Upcoming Unique Items
Aw damn I was really excited .
Maybe that exact example is dead. Further balance is to come,it needs to tip to make these new uniques viable. |
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Helm is probably bad but will see if some one ever use it becouse Dex is never been popular becouse obvios resons. Armor is to strong, i mean we got so many crapy uniq its hard not be and even then it simply dont ahve comparasion in rare items to begin with. Sword is retarded, all i can say its gona be some 1H EQ weaspon becosue seriosly i dont see logic to it. All i can think is dual this weapons shome how granting -2 frenzy and usin -1 frenzy jewel and then in some wierd logic gaining all bonuses..? |
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" How is it too strong? It's got alot of text but none of the text actually does much of anything. Evasion/ES/Life is far inferior to the defensive stats of vendor trash rares. The cooldown reduction is nice if the range goes high enough but if the max is 30% it's rubbish. Frenzy charge on trigger suffers from the Chain Reaction mechanic, in that only a single trap per throw gets triggered by an enemy, meaning 15% chance per throw to get a charge regardless of how many traps each throw consists of. Sunblast/Cheap Construction and none of your traps get triggered by enemies so no charge for you. 30% chance to get phasing is cute but again, inconsistent and the actual impact of phasing a bit every now and then is neglible. Life/ES per trigger same thing, only a single trigger per throw if you're using Chain Reaction, none with Sunblast which means as a recovery mechanic these are utterly irrelevant. So in total the defensive stats are crap, the offensive stats are non-existant and the utility stats are marginal. |
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" You don't get it, the fact that these uniques exist mean that they are taking place of other loot which could drop or spawn from various reasons, like the mystery box prophecy, or using chance orbs in items, i'm not even sure how the normal loot works, if other drops would be disrupted by it... then it's a real solid reason to be pissed, i don't wanna find any of these trash instead of all the older trash/not so trashy uniques we see, lets all hope that vendor gives lots of alchemy shards from them or i will start learning better how to customize my loot filter to NEVER see or hear them. Heh... then maybe i will forget they were ever created, freaking ABOMINATIONS. Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please! Last edited by The_Risen#6326 on Jul 25, 2017, 11:36:43 PM
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I'm a "new player" (around 400hrs) and my mind is telling me: "Do a Lacerate build with ahn's might" it is irresistible to try it O.O HYPE!!!
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Soul Tether is the only unique concept I was interested in working into any of my builds, but, even looking at the belt by itself, the downsides are way too steep.
The "Your Energy Shield starts at zero" and "You lose 5% of Energy Shield per second" detriments really need to be removed. These downsides make the benefits of the belt untenable. I really want precisely the gain of switching leech from life to ES when at full life, but the detriments are simply too much. I expect that if I used this belt, I would just get one-shot by a boss's opening strike at the start of the fight or at the start of a phase in a boss fight that has phases. Even the start of every map would be horridly life-threatening. No amount of leech or ES-sustain will be worth anything if I just die to bosses' opening strikes because I am starting the fights at 50% to 75% EHP. It's a shame. I want that unique property so badly, but starting boss fights with 50% to 75% EHP seems like asking to be killed. If that wasn't bad enough and you need more convincing that the cost of the belt is too high compared to the gain, consider also the loss of stats from a rare belt or other unique belts. That was where I thought I would have an issue with the belt when I first considered it - just trying to manage the loss of life and resists from a rare belt. However, my subsequent thought about how likely a bosses' opening strike or opening combo attack is to simply one-shot me is even more compelling to me than that. Last edited by _Amaranth_#5170 on Jul 26, 2017, 2:08:56 AM
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That sword just horrible , same as others only armour seems usable at all.Honestly i think this is the worst new uniques so far.Ahn's Might is literaly vendor trash you could add %15 MORE AOE but noo you add "increased aoe" seriously why this sword even exist.
no longer playing
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calling it now:
Speaker's Wreath - few Chaos Doubt this will ever be considered as an endgame helm for multiple reasons. The first is that summoners generally run auras with high ES. Something that this helm isn't particularly good for. Even with ES being nerfed hardcore for 3.0 the witch doesn't really have a choice as str and life nodes are a good distance away. It also doesn't help that it wants Dex instead of Str. This will be an extremely niche item. Tinkerskin - Multiple Exalts Traps are pretty neat. The fact that this recovers life and ES on trigger is enough to make this valuable. The chance to gain frenzy is just a bonus. Soul Tether - Chunk of Chaos/Maybe an Exalt I can see this being useful with how 90% of the community will go life after 3.0 due to ES nerfs. Ahn's Might - Alteration It's all abou the clearspeed META and that negative 40% atk speed for movement skills at that level is abysmal. |
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" That belt isn't meant for an ES build. You build heavy amounts of life and life regen. 4% of life is added as ES. So, it is essentially just a decent bonus to your life. If your build hits quickly and sustains well then this isn't bad. Far from it actually. It can definitely be used a decent number of melee builds. The concept pushes players to dive in and stay active, which is good. The only real issue is that the belt doesn't come with res or life. If those were added i would be sold on that belt and i am sure a lot of people would be. Last edited by shinigamiscall#6014 on Jul 26, 2017, 5:30:15 AM
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Wtf? Seriously this soul tether was my idea that I give in forums.ppl replied my post they share their ideas. Give me credit at least why u do that
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