Well-dressed Exile Competition

My Demonic/Draconic Oro's-Flickerstriker


I like those not so "flashy" looks, so when I played Prophecy I made "Summer's End" an autumn themed ranger with all that vanitas stuff like falling leaves and skull and butterflies. Updated her a litlle for the contest. She used to have that cloudy arctic armour rain hanging above her but left it at home when going to the beach with her deerest friend.

Here's how it went:

When you have that romantic, melancholic moment with someone ...

... and then she goes all crazy about you not saying the right thing.

That cloud will soon be back above her, I assume.
I came here to drink milk and kick ass...and I've just finished my milk.
Last edited by King_of_Limbs on Aug 14, 2017, 11:27:34 AM
Last edited by kenjicaim on Aug 14, 2017, 9:15:26 AM

I call this one phantom of the opera



The Bounty Hunter

Closed Beta Member.
Last edited by ogorhan on Aug 14, 2017, 9:11:23 AM
-Premium (Name: Oriath's Grim Clockwork)

-Natural (Name: Demonic Soothsayer)

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