[3.0] Crit US MoM Dark Pact ||optimised for speed, DPS and overall efficiency|| [Vids included]

Nice build, as always Invalesco - Finally some build that does great work with acuity.

Anyway I had quite a few questions, so away we go.
Why use cherri and not belly? The 80% chaos damage does seem nice, is it because of the already low increased spell damage we have? (just Apathy and perhaps method to madness if you choose to go VP route)

I considered going with void batteries instead (simply swap for bosses, and we can still have flame dash with super fast cast speed). Not only does the batteries give you high spell damage with 8 charges, but also up to 20% cast speed, and 100% crit chance per wand - Massive!!!

I am amazed you did the vorici jeweler method for 5 offing the chest, I thought it was only worth it for 4 socket items. Chrome calc. says 7K on average by using the 3B one. When you say jeweler method you do mean the one where you continuesly press 2 sockets -> 3 sockets (if fail go 2 sockets again) -> repeat?
Harmster wrote:
Nice build, as always Invalesco - Finally some build that does great work with acuity.

Anyway I had quite a few questions, so away we go.
Why use cherri and not belly? The 80% chaos damage does seem nice, is it because of the already low increased spell damage we have? (just Apathy and perhaps method to madness if you choose to go VP route)

I considered going with void batteries instead (simply swap for bosses, and we can still have flame dash with super fast cast speed). Not only does the batteries give you high spell damage with 8 charges, but also up to 20% cast speed, and 100% crit chance per wand - Massive!!!

I am amazed you did the vorici jeweler method for 5 offing the chest, I thought it was only worth it for 4 socket items. Chrome calc. says 7K on average by using the 3B one. When you say jeweler method you do mean the one where you continuesly press 2 sockets -> 3 sockets (if fail go 2 sockets again) -> repeat?

Thanks! :)

I'm using cherrubim's instead of belly primarily because DPS wise cherrubim > belly.

Void batteries would give you a huge DPS boost I agree! The only issue then would be having to keep up the power charges, which would be mandatory at that point.

Yup, exactly as you said. I managed to get 5 blues on a cherrubim's by using an average of 5k jewellers. The guy whom I bought my chest from did it within 1k, so it can vary.
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
Invalesco wrote:

Thanks! :)

I'm using cherrubim's instead of belly primarily because DPS wise cherrubim > belly.

Void batteries would give you a huge DPS boost I agree! The only issue then would be having to keep up the power charges, which would be mandatory at that point.

Yup, exactly as you said. I managed to get 5 blues on a cherrubim's by using an average of 5k jewellers. The guy whom I bought my chest from did it within 1k, so it can vary.

Yeah man, if keeping up the charges is a big problem you could use that other chest (unique carnal armour, cant remember the name) - use enduring cry in addition to abyssal one, and also get a bit of life regen which synergize very good with acuity :)

-EDIT: on the other hand, you have to drop storms every 6 seconds for that arcane surge buff anyway. I noticed sometimes however when the monsters die really fast the orb doesn't even proc the charges. To fix this you could take intuitive leap between witch and shadow for overcharged, melding and the mana passive.
Last edited by Harmster#3342 on Aug 14, 2017, 5:01:00 AM
i just wanna say ive blown over 25k chromes to try and 5b1g but got 5b1r twice...
dont bother... save urself the heart ache and get a carcass jack

edit - ended up buying a carcass jack
spent 200 jews and 20 fuse to 6 link + 1 chrome to get 5b+1g
Last edited by balanced#7262 on Aug 14, 2017, 8:10:57 AM
Why do you have so much mana, I have 2800 but I do not know what it is she needs me you could explain it to me because I do not completely mechanic game or build it
Once again(!), thank you for an excellent guide. I will follow your findings keenly.
H4mon wrote:
Why do you have so much mana, I have 2800 but I do not know what it is she needs me you could explain it to me because I do not completely mechanic game or build it

You want as much Mana as possible due to the Mind over Matter passive node. This allows your Mana pool to soak up a portion of damage instead of your HP, thus giving you overall survivability. Naturally, the more mana you have the more damage you can soak up and still have Mana remaining to cast with.

Thx for the guide, i found it very helpful.Started this league with a ranger frostblade build, and now i wanna make this one.I saw that there are plenty of dp build in the forum and didnt know which one should i pick, but when i saw that u didnt take vp, and the build still op without it i decided to make it.I have some question:Should i really go with sunder or eq?Normally i start always with mara aw totem, every league, so if i start with it, would it be bad?With a cheap facebreaker, some cheap starter unique, the leveleing would be easyier for me.(never did eq,sunder before)Or would it be too much to respec it?Second:How long can i go with divinarius?I found some stuff for the endgame gear, but if its too expensive now i wouldnt buy a perfect dagger if later they are cheaper.(atm dunno the prices)And the last:What are the more important gems in the 6link setup?Atm i cant buy a 6link chest from the recommended uniques, so i wanna know that should i buy a 5b or 4b1g chest.Thx in advance!Keep up the good work.
I was running some ubers today and got Acuity and this seems like the perfect build to reroll to with it... Instant leech MoM, reflect immunity and stun immunity.

One suggestion I'd have to improve the build (at least if main focus is mapping) would be Intuitive Leap with this placement http://i.imgur.com/Z151VBL.jpg

Seems pretty nice way to get all charges during mapping, some mana and some life for any crit MoM build.
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IGN: LessBow

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