Upcoming Unique Items
" Some of them? More like all of them.... Speaker's Wreath is just worse than The Baron, because even if it might be barely possible to push pure-SRS dps higher (not convinced it is, necro auras grant a lot of attack speed that'll just stack additively with this bonus), your clearspeed will tank because your minions aren't critting every pack to ignite them all. Tinkerskin is just a "what are you doing GGG do you actually ever play trappers at all? because that isn't how you play a trapper" armor. Which I guess isn't surprising since Saboteur literally has no usable 4th ascendancy for a non-trap/mine hybrid build. Like, wtf do they even mean "As long as you can keep tossing traps at enemies, Tinkerskin provides powerful recovery mechanisms"? Last I checked we don't have GMP trap shotguns. 100 hp per trap is not meaningful. The frenzy charge is the only thing I see trappers getting any use out of. If someone builds an actually good build around this unique, I'll consider being impressed, but I don't expect it. Soul Tether just looks outright useless. If it just said "+40 strength. You have 4% more maximum life", would people use it? Because it's just strictly worse than that and outside of hardcore I think literally the only build that would use what I just described is pure RF, which doesn't leech. This is giving the life-based leech builds something they just didn't ask for and don't want. I don't see any way this will get used in literally any high-end builds unless they buff it to more like 10% of max life becoming energy shield. Ahn's Might is just a weak weapon. The stat requirement is totally unwarranted. It doesn't even have a buffed attack speed?? If its base crit chance was like _doubled_ I could see it being usable, but as it stands it looks like a weapon that will be dual-wielded by some ultra-niche Assassin build running one copy of pacifism and just trying some hilarious crit melee splash viper strike or something from there. Being able to have maximum frenzy charges with only 1 pacifism and without running blood rage might actually turn out interesting-ish. But even with +100 critical strike multi, I don't think the damage will be good. Clearspeed might be tolerable with the AoE bonus though. Last edited by codetaku#0468 on Jul 24, 2017, 9:44:59 PM
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Safe to say Ahn doesn't like charges and is trying to make a set of uniques that require him to have 6 jewel sockets for 2 each of the minus max charges jewels all so he can gain bonuses that are no where near worth the investment of 6 jewel sockets and 3 unique items. LET ALONE the loss of charges, or the other insane down sides that are needlessly put on these items.
I really feel bad for the guy, these items are worse than bad, and they cost him a large sum of money. And I feel like the Dev's have to be seeing this guys item proposals and going "well okay, I guess we can do that, he's the one writing the check". Did he know about ZiggyD's belt or the improvements to Raider when he was making that daft perma onslaught shield? There are better ways to do what his shield does that actually have decent mods and much less downside. Now there's a sword, with a end game level that does Cruel difficulty damage, all so you can have 50 crit multi with a 5% base crit chance and about a worthless amount of AOE increase, that also leverages needing to devote 2 more jewel slots for minus max frenzy charges, and it has another downside as if that wasn't bad enough.. Oh well, I mean before someone accuses me of being a gear snob, I am one of the few people that liked Shaper's touch gloves and I am always using odd gear or trying things like having 0 max frenzy charges to have Raider Onslaught and Phasing permanently up. it's just that Ahn's uniques just scream over thinking and over estimation of what's powerful and worthy of a harsh downside. Oh well his money I guess, but then again it's kinda terrible knowing I may some day drop one of these dogs in SSF that could have been something decent. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" I think its for the nulls bow as a few ppl have suggested. That bow needs 212 dex and summons animate weapons or whatever on kill with the bow, so if ur minions cant actually kill things and u can cull everything with whatever they use, chain split arrow? I dunno, but it seems like that ignite thing could be a buff for the build. The bow itself has minion damage % per dexterity. I dunno, I dont play these goofy gimmick item builds but I guess someone out there is going to use that one for the build. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" It has 5 crit chance when it's main bonus seems to be multiplier, that's basically a downside stat requirement is another downside movement skill penalty is a downside -1 frnezy is a downsize though I get that he's got a theme going of trying to get 0 max charges it'sstill a powerful penalty and as if that isn't enough it's got terrible DPS and AS it and the shield are like gag items, only I'm not chuckling when I hear a unique drop and the pool of rolls is diluted by this junk. There are enough bad uniques without adding his joke items. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" the only thing i can think of is the 3rd unique. has to be something insane on it that makes the other 2 work with it to give the power needed to make up for so much investment. |
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Thoughts on the uniques:
