[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]
" You need much more life on amulet & your rings! Besides that you should use a Regal orb on the staff then get someone with lvl 7+ Vagan to benchcraft Blood Magic on it so you can move from a 5L to a 6L SRS setup instead of the BM support :) " Hey, You can simply use any helmet (preferably a Bone Helmet for the % minion dmg increase) with a +2 Minion gems rolled :) " Hey, Welcome in to Wraeclast bro! Gratulations on the helm drop :D With a bigger life pool, sustaining SRS on your life is not a problem at all without extra regen investment. You seem to be lacking tons of life on your gear. Regarding the BM craft, you could enter the /global 820 chat channel in-game and ask for a lvl 7 BM benchcraft service, should be plenty of people available to get that sorted for you :) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Hey. Got myself a lvl 21 20q srs gem recently. Now I'm really curious what gems in your setup are worth trying to get them to 20q or 21 lvl or both?
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Enjoying your build very much so far! One quick question: I'm thinking of using Wicker Man as suggested. However: How should the ascendancy points be invested? Afaik I will have to respec 4 points to get Flesh Binder and Soul Weaver. Which do you recommend to remove? Also where do I get the endurance charges for Immortal Call? Last edited by Pikkuhippi#1632 on Sep 9, 2017, 11:22:49 AM
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I just got a lvl 4 empower by vaaling a lvl 3 one. It changes my 48k dps in PoD to 55k (I didn't set anything up , just imported skill tree and items to compare). Is it a lot and it enables build to do really hard stuff, or is it just a great boost to the dmg for clearspeed? I just can't decide if I should sell it to enable one of my future builds or just continue playing.
____ Update: Empower 4 is op. I cast half the spirits I used to cast in maps... Last edited by Slandsj1o#4675 on Sep 9, 2017, 9:11:00 PM
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I really enjoy and like ur advice for these Kind of Build. I play SrS since 4 or 5 Leagues now and tried the CI-BoW version and pretty much ur Version for now. As i am playing since long Time i understand most of Mechanics in PoE. My Build has reached a Point there i would like to hear ur meaning!-)
I really like 10 Zombies and Animated Guardian as Meatshields. The corruption from Gloves works with Spell Totem-Arc and applies TempChains. I like it for Beachhead Bossroom and vaaled em myself =) Belly is needed cause of Lack on GemSlots so Kaoms is no Option for me. I have an alternate Setup with an Astral Plate-Bisco Belt for running up to T15 Maps with Breaches but with this i have only 7,1k Life. With Belly i have 7,8k atm and it feels much better to get much less One Shots.
My Rings and Amu´s are pretty near BiS for me and i tested really many different in that Slots.
My GemSetup for SrS is discussable for sure. If like do it!-) The Part there i mostly like to see ur Advice is my Tree. Please look other Char for it to see my Jewels as well. Thx! Trading DpS with Monsters for Loot will ever best Ratio!-)
Sitting in Town, flipping Items until all Gear is biS, and get fastly bored from running Maps instead of grinding Upgrades is no Resolution! |
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" Honestly the other gems doesn't matter outside Empower to lvl 4 :) " Hey, Cheers! Spectre choice only removes Spirit Eater so it ll look like this: MoS > CoD > FB > SW " Jesus, nice! Empower lvl 4 is OpieOP! It not only increases the damage & survival vs colateral splash & stray projectiles for them. It also increases their accuracy since they gain lvls :) " Hey, The Maim support gem is not very optimal for SRS, I would suggest following the guides instructions on the support gems. But then again, SRS deals so much DMG it's insane as it is :P Gear looks very good though :) Regarding the skilltree I would prefer the route the guide shows and not using 2x Duration Clusters, but honestly SRS is a very straight forward build to use and your route works perfectly fine as well. The only thing that is fundamental for SRS is to have at least 1 duration cluster, the MoS ascendancy and for Baron approach it's just about going Life based and move around the strength side of the tree ! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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Thats an fast Answer, awesoem =)
The MaimSupport is an Layer of Defense that works well with Temporal Chains i use. The second Duration Cluster is an Artefact from leveling char up, that can really be switched into some more Life Nodes, Thx for Advice!-) Trading DpS with Monsters for Loot will ever best Ratio!-)
Sitting in Town, flipping Items until all Gear is biS, and get fastly bored from running Maps instead of grinding Upgrades is no Resolution! |
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Ive been playing a Solar Guard summoner for most of the league, waiting to either chance or find a Baron... That never happened, but now that prices are coming down, Im contemplating returning to this build with a second summoner.
My question is: I noticed you added a section recommending Wicker Man as a supporting spectre, but I REALLY want to know what we think (or know) about using Kitava's Heralds with Baron and a Lycosidae?!? Im hoping someone will say that Kitava's Heralds benefit like no other spectre we know of thus far with 1k+ STR... anybody tried this out yet? They are pretty damn strong even without a Baron, though I've found them challenging to desecrate in t10-t11 maps... But their attacks are all phys based. Also their Leap Slam benefits from Multistrike (even though a player doesn't); 4-5 K-Heralds triple leap slamming with Flesh Offering are a sight to see. Thoughts? |
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" Hey, I do what I can! My pleasure bro! " Hey, Solar Guard is amazing, got a guide up for them as well! :) Baron prices are finally stable at a more reasonable number indeed. Well, Kitava Heralds are "cool" minions but in terms of efficiency they are as far away from reliable as you can get. They have 4 different attacks: 1) Default attack 2) Cleave that causes bleeding 3) Physical dmg splashing single projectile range attack 5) Leap Slam which adds 100% of physical dmg added as fire (INSANE DMG) The problem is that they rotate between the abilities making them impossible to make reliable in terms of efficiency. If enemies are too close they opt to cleave & default attacking. On range they shoot the projectile sometimes and sometimes they leap. I would never recommend using them due to them not being reliable. They are cool, I'll give them that but that's it. There are plenty of other better options such as Solar Guards. The reason we use Wicker Man for the SRS is to have 2 tanky spectres in the front line soaking agro and providing reliable stable AoE DMG to compliment the efficiency behind SRS. Though, you are correct about their scaling with The Baron which makes them even more insane but still, unreliable. If they one shot packs which they generally do on their Multistrike Leap Slam that's great till you reach packs that hurts like a MF and you watch your spectres shoot projectiles or walk up and cleave them... just not reliable to play with. Also, Lycosiade is amazing but I personally prefer Victario's Charity as it increases clear speed, you get faster & your minions gets higher crit as well as atk speed :) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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I'm around level 40 now and feel like I'm running out of mana. I often have to use mana potions. How do you solve this problem? Clarity is on level 1 so it isn't able to help much with mana regen.
EDIT: I seem to have overlooked this crucial part of your guide: " Last edited by LakaiScorten#4774 on Sep 11, 2017, 7:24:17 AM
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