Thank You

Lord Wilson, we don’t deserve you.

I know I don't have all the banners next to my name. But thanks for the great game, the minor $$'s I have put towards it are well spent. Hopefully I can support more in the future.
Thanks Chris, GGG and the community! We made it awesome!

Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Aug 7, 2017, 5:11:36 AM
Thank you for creating this amazing game and for the thousands of hours of entertainment i had playing Path of Exile. Thanks for developing it continuesly. Thanks GGG!
The expansion is super, super fun. Love the new acts sofar, thank you guys great work.
LostArtz wrote:
LostArtz wrote:
Thank you, Chris Wilson <3
Thank you, Chris Wilson <3
It's been a real pleasure to support Grinding Gear Games financially.

It feels like I must have waited about a year to give you guys any money but you're worth every penny I've put into the game now.

I hope my old Standard League characters will get to play through the FoO story though because otherwise we might have a falling out ;oP

Best of luck for the future too, you guys make an amazing game.

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