[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews

Winnie318 wrote:
So i got insanely lucky with a essence craft, was wondering what you think i should do to continue with this ring, pretty new to crafting so not sure if i should craft life and be good or attempt a exalt slam.

Any help would be appreciated

P.S Keep up the great work my dude really enjoying the build!

Awesome!!! And thanks ;) I would just craft life and use for a bit. When you're feeling lucky craft mana or es and slam.
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Last edited by n3mesis#3919 on Sep 1, 2017, 11:20:31 PM
that build is crap except for STD league
low res char w/o 10k dps on main skill will suck hard on maps lvl 10+
you take proj weakness (w knockback eff) w blasphemy against boss but you don't take King of the Hill node w 80% crit chance and knockback
you get shotgun bow style (melee range shots) due to point blank but you lose lots of damage of proj flying around after TS forks
I absolutely don't get the build:
- any ele reflect pwnz you
- you MUST constantly use flasks, what in the world ffs... always have to use 3 flasks at least to get decent resists, what is it like 10 seconds tops? my ass, that sucks
it's much more reliable to have 30-45k steady TS ranger/shadow with or w/o dot than to have that miracle flask charges once you get some crit in your face and have to refill your HP bar asap
nuff said
Last edited by n3mesis#3919 on Sep 2, 2017, 2:28:33 AM
fabregas88 wrote:
that build is crap except for STD league
low res char w/o 10k dps on main skill will suck hard on maps lvl 10+
you take proj weakness (w knockback eff) w blasphemy against boss but you don't take King of the Hill node w 80% crit chance and knockback
you get shotgun bow style (melee range shots) due to point blank but you lose lots of damage of proj flying around after TS forks
I absolutely don't get the build:
- any ele reflect pwnz you
- you MUST constantly use flasks, what in the world ffs... always have to use 3 flasks at least to get decent resists, what is it like 10 seconds tops? my ass, that sucks
it's much more reliable to have 30-45k steady TS ranger/shadow with or w/o dot than to have that miracle flask charges once you get some crit in your face and have to refill your HP bar asap
nuff said

not sure why my last post quoted someone else, but i am currently running a modified version of this build (more like blasting_cap's build) but i can run ele reflect maps with no issue as long as im careful.
Eninya wrote:

You're a tad underleveled for finishing the campaign. My chars all finish at level 67-69, depending on how fast I rush. Your characters are hidden, so I can't see your gear. In any case, start small with gathering your physical damage items. Steel Rings are out of your price range, but a Meginord, some cheap Gripped Gloves, a normal Drillneck, and a Deidbellow should be decent starter stuff. If you don't have a Doomfletch's Prism, yet, a Lioneye's Glare or Windripper will work fine.

Fixed now you can see my char sry it wasn't my foult poe have it on default didnt knew it, now just look how trash items im have...also i finished campaining on 66 still didnt able to lvl cuz maps too hard lmao even if i clear mobs boss has too much hp
fabregas88 wrote:
that build is crap except for STD league
low res char w/o 10k dps on main skill will suck hard on maps lvl 10+
you take proj weakness (w knockback eff) w blasphemy against boss but you don't take King of the Hill node w 80% crit chance and knockback
you get shotgun bow style (melee range shots) due to point blank but you lose lots of damage of proj flying around after TS forks
I absolutely don't get the build:
- any ele reflect pwnz you
- you MUST constantly use flasks, what in the world ffs... always have to use 3 flasks at least to get decent resists, what is it like 10 seconds tops? my ass, that sucks
it's much more reliable to have 30-45k steady TS ranger/shadow with or w/o dot than to have that miracle flask charges once you get some crit in your face and have to refill your HP bar asap
nuff said

While I wouldn't play this in hardcore for endgame content farming, it's what I'm running in HSC, where it's fine. It's great for mapping, even if the movement speed is lower than I'd like. So, your points...

-Point Blank is used for boss damage. It's not required, at all, for clearing maps.

-Ele Reflect is nullified by either Soul of Yugul + Sibyl's Lament, or going Scion with Elementalist + Pathfinder. Dropping a ring slot for Sibyl's is really no consequence in maps for me.

-The entire premise of using flasks in this build is running Pathfinder. How you could have read the first post and not understood that is beyond me. Uncapping resistances is tied to The Wise Oak flask, and with the flask nodes and Pathfinder it should cap your resistances during the effect. If not, there's also ToH, Dying Sun, and even Vinktar's.

-As for Tornado Shot (with another bow?), Doomfletch's function isn't measured on the tooltip and never has been. My tooltip DPS with Barrage is less than 8k DPS and less than 13k DPS with Lightning Arrow in my mapping gear. However, I still clear trash effortlessly. You stack physical damage to scale the bow into the stratosphere, as you always have. If you want a proper run of the DPS, punch your build into Path of Building. Personally, I dislike Tornado Shot without a lot of attack speed, and it's less effective than Lightning Arrow for clearing maps.

Draagz wrote:
Fixed now you can see my char sry it wasn't my foult poe have it on default didnt knew it, now just look how trash items im have...also i finished campaining on 66 still didnt able to lvl cuz maps too hard lmao even if i clear mobs boss has too much hp

Your damage probably sucks because there's no physical damage rolls on a lot of your gear that should have it. The bow scales entirely off of physical, which it then converts to elemental and all of the modifiers take effect.

Try to use Deidbellow for your helm slot (beware of no leech at low life), get some cheap rings and amulet with a physical roll and maybe some Ele damage if you can afford it. Buy some Gripped Gloves with a physical roll and life/resists. Attack speed, ele damage, and crit stats are luxury, so skip those for now.

Get rid of your chest. It would be better to use Foxshade for the damage, but at this point you might need survival from the slot. You have several options for a good chest for survival. The Perfect Form, Yriel's Fostering (phys version preferred), Lightning Coil (-60 light res), a cheap 6L (usually find solid corrupted ones for cheap), Hyrri's Ire (more dodge, no life and resists), and Queen of the Forest (life, resists, and movement speed with enough EV). Personally, I started out using Queen of the Forest, and later bought a corrupted 6L with the right link colors for cheap.

If you have trouble with Deidbellow, you can switch it for Rat's Nest, Starkonja, Alpha's Howl, Devoto's (lowers your phys damage) or any other life/res rare. Abyssus isn't a good choice starting out, especially before you get Taste of Hate. I recommend The Tempest's Binding when you can get it, as it's a pseudo-6L for your helm slot.
Last edited by Eninya#4548 on Sep 2, 2017, 4:14:01 AM
Why did you get Claw Critical Strike Chance and Multiplier skill tree points?
Path of Building values Chance to Bleed higher than Increased Critical Strikes in Barrage setup ( at least with your lvl of gear ), what is your opinion on that?
Last edited by DavorMarin#1258 on Sep 2, 2017, 5:16:52 AM
Level 100.
I made some slight modifications with the tree to go with max level. I switched out Kaom's for Yriels. LA dps= 320k dps and Barrage dps= 3.2m dps. POB doesn't take in account the extra damage I get from the Ursa bestial summon so probably closer to 350k and 4m respectively. This damage will be greater with rare belt but I'm using HH for extra fun.

Balancing Oak is going to take too much work unfortunately. Also everything on this guy is up for sale.

*Accidentally posted wrong paste bin and calculations. And now using LA instead of TS.
Last edited by mxleavitt#7480 on Sep 2, 2017, 6:32:33 AM

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