Well-dressed Exile Competition

Tukohama Godkiller





#1 Turkish Elite Warrior

#2 Mysterious Fencer

The aura effect is from Leers Mask and the weapon effect is from Chitus Needle
mana crazed arcanist


An old favourite of mine. I made this look back in breach as well as the following league. If I ever went back to an assassin bow, I'd probably return to this

This one was more recent. I was leveling an RF character and threw together random MTX. I wasn't expecting to like this much, but it ended up growing on me a lot

Last edited by RainbroDasher on Aug 14, 2017, 8:23:31 AM
All Natural Baby

Last edited by AugustusSalomon on Aug 14, 2017, 8:23:13 AM
The poor skeleton boy.


Some older ones:

Alt Art items as League MTX - When?

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