Thank You

No! Thank you Chris and everyone else at GGG for making such an amazing game!
You guys are da best. Seriously.

With 3.0's release, it can surely be said without a doubt, that Path of Exile is truly the best Action-RPG that has ever existed.


Last edited by dizz#2756 on Aug 7, 2017, 4:22:27 AM
*Double post error was here*
Last edited by Twisticals#7633 on Aug 7, 2017, 4:25:33 AM
Ty Chris 😊
Hardcore is how we play ™

Best ladder ranking so far: OhSnapIsRerolling, rank 85 HC Nemesis League
The years of work are so worth it, myself and my buddies have had an amazing weekend playing PoE.

so my thanks to all, and you Chris!

Only just started playing's epic, dark and gory - love it !
Thank you for everything guys!
I'd like to thank you, Chris and friends. Path of Exile is an amazing game and it's brought me many many hours of enjoyment. Thank you!
My thanks its not enough to say to this dev team .
It is an amazing job.
Excellent list of how making great software is less about the devs and more about the users.

Which begs the question of where devs get the right to exclusively profit.

Anyone can contribute to the development of any idea.
And that's all any number is.
An idea.
And that's all any program is.
A number.

Creative commons the code and art. Run the servers with a donation button.

But no, we're not adult enough of a species for that yet. Too much fear, too much greed, too much ego.

As for the endless thanking and worshipful comments...

I'm tired of people speaking like GGG is doctors without borders.

POE is a for-profit economic model almost identical to a casino.

Please stop speaking like they gave you a gift as opposed to making a gamble and an investment and a monopoly and a sales pitch.

The level of disconnect between reality and implication in this community is literally religion tier.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen#6153 on Aug 7, 2017, 4:38:21 AM

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