The Last Weekend for Legacy League, Legacy Hat, Classic Mystery Box and Legacy Supporter Packs!

Rip legacy and all the builds that are going with it, even though the micromanagement got old i'll be wishing i was back there all 3.0.
Also RIP 3.0 Path of Exile!
To all the girls in the red high-heeled shoes,
they took all our money and stole all our boos.
They ain't got their cherries, but that's no sin,
they still got the box the cherry came in!
got something for sure...
Last edited by bustr#6583 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:13:45 PM
"Aug 01, 2017 12:00 AM" that's why I can't stand the 12-hour format.

Is the above time indicating midday or midnight?
If midnight, is the midnight between the 31st and the 1st or between the 1st and the 2nd?
Whoever made the change to frenzy and power charges fire them! You did ok with the flasks nerfs not to much not to little but stop while you're ahead. These changes along with everything else is going to limit build diversity so much people will quit after they tried the 4 strong builds that felt nice. The only reason you have so many people playing right now is because build diversity is so good and people want to try new build. If GGG stays on this pace this will be the largest amount of people flooding into POE but also them most people quitting after 6-8 weeks also.
fred84 wrote:
"Aug 01, 2017 12:00 AM" that's why I can't stand the 12-hour format.

Is the above time indicating midday or midnight?
If midnight, is the midnight between the 31st and the 1st or between the 1st and the 2nd?

Even though it's technically improper to use am/pm with 12:00 because meridiem (the m in am/pm) means Midday, therefore Noon cannot be before or after itself, "12:00 am" is colloquially used to mean Midnight while "12:00 pm" is Noon.

And Midnight always starts a day, never ends it. Aug 01, 2017 Midnight - 11:59:59 pm is the full day of Aug 01.
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
The Legacy League will end at Aug 01, 2017 12:00 AM (This is displayed in your local time)

As expected, monday, midnight.

that's why I can't stand the 12-hour format

It seems that there's not even am exact definition (crap system, LOL). But since most (all?) appearances lack a 'zero' hour, 12:01 AM is clearly NOT at noon and so should/must? 12:00 AM be taken too.
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &

The Legacy League will end at Jul 31, 2017

Never been so happy to see these words in my life!
Archwizard wrote:
"12:00 am" is colloquially used to mean Midnight while "12:00 pm" is Noon.

so you go 11pm -> 12am -> 1am ? good lord, I hope you can see how it does not make any sense whatsoever to an outsider.

Thanks for the explanation :)

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