[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]

Hi guys,

I'm trying this build with some changes. After leveling i went for the +2+1 Mace, but once i get it i felt like the Build was a little slow, maintain Rampage was hard after the density drop in 3.0 .
When i was leveling this i enjoyed a lot shield charging into mobs and start spamming srs like a mad men.
After a week playing another build i go back to this and make some changes only for the purpose of enjoying it again.
I went back to shield charge, sold my +3 mace and get the baron( thanks god for the drop in the price of this little guy). Put my SRS setup in a cheap 6L and buy some replace for astramentis that i was using for the other build.
For my surprise the changes results better than i had thought. The playstyle it something more smooth and sustain the rampage was a lot easier.
I know, the DPS must drop, but its a nice build to farm T11 - T13 maps.


I used Necro Aegis to get this bad boys hiting and not missing

Some questions; regarding that i dont want to go back to a Two handed +3 Build, i love shield charge to quit mobs!

Where do i put my SRS?

I can put it in The Baron and get +2 from the helmet, i must drop an aura to sustain mana (haste probably) or keep it in Chest.

There is another option for The Scourge Claw?
I think United in dreams must be BIS, its Severed in Sleep a good option?
Another recomendations are welcomed!

Thx for reading
Last edited by IngenieroPeronista#5659 on Aug 30, 2017, 8:24:34 AM
Hi Ghazzy - Thanks for a super guide for a very fun build.

Almost 8k life and running T11-T14 maps.
Never done Guardians or Shaper before and did read about using Vaal Grace (And got Desecrate as well).

Right now my jewels do not have any minion damage (only %life, str and res).
And still working on getting lvl4 empower.

Should I change something or upgrade gear before trying Guardians and Shaper?

Last edited by kasperoh#4494 on Aug 31, 2017, 2:45:46 AM
kasperoh wrote:
Hi Ghazzy - Thanks for a super guide for a very fun build.

Almost 8k life and running T11-T14 maps.
Never done Guardians or Shaper before and did read about using Vaal Grace (And got Desecrate as well).

Right now my jewels do not have any minion damage (only %life, str and res).
And still working on getting lvl4 empower.

Should I change something or upgrade gear before trying Guardians and Shaper?

I did guardians with lvl 21 srs and lvl 3 empower and the rest of the gear like yours, maybe a bit better fairly easy. Hydra and Minotaur were the hardest :D died several times though. I completely fluked shaper. Idk if I am bad or the build is not very suitable for shaper farm. I mean, you can do it I guess but it's not the optimal build for shaper killing :D also there is risk in bricking the run like I did :D
Hey guys,

Let me start by apologizing for the VERY late responses, my girlfriend turned 25 so I haven't had the time!

Savage_Life wrote:
So the REAL finished build should look something like this, Finished build or are there any alternate recommendations you would make? Specifically what to do with that last point after getting the jewel slots. I put it in Sanctity, as opposed to Path of the Warrior, those being the two that seemed most useful to me. Perhaps I'm missing something?


I generally avoid showing a finished skilltree for lvl 100 in the guides as the % playerbase that goes for lvl 100 is VERY small, and some people avoid builds that is "finished" at lvl 100. But I do include information such as "when the skilltree is finished you should focus entirely on jewel slots" which you did in your link and your assumption on the last node is correct, and looks beautiful :)

SQUAZZ wrote:
Is Kaom's Heart good for this build?
I have both Belly and Kaom's and I'm not sure which one to sell for Astramentis

Both are great options, but does come down to a matter of personal taste. Kaom's Heart will remove sockets for you which the Belly does not. Ultimately it's up to you :)

q00p88 wrote:
Hey Ghazzy, first off thanks a lot for your build, im having a blast with my first summoner ever.

This is just the 2nd league Im playing and I dont quite understand the crafting bit yet.

I have this mace:

Now if I understand correctly i have to use an orb of annulement, because it alreasy has 3 prefixe and pray that it will not delete +2 fire.
After that I use Catarina to craft "Cannot Roll Attack Mods" and then i have to use an exalt and hope that the first suffix will be +1 to gem.
Afterwards I have to remove the caterina mod and add bloodmagic.

