[3.0] New Meta?! Cast on Melee Kill Dark Pact?! 2c Starter Budget?! 5 Million DPS Single Target?!

Yeah, I'm close to 62; what gem setups am I supposed to be running each weapon Yag?
This is by far and away the most hassle free leveling experience I've had.
Abueloshika wrote:
This is by far and away the most hassle free leveling experience I've had.

Try it with Tabula Rasa :P Oneshot anything untill level 80
Sorry for being a scrub but I dont see what Pantheon choices should I take? Also for CWDT Setup how high do I level the CWDT and other gems?
Thanks for all the help <3

Last edited by Dorrian#7399 on Aug 15, 2017, 4:58:26 AM
So currently only have a 4 link Dendron chest, 4 link helm, 3L on both of those unique 1handers, 3 link on boots, 4 on gloves.

What would be the best way to gem?

Currently lvl 63. Also not sure how to implement the passives for the Claw % dmg w/ ailment perks, I'm guessing you added those towards the end of leveling at 80+?

Like not sure what's more important for me to obtain after the lvl 62 mark on the passives, for the full build passive tree.

Also, not sure how this is a 2c budget. Alot of the what look important pieces are expensive.... From what I've been seeing on poe.trade
Last edited by KingStrange#5525 on Aug 14, 2017, 8:40:45 PM
What boots do you recommend?(unique)

and the pantheons ?
Last edited by NightZed#7058 on Aug 14, 2017, 11:40:48 PM
Updating with Pantheons, Worm Flask ( works great! ) and passive tree / skill gem priorities!
Abueloshika wrote:
This is by far and away the most hassle free leveling experience I've had.

How come? I mean if there aren't enough mobs to sustain myself I usually just spam flasks ( probably normal ) but versus bosses especially act bosses I have a lot of problems. I use my viper strike for that which is very very slow. Am I doing something wrong or is this how the build goes until I get the main setup?

True, huge packs of mobs are easy and satisfying to kill, but my problems come when there are few or just one beefy mob so if I use dark pact, I just kill myself and barely deal any dmg to that boss.

( currently lvl 35, with a 4l dark pact )
Yagamai wrote:
Updating with Pantheons, Worm Flask ( works great! ) and passive tree / skill gem priorities!

Good job, lv 68 and up ;)
Very cool build i have to say, this was the most enjoyable leveling experience so far. still trying to figure out how i can survive since i only have 2.9k life untli now (few life nodes im still missing). Guess i have just bad life rolls on my gear but since you recommend a lot of uniques i feel that the gear i can get resistances and life on is very limited.

I am level 69 now and i wanted to ask in which priority i should take the claw nodes? I have decent clearing speed in lower maps anyways so i did not bother so far, need to get my survivability up first anyways.

Thanks for sharing this build :)

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