Speaker's Wreath: Finally something worthwhile to scale through Dex, but I have a feeling it's going to be used almost exclusively for SRS. They already have the fire damage to ignite stuff so the drawback is pretty meaningless on such a build if you don't want to bother with culling. For other minions it might be a boon since minion movement speed is the main problem in getting minion builds to actually feel decent. Trouble is that it takes a lot of Dex to make the boosts feel meaningful. Tinkerskin: Considering all those bonuses it almost seems mandatory for trappers. Sure, it doesn't offer any resistances, but the defensive and offensive boosts are almost always going to be better since resists can be found elsewhere. Bit of a pity it doesn't work so well with Sunblast. Mines have nodes and bonuses that work when they are activated and target an enemy, so why not a couple things of the same sort for traps when they trigger at the end of their duration and target an enemy? Soul Tether: Gonna be hard to work with but also might make some pretty interesting or at least different builds. Ahn's Might: Damage-wise Ahn's is second only to Varunastra in terms of physical DPS and depending on what rolls it has could probably surpass Varunastra's baseline. At the values shown with quality as well it's about 315 DPS compared to Varunastra's max 324. So it's got the base damage, but the rest of the mods are lackluster even for a stat stick. Obviously the 40% reduced attack speed for movement skills is bad for any build that uses attack movement skills. Spell movement skills won't be affected but the other stats don't really lend Ahn's Might to caster builds. +50% crit multi at max frenzy charges would only be used as a stat stick since the base 5% crit on it means it's pretty bad as a crit weapon. Assuming the "Of Destruction" suffix mod on weapons stays in the game at 35-38% global crit multi, that's a small 12-15% difference in crit multi compared with a rare that can give other things on top of the crit multi. And since it's a sword one could just use a thrusting sword offhand to get more crit multi than Ahn's without drawbacks or having to invest in strength. +15% increased area of effect is very sad after the 2.6 changes to AoE. There are several other uniques that would give 10% AoE without having to stay at 0 frenzy charges. Combining the 50% crit multi and 15% AoE? Don't even bother. The cost for that single wield is 2 Pacifism jewels which means a huge loss of crit multi or other stats. Just use one of the 10% AoE uniques that don't punish you with fewer frenzy charges or the reduced attack speed on movement skills. The opportunity cost of actually trying to use Ahn's Might's unique stats are significant and make it damn near useless in terms of actually being a unique someone would equip for its unique stats. The only time I could see it actually get used is as a transition weapon if a generic 300+ phys DPS sword wasn't available to the character for some reason. If Ahn's Might was merely meant to be a generic big damage 1h sword that would be replaced for a few chaos spent either directly buying one or just crafting one by the time one starts mapping then sure, it does its job. If it was meant to actually be unique and interesting then the mechanics could maybe sorta be useful (though not unique because anyone can get crit multi or AoE) but the numbers make it pretty bad compared to merely decent rares. Concerning dual wield Ahn's Might: The combination of 80% reduced attack speed on movement skills and 5% base crit chance means few attack builds will want to use its unique stats and no caster builds would bother. Maybe an Assassin could compensate for the low crit, but that reduced attack speed on movement really hurts. Also, since going DW with this means using 1 Pacifism jewel to get max 0 frenzy charges, that's still a loss of flexibility and power. Or I guess the reduced movement would be worked around with weapon swap and/or something like Flame Dash if you want to be a bit masochistic. If that's the case then DW Ahn's might have something going for it for various builds including the dev-mentioned lacerate. The 30% increased AoE is equivalent to a level 1 Increased AoE Support so it might be enough AoE. Single wield as primary hitter or stat stick? The opportunity cost seems too high due to double Pacifism jewels. 15% increased AoE is equivalent to roughly 7.2% increased AoE radius so maybe it's worth it. Personally, I won't even bother with it. Mods aren't interesting enough to entice the Johnny in me. Oh, devs, you spelled Heritage wrong when talking about Ahn's Might. Only one 'r' and not two. :p Last edited by Jackalope_Gaming#1826 on Jul 24, 2017, 10:04:58 PM
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In my opinion those will go straight to the vendor or trash stash.
I was hoping for something that might save poison from being dead. :( |
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Thank You :D LOUIE!!!!!!!
The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies. Last edited by mezion7#1788 on Jul 24, 2017, 10:06:36 PM
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This is interesting.
I want to know firstly how Dark Pact works with Trap Support, if they do work together, I will want to get my hands on Tinderskin and do a Dark Pact Trapper. "Dead DPS is 0 DPS"
- Rules of Gaming |
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" Yeah maybe that's it, it does kinda feel like there might be some sort of set bonus like interaction that makes the other two items a little more worth all the crazy downsides they have. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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