[Tool] Stash Scanner, trading tool

Stash scanner is an open source lightweight item search tool that works directly with PoE stash API.
It serves mainly as a live search tool for sniping and flipping items

  • Advanced searching capabilities, comparable to poe.trade
  • Supports currency conversion based on rates from poe.ninja
  • Automatically generates filters for valuable items based on prices from poe.ninja
  • Allows for currency rates and prices customization to better suit your needs
  • Allows you to configure your own item filters which can:
    - have their price be based on API prices
    - relate to other filters, allowing easier management
    - use custom mods to complement missing mods or allow for more advanced searches
  • Alerts when a match is found, a notification message is shown and a whisper message is copied to the clipboard
  • Directly connects to the PoE stash API. without a middleman, you can get your results faster

Please leave a feedback if you have any problems or suggestions.

Visit project page on Github
Last edited by menia#0266 on Aug 5, 2017, 8:52:31 AM
Last bumped on Jun 9, 2018, 12:27:22 PM
Of what i can tell this looks freaking amazing! thanks for sharing :)
My Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1288489/ (Standard)
will look at this when 3.0 starts, good share thanks.
Seems like a great program, really looking for using it in 3.0, but are the new leagues are going to be added automatically?
Updated for Harbinger league with a few other changes.
is there any way to search offering of the goddess? tried to implement them in the filter but it doesn't work. if it works can you tell me how?

thanks for sharing btw

daddyjay wrote:
is there any way to search offering of the goddess? tried to implement them in the filter but it doesn't work. if it works can you tell me how?

thanks for sharing btw

think you're just misspelling it. its offering to the goddess.
btw, i posted an update today, make sure you have the latest version
Just wanted to chime in and say this is a great start and has huge potential to be a great tool. Very good work! A few requests that would go a long way for tailoring results:

1) Enable/Disable through the UI of filters. I think it is awesome that you have so many pre-loaded filters. But I mostly focus on a few items that I know will sell regardless of market swings and look for deals on those. The current filter list is way too much noise for my tastes (even if they are potentially great deals). I prefer to start small with a set of items tailored for stats I know would sell and then work up into other items as I get a feel for the market.
2) Min price per item. Again this is an in the weeds detail, but allows you to filter out junk offers per item as the min price varies pretty greatly depending on the item and some of these can be great opportunities to flip.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!
jddc78 wrote:
Just wanted to chime in and say this is a great start and has huge potential to be a great tool. Very good work! A few requests that would go a long way for tailoring results:

1) Enable/Disable through the UI of filters. I think it is awesome that you have so many pre-loaded filters. But I mostly focus on a few items that I know will sell regardless of market swings and look for deals on those. The current filter list is way too much noise for my tastes (even if they are potentially great deals). I prefer to start small with a set of items tailored for stats I know would sell and then work up into other items as I get a feel for the market.
2) Min price per item. Again this is an in the weeds detail, but allows you to filter out junk offers per item as the min price varies pretty greatly depending on the item and some of these can be great opportunities to flip.

Thanks again and keep up the good work!

thanks for the feedback.
1) you can disable automatic filters pretty easily. see guide
2) the min price is mainly to help filter out misplaced items. didnt see the need to include min price per item. can you give an example of a case that would justify it?

if you really want, you can customize every automatic item filter anyway you want by:
1. disabling the automatic filter for that item.
prices tab -> advanced -> find the filter -> set filter state override to disable. (example).
make sure to hit apply to save your changes
2. make a filter based on it, and customize it however you like. (example)
Note the price you get from the parent filter is the item value. so I put `-5 c` to indicate I want 5c profit.

in your case you can set a min price there instead
Last edited by menia#0266 on Aug 23, 2017, 1:50:27 PM
Failed retrieving latest ID from API
HTTP Code 403

Any ideas?

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