[3.0] VP DP OP - Dark Pact Berserker - New Minotaur Facetank Video

Thank you! This build is my favorite melee build :)
imaiken wrote:
Thank you! This build is my favorite melee build :)

Not technically melee, but I laughed
what's the general purpose for the "steroid" setup? and why do you leave the arcane surge at lvl 11?
mallow wrote:
what's the general purpose for the "steroid" setup? and why do you leave the arcane surge at lvl 11?

Gives us a lot more cast speed and a lot more spell damage for the next 6 seconds. Very good way to start off a boss fight, and good to keep up as long as you can re-up without dying.

Arcane Surge Support triggers upon spending a fixed amount of mana, determined by the level of the gem. At level 20, in its 4L, Lightning golem costs 99 mana. Arcane Surge triggers at the following mana values for a select few levels.

10 - 64
11 - 80
12 - 99
13 - 121

We want arcane surge every time we cast our golem, so we can't level the support gem past 12. In addition, at 12, the trigger value is exactly the mana cost, which means if you pick up the tiniest bit of reduced mana cost of skills from somewhere, or you haven't leveled Lightning Golem all the way to 20, you won't trigger it. This is why I advise keeping Arcane Surge Support at 11. If you have your final gear/jewel/gem setup and you see that Lightning Golem costs 99 mana, feel free to level Arcane Surge Support to 12, however.
Last edited by Blight#3933 on Aug 25, 2017, 1:26:07 PM
Which Bandit are you helping or just kill all?
Ing: _DerikEX_
DerikEX wrote:
Which Bandit are you helping or just kill all?

Ah sorry I forgot to include it. I helped Alira. Eramir is a legitimate option though.
I might be missing something, forgive me if I am.

There appears to be a lot of mana not being used in this build. I thought maybe you went MoM as a result but you haven't. With some mana leech from ascendency I feel like you could reserve at least one other aura, no? Perhaps something defensive?
Alcsaar wrote:
I might be missing something, forgive me if I am.

There appears to be a lot of mana not being used in this build. I thought maybe you went MoM as a result but you haven't. With some mana leech from ascendency I feel like you could reserve at least one other aura, no? Perhaps something defensive?

There are no cheap auras that help us that we aren't already running, and we can't afford Grace, Haste or Determination. If you wanted to run one of the Purities for max res, no one is going to stop you, though. I suppose you could also run herald of ice or lightning, but elemental damage isn't going to do much for us other than increase our tooltip. Most monsters will resist most of it.

Honestly, I'd like to run another curse on blasphemy, but short of getting a super expensive amulet corruption (and finding another source for hitting the dex we need), we don't have the ability to apply two curses.
Last edited by Blight#3933 on Aug 25, 2017, 6:31:05 PM
May I ask why we use a lightning golem in the arcane surge setup as opposed to an orb of storms? This isn't me being critical or offensive in any way, just curious as I'm somewhat new to all this (yet I have logged a measly 200 hours). Oh and why no immortal call setup? Keep up the great work with the builds! Don't let the haters get to you :D
Kyumetso wrote:
May I ask why we use a lightning golem in the arcane surge setup as opposed to an orb of storms? This isn't me being critical or offensive in any way, just curious as I'm somewhat new to all this (yet I have logged a measly 200 hours). Oh and why no immortal call setup? Keep up the great work with the builds! Don't let the haters get to you :D

Orb of Storms doesn't actually buff us. Usually when a build does Orb of Storms on Arcane Surge, I'm under the impression they're also using Orb to proc Power Charge on Crit and/or Elemental Equilibrium and/or Elemental Overload, but we don't need to do any of that because we don't do elemental damage, and we get power charges automatically from CwDT - Blade Vortex, which we use instead of IC because of a variety of reasons I've gone over in the past. I'll quote the post below. In any case, Since Orb of Storms doesn't do anything for us, we might as well cast something that does, and Light Golem gives us more cast speed, which does the most for our DPS of any of the Golems, and puts less time between our heals to full.

lolbifrons wrote:
I don't use IC for four reasons. First, Brine King pantheon power makes it a lot less necessary, as it handles all the stuns IC did and more. Second, we are running Berserker, and leeching back all our health after a big (stunning) hit is better than being immune to subsequent phys-only damage. Third, we are running Berserker, and therefore not WM, and therefore we aren't generating endurance charges. A .6 second IC is a waste of our very valuable socket real estate. Last, IC doesn't generate power charges in boss fights. PCoC on BV does.
Last edited by Blight#3933 on Aug 25, 2017, 8:41:59 PM

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