[3.2] That Doomfletch Life | 3.1 VIDEO GUIDE UP! Tree/PoB | All Content | Reviews

i cant seem to geteven close to the dmg you have!

could anyone check my build and see what i could do better?


Last edited by Kfcsauce#0741 on Aug 31, 2017, 8:24:19 AM
Kfcsauce wrote:
i cant seem to geteven close to the dmg you have!

could anyone check my build and see what i could do better?


The "5.42m" number is his DPS with all GG/Mirror gear setup running a +2 Barrage Abyssus with Blasphemy, Projectile Weakness, and anything else under the sun. I'm around 1.51m myself with all buffs as a glass cannon using a similar setup. (I don't use the Power Charge setup he does.)

A quick recommendation is quality gems. 20 quality usually isn't that bad, and neither is leveling them back up to 18 or so. It only gets expensive trying to buy the 21-23 level/quality ones does the price hurt. You could buy a belt with a better Elemental Damage roll as well.

I'd personally swap Increased Critical Strikes for Chance to Bleed, as it shows as a damage increase with your setup. You'll have to recolor your bow, though.
Ajaxcandy wrote:
darkspawnbr10 wrote:

I get it, tyvm. On these 2 bows, which one is better?

Lioneye's glare 4L can be purchased for 1 alch, death's opus around 10 chaos. Just start wtih Lioneye's glare and work your way up from there :)

Iplaywithsinged wrote:

Lightning Arrow 4L setup?

likely the best setup will be LA/LMP or GMP/Chance to Bleed/Elemental Damage with Attacks then The Tempest Binding adds lv 18 Ice Bite and Innervation making it a sudo 6L

Hey @Ajaxcandy, i got the doomfletch prism from a friend of mine and got some other items to finish the leveling phase, could you take a look and see what i should run to now?
Also, got a rat's nest yesterday, it really increase my dps, but shouldn't i sell it to get others items?
In the OP you write "Soul of Solaris with either Lady Stormflay's option or Penitentiary Incarcerator." but you can have all those extra bonuses on the pantheon at once, no need to choose.

Just thought I'd mention it.
First of all thank you very much for the guide.

I have a few questions as I'm relatively new to POE.

Is there a reason why you are using Orb of Storms lvl 1?

Do you switch helmets before bosses? I watched some Videos of you and you seem to have that cutted out? Do you also switch boots?

When fighting a Boss, do you just use the 4x Blue helmet? I mean you dont have Immortal Call in this case?

Sorry for these weird questions, but im kinda curious :)

Thanks again!
For the Ascend what do you go into exactly in order? I believe I don't see a 1/2/3/4 where you pick which ones to go in order. Or does it not matter?
First things first, the build looks awesome. I'm fairly new and was following the Doomfletch ElementalistScion build. But after looking here, it seems to be insane how much more damage this one seems to do. My main issue is I REALLY do not want to run TWO bows, granted I JUST got my first 6 link doomfletch prism on Harbinger. Is there any simple alternative? I was comparing the PoB build and gear to my character but I'm not as experienced as I'd like to be. Would you just recommend running Tornado shot if I wanted the well rounded skill?

Thanks in advance.
How are you guys farming for the 2 barrage projectiles? Or are you purchasing them? because they're so expensive. Also, if you are farming it, are you using twice enchanted prophecy each time?
Last edited by Jellybee85#1743 on Aug 31, 2017, 7:12:32 PM
mcnealstash wrote:

Wanted to share my roadrunner mapping setup that I'm currently using in harbinger league. I really love the guide but feel that you just don't need all of the damage that this build has to offer for farming everything up to T16 maps. For guardians/shaper/uber atziri it's definitely best to go for the abyssus/kaom's setup, but when you're trying to farm currency in maps as fast as possible there are a few changes you can make to boost your efficiency and maximize returns.

A few key items that differ in this build compared to the bossing setup:
1. Queen of the forest- the first 6L chest you should buy if you want to maximize efficiency and returns, it will increase your clearspeed in maps drastically as you zip around the map. Once you have yourself a QoTF, it's time to buy a flask of reflexes to boost your movespeed even further. No wiseoak is definitely a hit to damage, but you will still be 1 shotting rares in lower tier maps without it anyway.
2. Bisco's amulet- a really broken item that should not be in the game- for currency farming this is a must have. Rarity of items line doesn't matter that much- divine for high increased quantity of items.
3. +2 tornado shot projectile helm- I recommend rat's nest or starkonja's for the extra move speed and extra evasion rating to further boost your QoTF movespeed. +2 barrage isn't needed because killing bosses takes a fraction of the time it takes to clear the map itself.

Still tinkering with gems to figure out what I like most- not using vaal haste at the moment because I don't feel like I really need it. Grace is great for more evasion rating/ move speed via queen and layering our defense as we're a little squishier than with kaoms.

Nice setup! Feel like MS is a bit undervalued here since its more of a bosskiller thread. Probably doing sonething similar with my next character (not bow).

Just out of curiosity - was surviving an issue in maps/beachhead? What maps were you primarly farming with this and how does evasion hold up against harbingers compared to life?

And is +2 barrage that much of a non-factor? With 6l barrage and good gear probably not. But if barrage is only 5linked (around 30-45%less dmg), bisco's (25%), rings aren't good, some flasks missing...those things can add up rather quickly and lead to rather annoying boss encounters. That said..even skipping bosses with biscos is so much better than oneshotting without...

But overall..I'm quite happy with the "small variant" of this with devotos+biscos. Was forced into devotos first..but now don't really feel like paying 25+ ex for an uprade in two encounters with 2mill+ shaper dps already [with 5l abyssus is kind of a big deal though]. Nice to see that a pure speedfarming approach is working as well.

xpunx wrote:
First things first, the build looks awesome. I'm fairly new and was following the Doomfletch ElementalistScion build. But after looking here, it seems to be insane how much more damage this one seems to do. My main issue is I REALLY do not want to run TWO bows, granted I JUST got my first 6 link doomfletch prism on Harbinger. Is there any simple alternative? I was comparing the PoB build and gear to my character but I'm not as experienced as I'd like to be. Would you just recommend running Tornado shot if I wanted the well rounded skill?

Thanks in advance.

The Tempest's Binding with Lightning Arrow, or Tornado Shot, functions like a pseudo-6L, and it's what I use for mapping and farming. The price has tanked on them, so you can pick one up for 50-70c unenchanted. You'll deal less total DPS than with Abyssus, but you won't need a weapon swap. You also won't be saddled with the massive physical damage increase.

Scion can work with this build if leveling a new character is something you don't want to do. Pathfinder is more of a min/max and a reliable way to sustain your unique flasks. I was running a Raider for a long time before switching in the 80s, and Neversink runs a similar Doomfletch build as a Scion. Personally, I feel Pathfinder is the best for endgame with this build.

I've advocated in this thread to keep Abyssus for boss killing only, as it is brutally difficult to stay alive versus physical with it. I had trouble surviving with pretty much any setup wearing it, and I think only a Lightning Coil combined with Pathfinder bonuses, Taste of Hate, and Vinktar's (mitigation) could offset the tremendous physical damage intake. I don't wear it outside of Shaper/possibly Uber Atziri.

AkashaMoka wrote:
For the Ascend what do you go into exactly in order? I believe I don't see a 1/2/3/4 where you pick which ones to go in order. Or does it not matter?

I would go for Master Alchemist first to have a reliable immunity to status effects. After that, you can go for Veteran Bowyer or Natura's Adrenaline at your leisure.
Last edited by Eninya#4548 on Aug 31, 2017, 7:42:54 PM

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