My questions are:

1) Is this the correct way to craft a +3 mace
2) Is it even worth crafting this weapon or should i get a new one with 2pre 2suffixes? Because I might have to use 2 exalts to craft the +1 gem dont I?
3) Is there a reliable sources to determine wether a mod is a pre or suffix?

Thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions and providing such good feedback

Thank you! :)

Yes you use Orb of Annulements till all prefixes are gone, if there are suffixes left that's ok. Then get cannot roll attack mods and exalt, if you hit a prefix it will be 100% +1 gems, then remove the bench & add BM.

If you don't have the currency to afford crafting a +3, a +2 is more than enough for pretty much all end-game content.

http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php reliable datamined information regarding affixes. You can also watch my youtube series going through different tips & tricks for crafting & understanding mods www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV

chancer wrote:
SQUAZZ wrote:
Is Kaom's Heart good for this build?
I have both Belly and Kaom's and I'm not sure which one to sell for Astramentis

Hey bro, I think kaom's is very hard to use on this build because the build is starved for sockets as it is. I tested 40% belly vs a 120 armor chest with 50 str and they both gave me pretty much same amount of life with the benefit of the rare chest having much more resistances and flat strength to boost SRS damage.

Conclusion: sell both and buy a fairly cheap armor with 1500+ armor, 100+ life and ~50 strength and as much resists as possible, 6 socket it and use it instead of belly or kaom's.

This ^^^^
Would be my personal preference for the build as well.

astrartea wrote:
rAx wrote:
Hi, I'm level 38 using a 4L (SRS-Splash-Melee Phys-Minion Damage) and a 15% minion damage staff. My damage seems fairly low at this point. Is there anything else I should be using that will make a big difference? Thanks!

If you are on a 4L you should try to get it on a +2 minion helmet. That would improve the damage by a significant amount already.
Also you are not running any damage auras, Hatred would help there too.

Exactly what he is saying :)
Make sure to run Normal Lab for the Mistress of Sacrifice to increase clear speed, at lvl 50 you get yoursel Victario's Charity & get Necromantic Aegis for even faster clear speed!

Asellia wrote:
Hey guys. I'm still uh- well I can't say I'm new at this, but I'm bad- what am i doing wrong with the build as of yet? I know I'm lacking 6 links still, but that's lack of currency- so far though, ive noticed that while my damage is okay (its not even half as good as the videos tho), I die like, super duper fast on even early maps. What items can be best improved, and how at their cheapest in my Asellia character? I think my profile is public, so it should be viewable, right?

Yes, your acc is set to public.

So, you have Hatred & Generosity linked with an Empower which increases the mana reserved by it so you shouldn't have them connected. Having Spell Totem Skeletons with damage support gems is not needed and honestly is a waste.

The main problem in your damage output is that you are not following the guide in terms of what gems to use. For example you should in this specific situation be using Hatred with Generosity + Haste & LvL 1 Clarity to stack Commander of Darkness further & increase the clear speed of your minions.
Do keep in mind that you will need the second aura reservation cluster specced to make room for the auras! :)

Dune_Coon wrote:
Does anyone know if going from a +2 to a +3 socketed staff is worth the 350c+ price jump? currently using

I'd be losing a bare min of 20% cast speed to make the switch too as at best i can have multimod and +11% cast or something, compared to the 30.

Well, the upgrades for this build I would personally do them in this order:

6L BM wep (+2) > Baron > +3 wep > SRS lvl 21 > Empower lvl 3 > Empower lvl 4

IngenieroPeronista wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm trying this build with some changes. After leveling i went for the +2+1 Mace, but once i get it i felt like the Build was a little slow, maintain Rampage was hard after the density drop in 3.0 .
When i was leveling this i enjoyed a lot shield charging into mobs and start spamming srs like a mad men.
After a week playing another build i go back to this and make some changes only for the purpose of enjoying it again.
I went back to shield charge, sold my +3 mace and get the baron( thanks god for the drop in the price of this little guy). Put my SRS setup in a cheap 6L and buy some replace for astramentis that i was using for the other build.
For my surprise the changes results better than i had thought. The playstyle it something more smooth and sustain the rampage was a lot easier.
I know, the DPS must drop, but its a nice build to farm T11 - T13 maps.


I used Necro Aegis to get this bad boys hiting and not missing

Some questions; regarding that i dont want to go back to a Two handed +3 Build, i love shield charge to quit mobs!

