Upcoming Unique Items

Well damn. Now I am sort of hype for trapper which I have never played.
grepman wrote:
Dark_Chicken wrote:
Dark_Chicken wrote:
Lets just call it like it is, they are all useless vendor trash, except maybe for midget, hamster league when you start over and over to gather other, similar vendor trash items to get to 60-80.. yawn

Can't you supporters who dropped 1k or whatever it is for designing uniques come up with something nearly as or as useful as Skyforth?? Like seriously, im pretty sure we can ALL AGREE this game has enough mountains and heaps of useless items, no?
no, we cannot all agree.
this game has the best designed uniques out of any arpgs Ive played

and not to toot my own horn here, but Ive likely forgotten more arpgs than most people in this thread have combined for playing.

there are very few truly useless uniques in the game. them being common or having little power for your build(s) doesnt make them useless

This guy gets it.
Nice, so more garbage uniques that will drop and ruin the immersion of unique findings.

Hyped for new skills, etc.

Now my hype is dying down seeing this.


"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Clutch_Perry wrote:
I love the whining/criticisms from people with 12 challenges or less, lol. Never change, PoE forums.

shadowraiden wrote:

how do you know ive never played a single trap character

Because of how wrong you are.

i dont judge knowledge on challenges they are nothing and not why i play the game. also are nothing to be proud over as just go SC and grind head against wall and you have them even a monkie can be trained to do that.
each to their own on that playstyle guess it keeps kids occupied with the carrot atleast.
Being an avid trapper, I'd still not use the trap-specific new chest piece Tinkerskin over something like Carcass Jack, unless possibly if the CDR range goes way higher (40%+) than the example shown.
Soul Tether & Tenderskin both look interesting :o
shadowraiden wrote:
how do you know ive never played a single trap character ive been playing them longer then you have the game.
i dont keep characters around. play HC and as soon as i die i delete them including their stash and start again completely fresh.

Because this game has achievements. And before you (just) set your profile to private, I could see you had none of the trap-specific ones. Also, what the guy above me said, you clearly being wrong about everything is another dead giveaway.

It's funny because you've literally never even beaten Mercy-Malachai, Atziri, or Uber-lab according to your own profile(which you JUST switched to private, evidently because this thread embarrassed you). But for some reason that gives you authority to speak on how this game is "supposed" to be played and condescend to everyone else...especially regarding builds you've literally never even played.

As for me, this is my second account(original didnt have an 8, feel free to check it), and I have cleared content you've never even seen before you even started playing(feel free to check, my profile is wide open because I'm not blatantly lying like some people).

But even with a private profile, can still be seen that this is your 'best' league yet in terms of challenges with a whopping 13(your previous record was 8) so keep talking about how amazing you are. Just another armchair theorycrafter.
Last edited by NessOnett8#3374 on Jul 24, 2017, 7:20:41 PM
shadowraiden wrote:
Clutch_Perry wrote:
I love the whining/criticisms from people with 12 challenges or less, lol. Never change, PoE forums.

shadowraiden wrote:

how do you know ive never played a single trap character

Because of how wrong you are.

i dont judge knowledge on challenges they are nothing and not why i play the game. also are nothing to be proud over as just go SC and grind head against wall and you have them even a monkie can be trained to do that.
each to their own on that playstyle guess it keeps kids occupied with the carrot atleast.

I'm not judging your knowledge by your challenge count, I'm judging your knowledge by your posts. Also, given how you can trivially get to 24+ challenges from just playing the league relatively casually (entirely by accident), the challenge count is a pretty good quick look at how much someone actually plays the game

NessOnett8 wrote:

Because this game has achievements. And before you (just) set your profile to private, I could see you had none of the trap-specific ones.

Last edited by InventorOfTrees#2169 on Jul 24, 2017, 7:20:47 PM
Speakers Wreath = cheap summoner item - not bad, just not very good, and the ignite limitation killed this item immediately, with maps rolling "45% chance to avoid ailments" as a extremely common mod, and bosses being immune to ignite.

Tinkerskin - I can see this having some appeal to trappers, but since most people avoid trap builds, I cant see this item changing that very much, since the general issues of traps will always exist, IE high mana cost, long cool down timers, questionable damage with the ailments nerfs incoming.

Soul Tether - Looks interesting, but hard to tell how useful it really will be, since the belt slot is so highly contended for already.

Ahn's Might - Instant vendor trash, just like the shield. Weird gimmicky items are simply not fun to use.

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