[3.0] Skeleton Mage build. 7 aura necromancer can both solo endgame maps and support party play

Build is expensive for beginers.Queens Escape sword is so damn expensive.250 300 500 chaos orb.what is best build for begginers form start to play to be cheap and to can farm some currency for other builds
Congrats on Build of the Week! Lvl 86 atm, working towards 90 so I can take down the Guardians and Shaper. I am going the Pledge route with 5 jewels and 2 reckonings:


Money sinks were jewels (20-25 chaos a piece when I bought them), 6 link pledge, and 21/20 Skellies. Everything else was self found or slapped together.

Only using 5-6 auras depending on solo/party, throw in Hatred when with others as well. Using less auras so MoM has more of an impact, and not using ZO or EB. Liking all the life regen I have from golem and not feeling TOO squishy.

Been running T10-T14 like a breeze, even scary modded ones. Only rough goings on non regen maps because of mana, but easily overcome by plodding more slowly and using hybrid flasks. Reflect also just makes you summon your skellies a little more, but they blow themselves up VERY fast.

AMAZINGLY fun build.
Last edited by sheeeeeeets#3568 on Aug 31, 2017, 6:45:02 AM
Congrats on build of the week!
Hi guy! One question,this build is HC viable?.
I am a player the hardcore,
Does it have good survival?

THX man and,congrats for the build of week!
Grats on build of the week :)

I've been using a Tabula Rasa while leveling and given that I have very little currency if I get a 6S of that chest piece you say to get I won't be able to run the 6L Skele's anymore. 6L Queen's Decree is like 480 to 500c :(

How many links does this need to be viable? Right now my Queen's Decree only has 4L. Will I be ok?
this is a very expensive build, found all the mandatory items so far, now the damn colors in the main weapon that are almost impossible to get.
definitely not a cheap build but i tried and i like this build..

congrats on being weekly build..
so far just missing
6L queen's and last 2 jewel..

Nice build playing it now and works good ! Also congratulations for making it to build of the week!
Congrats on the build of the week! I''m level 82 and enjoying the hell out of it.

For those saying this isn't a beginner build you're wrong. Run a 4L Queens to start, upgrade at later points. I've been using a 5L 3B-2G and haven't had any issues clearing T10-T12 maps. And a Victario's Influence 6S (links don't matter) is dirt cheap to craft, 4S is cheap to buy and just rotate auras as needed.

Only thing I changed was Summon Spectre instead of Spectral Guardian. I haven't even gotten around to purchasing To Dust jewels so I can't say what difference they make.
Last edited by SirJuggernaut#3982 on Aug 31, 2017, 3:58:11 PM
Hi there

I cant use more than 3auras because Anger Wrath Haste are 33% each and sum up to 99% ..

They are on Victario influence piece

What am is missing ?


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