Where do i put my SRS?

I can put it in The Baron and get +2 from the helmet, i must drop an aura to sustain mana (haste probably) or keep it in Chest.

There is another option for The Scourge Claw?
I think United in dreams must be BIS, its Severed in Sleep a good option?
Another recomendations are welcomed!

Thx for reading

You'd have slightly less DPS with Victario's Charity but higher clear speed as your shield choice.
Scourge Claw should be better since the poison nerfs over United/Severed.

I think your approach is more than good, it is literally the secondary approach you can run with this build, but as you say, DPS is lower and it comes down to a matter of taste, however, your approach is a bit more expensive but will be slightly smoother to play. You should aim for any chest piece you feel comfortable vaaling for a +1, if HP allows you can run a Skin of the Loyal to get that DPS loss back :)

kasperoh wrote:
Hi Ghazzy - Thanks for a super guide for a very fun build.

Almost 8k life and running T11-T14 maps.
Never done Guardians or Shaper before and did read about using Vaal Grace (And got Desecrate as well).

Right now my jewels do not have any minion damage (only %life, str and res).
And still working on getting lvl4 empower.

Should I change something or upgrade gear before trying Guardians and Shaper?

Considering Shaper has been killed with a 5L +2 not using the Baron I would say that you are severly overgeared for it! :)

Just keep in mind that it is a hard fight and will require knowledge of all the mechanics of the bosses to avoid ripping!
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Aug 31, 2017, 3:44:05 AM
Thank you for the advice and great guide! I -think- I fixed it up now. The gem section confused me a little at first for some reason- but I think I did it all correctly now. The difference is night and day lol. I went from 'clearing' tier 7s to stuff dying practically instantly. Also, maybe I'm a bit too amused by simple things, but I get a serious kick out of activating vaal haste each time- it's amusing watching the raging spirits zip around the screen at such blinding speeds.
Asellia wrote:
Thank you for the advice and great guide! I -think- I fixed it up now. The gem section confused me a little at first for some reason- but I think I did it all correctly now. The difference is night and day lol. I went from 'clearing' tier 7s to stuff dying practically instantly. Also, maybe I'm a bit too amused by simple things, but I get a serious kick out of activating vaal haste each time- it's amusing watching the raging spirits zip around the screen at such blinding speeds.


Cheers, glad you like it bro!
Haha, yeah it's a nice feeling to get that speedy speed shit goin :D
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Iv never really crafted anything before and want to get blood magic on this staff.

Should I do anything more to this and how do I know if I can get the blood magic craft on the staff?
Last edited by touchtonedialing#0962 on Sep 2, 2017, 12:08:56 AM
I have a question- you say lvl 1 clarity, but why? If its for the 20% resits for a self cast aura, isnt that handled by haste? Or am i missing something.
Nassavas wrote:
I have a question- you say lvl 1 clarity, but why? If its for the 20% resits for a self cast aura, isnt that handled by haste? Or am i missing something.

I believe it's because of the "Commander of Darkness" ascendancy passive which grants "Auras you Cast grant 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed to you and Allies."


So for the cost of reserving a lvl 1 Clarity (34 mana), it's a no a brainer.

Last edited by MrBlack23#7541 on Sep 3, 2017, 5:37:24 AM
touchtonedialing wrote:
Iv never really crafted anything before and want to get blood magic on this staff.

Should I do anything more to this and how do I know if I can get the blood magic craft on the staff?

Daaaamn that's some sexy cast speed right there :D

You have to Regal it to turn it rare, then you use a Vagan benchcraft to get Blood Magic crafted on it. However, if you do not have Vagan lvl 7...? I think it is, you have to go to the /global 820 channel which is mainly used in-game for sharing Uber Trial & Master Rotations and simply ask for a Vagan BM service :)

Nassavas wrote:
I have a question- you say lvl 1 clarity, but why? If its for the 20% resits for a self cast aura, isnt that handled by haste? Or am i missing something.

You are correct that Haste is sorting your 20% res, however a LvL 1 Clarity grants the atk/cast speed buff (which scales from aura efficiency nodes as well) it is very minor and if you feel like having another gem in your gear the Clarity is the first gem we remove due to the very small buff it gives these days.

Like @MrBlack23 said :)
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv

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