. Would also level as Sunder because DP will start to shine at the higher levels (more leech). Might take the uber leech ascendancy in cruel lab as well when playing HC. Other then that, very safe. Postcount +1
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GGG nerf berserker please ;>
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
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Can this build farm uber lab efficently?
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