[3.0] Skeleton Mage build. 7 aura necromancer can both solo endgame maps and support party play
Hi! I would like to ask whether is it better to use Sire of Shards instead of Queen's Escape? I have used both (both at 4L) and I found that I can cleared the map better with Sire but according to PoB I have about 7k lesser dps with Sire.
My gem setup for both weapons are as below: Queen's Decree (don't have Queen's Escape yet): Summon Skeleton-Pierce-Minion Damage-Added Fire [~20k dps acc to PoB] Sire of Shards: Summon Skeleton-Pierce-Minion Damage-Spell Echo [~13k dps acc to PoB] My question: Should I invest in a 5L Queen's Escape or 5L Sire next? |
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Queen's Escape or queen's Decree? I guess the escape because of the moment speed but... The build of the week says decree.
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" It doesn't matter as the skeleton mages are stationary. Pick the cheaper one with the amount of linked sockets/colors you need. I personally went with a 6 link pledge of hands for a pseudo 7-link, I also made a 4 link spectre on my gloves to boost my single target DPS a bit with 3x tukohama vanguards (the aoe of my mages is great, but they lack in single target). Got shaper down on my first try yesterday after 2 weeks since I started the character. :-D |
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Can u post ur final passive skill tree please?
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I have read your guide as im out for a summoners build myself. But I want to play with spectres as my damage dealers instead of skeletons as you do.
So some extra nodes for improve spectres (top most minion node) But else I want to go for something like you, Golem and zombies with life for "tanks". 6l spectres instead of 6l skeletons as you have. But I would also want to go for curse-on-hit and doubel curses with something like ball lightning. And go with like Elemental Equilibrium for more dmg from spectre (if I use lightning, they use something else) Would still Queen's Escape be the weapon to go, as it have +1spectre, or soemthing like Midnight Bargin + a shield? I want alot of auras like you have too, so if I want to have them in 6l as you do I Would need a 2h :) But as I will need abit more nodes for minions + curses I will lose abit on defensive nodes. Would I still be able to tackle relativly high? Im not out for top-of-the line, more of a fun build for me Do you take Eldritch Battery + Mind over Matter to be able to spam more skills? Or do you take it for the "defensive" part too? As for my part I will only spam ball lightning so very low mana cost, would it be better to keep away from eldritch batter etc? How does Chaos Inoculation work nowadays? I remeber last time I played it was what most summones when with (was long ago). Or is it better to just pick hp hp and es nodes as needed after all the "good" ones? :) Alot of questions etc, but after my search your build is the most equal to what im out after :) So some inputs would be awesome |
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Not that I want to promote other builds, because I certainly love this build. Riding the tide of elemental destruction is awesome! I play several variants of Summoner builds. Huge fan!
But to answer the above post, if you are looking for a Spectre/Zombie build, then this is the one I recommend. I use it myself! [3.0] LL Classic Summoner - Shaper/Guardian Farmer - Have T16 Spectres WHENEVER you want: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1814091 |
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" Ya you are right! :) Absolutly nothing wrong with this build but for me right now thats more what Im out after. If I will play more and mostly with friends this is something I probly will look more into. |
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Hey I sent you a pm if you could check your messages is appreciate the help, tia
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Very nice build dude , does it still work?
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" it still does ofcourse, but not sure when 3.1 patch came out |
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