Constant disconnects when loading zones

I cant even get into the game, and on the rare occasion that I actually load into a town, it won't load anywhere. Contemplating to reinstall on African internet, meaning I will only be able to play tomorrow.
yo GGG, a reminder dx11 is still bugged for some people.
Zasslean wrote:
Contemplating to reinstall on African internet, meaning I will only be able to play tomorrow.

Don't bother, it will not help. You'd just be wasting your time.
An update on my situation. I played 8 hours today and spend at least 2 of those hours logging back in after a crash. I crash almost every damn time I change an instance, even just going from town to town. Also lagging has started again.

Just prior to the major upgrade my system worked fine with the game. From day one I've had nothing but constant problems.

I hope a lot of the new players get bored so the lesser load on the servers improve performance.

Would I recommend this game to a friend. As it stands now NEVER EVER.
I am also experiencing disconnects on loading an area. It's strange though how I can go 8 hours of play without dcing at all, then suddenly get dc on loading screen many many times in a row. I'm at a loss. Really hope GGG can narrow down this issue and resolve it hastily.
Exoeriencing the same from startup when 3.0.0 hits the live servers.
Also im realy dissapointed that ggg not even noticed or responds to this kind of problem not even a small statement that theyll work on it or something like that.
Just wierd to not be able playing a game cause of zone disconnection.
#rip poe :c
what the fuck ggg? where's the acknowledgement or any kind of communication with your players? this thread is huge now and there's still nothing at all
Yep this lack of communication looks like they ignore this thread despite it being pretty hot and having a lot of on-topic reports.

To be more on-topic, I'd like to give a bit of information that might be useful... for someone. As I started playing I had an issue of game freezing on the loading screens every few zones (or sometimes just every zone) and after some searchings I tried to disable all launch parameters (which for me was only --noasync). That brought be to another problem: I did not get my game frozen but instead it would randomly log me out on loading screens just as I mentioned. I didn't have to relaunch the game though and it was, well, tolerable until I got to Belly of the Beast in act 9. I DC'd two times in a row and it was then when I decided to go to forums once more (having no GGG replies in this thread since its creation is quite ridiculous) and politely and humbly ask to fix your shit. Because my shit is ok, as you can see in my profile I had no such troubles playing this game and leveling characters to the 90s on this PC previously. If I had THAT bad PC that cannot load a world zone in leveling process, I wouldn't play vaal spark for multiple times right?
And if you are unable to hotfix your shit (which is very understandable) please say so at the least! I'll wait patiently for the patch in which you will hopefully solve the issue instead of making long posts in where they don't belong.
AwakeningTheChaos wrote:
Yep this lack of communication looks like they ignore this thread despite it being pretty hot and having a lot of on-topic reports.

To be more on-topic, I'd like to give a bit of information that might be useful... for someone. As I started playing I had an issue of game freezing on the loading screens every few zones (or sometimes just every zone) and after some searchings I tried to disable all launch parameters (which for me was only --noasync). That brought be to another problem: I did not get my game frozen but instead it would randomly log me out on loading screens just as I mentioned. I didn't have to relaunch the game though and it was, well, tolerable until I got to Belly of the Beast in act 9. I DC'd two times in a row and it was then when I decided to go to forums once more (having no GGG replies in this thread since its creation is quite ridiculous) and politely and humbly ask to fix your shit. Because my shit is ok, as you can see in my profile I had no such troubles playing this game and leveling characters to the 90s on this PC previously. If I had THAT bad PC that cannot load a world zone in leveling process, I wouldn't play vaal spark for multiple times right?
And if you are unable to hotfix your shit (which is very understandable) please say so at the least! I'll wait patiently for the patch in which you will hopefully solve the issue instead of making long posts in where they don't belong.

I have the exact same issue after 3.0....
I also had --noasync and was having a frozen screen on loading then i disable it and since then i have pretty common DC on loading screen.
And the most weird thing is i also had a lot of disconects in act 9 Belly and that is weird because i mostly DC when trying to enter a town and rarely on loading to some area with monsters..
So it is porbaly some problem on GGG side and not our pcs i would think..

And yeah the lack of any answers from GGG on this problem is VERY annoying...
Same here, disconnects almost every zone but whatever, I'm used to the game's shit optimization. But some maps are just impossible to play. Like stated the end of act9 just WILL NOT load, I tried for hours and the only thing that works is ctrl+clicking the entrance and making a new instance BUT if you do that the textures will never load, EVERYTHING aside from your character will be just a black silhouette.

Anyway, still waiting for a patch, or hotfix because this wasn't happening before 3.0

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