Can't get credit for Kitava kill

Also having the issue, challenge list is not updated (still 4/5 on "Defeat these Act Bosses II"), but I can progress on maps.
Have this in Standard league. Relogging into different characters does nothing for me.
I just encountered the same problem. Standard. Tried /recheck_achievements. That did nothing.

I died like, 15-20 times, including once after Kitava did. I thought "Did I pass some hidden 'noob go home' limit, and now even the game is too embarrassed to let me keep playing?" But then I noticed the epilogue tab was available at the waypoint (didn't need to re-log).

Traveling to the epilogue via waypoint seems to have solved the issue for me.
having the problem that i couldn't loot the items bc i got teleported out, that's quite annoying

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