The Fall of Oriath: Yugul, Reflection of Terror

In the video is that the new Magma ball attack that Jonathon mentioned in his E3 interview?  :)
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
yeeee boy lets go act8
bring back the state of the game in 1.3 vaults of atziri patch
sofocle10000 wrote:
bionicg2040 wrote:
So melee is not going to be an option anymore?

Haven't you conceded that melee wasn't an option already?

Meanwhile, all of those that want to play PoE with Hard mode ON will "enjoy" single target namelocking melee skills...

And due to VP still remaining a thing overpowering damage + overwhelming leech will make "quick" work of all the opponents...

And PoE has so much more potential...

Check the forums. I have said "stop playing melee or they will find you" but i have not conceded shit.

This boss design is ass for melee. it would be forgivable if single target namelocking melee had:
1. proper targeting
2. proper utility (damage options)
3. decent damage (not great but proper for the trade off of having to be up close and personal)
4. decent survival chances (with proper investment)

If melee had that then that kind of boss design makes sense because single target namelock would be a go to for boss slaying/rogue exile killing/tough rare elimination/etc. Then the battle becomes one of skill (knowing when to strike, when to break off an attack, proper positioning, proper movement, mechanical knowledge, etc.).

By the way If a namelock melee build was actually good because VP is still in the game (why though?) how come we do not see a single melee build in the previews for new content? this is what we have so far

The Brine King fight - Barrage archer (projectile)
Abberath fight - Glaciel Cascade caster (spell)
Gruthkul, Mother of Despair fight - Incinerate caster (spell)
Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows fight - Explosion arrow (+ballista) archer (projectile)
Doedre the Vile fight - Ice spear caster (spell)
Yugul, Reflection of Terror fight - Magma orb caster (spell)
The Harbour Bridge showcase - Blade Flurry (because a range spell posing as a melee skill is just as good as a melee skill right? I mean totems are melee so yeah it totally works)

the only thing i have gathered so far from the previews is:


as for me I have long since lost my damn mind. They can find me and I do not give a damn. I will keep playing melee until the damn eagles come. THE EAGLES!!!

THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut because his armor and evasion both failed...again)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...
Still failing to solve "The Riddle of Melee" 4.0 HYPE!!!
THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...
don´t forget the german release ;) ^_^
bionicg2040 wrote:
sofocle10000 wrote:
bionicg2040 wrote:
So melee is not going to be an option anymore?

Haven't you conceded that melee wasn't an option already?

Meanwhile, all of those that want to play PoE with Hard mode ON will "enjoy" single target namelocking melee skills...

And due to VP still remaining a thing overpowering damage + overwhelming leech will make "quick" work of all the opponents...

And PoE has so much more potential...

Check the forums. I have said "stop playing melee or they will find you" but i have not conceded shit.

This boss design is ass for melee. it would be forgivable if single target namelocking melee had:
1. proper targeting
2. proper utility (damage options)
3. decent damage (not great but proper for the trade off of having to be up close and personal)
4. decent survival chances (with proper investment)

If melee had that then that kind of boss design makes sense because single target namelock would be a go to for boss slaying/rogue exile killing/tough rare elimination/etc. Then the battle becomes one of skill (knowing when to strike, when to break off an attack, proper positioning, proper movement, mechanical knowledge, etc.).

By the way If a namelock melee build was actually good because VP is still in the game (why though?) how come we do not see a single melee build in the previews for new content? this is what we have so far

The Brine King fight - Barrage archer (projectile)
Abberath fight - Glaciel Cascade caster (spell)
Gruthkul, Mother of Despair fight - Incinerate caster (spell)
Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows fight - Explosion arrow (+ballista) archer (projectile)
Doedre the Vile fight - Ice spear caster (spell)
Yugul, Reflection of Terror fight - Magma orb caster (spell)
The Harbour Bridge showcase - Blade Flurry (because a range spell posing as a melee skill is just as good as a melee skill right? I mean totems are melee so yeah it totally works)

the only thing i have gathered so far from the previews is:


as for me I have long since lost my damn mind. They can find me and I do not give a damn. I will keep playing melee until the damn eagles come. THE EAGLES!!!

THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut because his armor and evasion both failed...again)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...

Heh, I was making fun of your "THE EAGLES ARE COMING" references...

I do enjoy my PoE with an asinine unnecessary Hard mode ON for single target melee namelocking skills, and I will certainly play those in 3.0 too...

And even if GGG can't/wouldn't/doesn't/whatever improve the status quo on those single target melee namelocking skills, I find it up to us to make them work in a satisfactory manner and stay in our own separated realm from the "ranged melee" & ranged/cast playstyles.

Hopefully, they might give identity to the single target melee namelocking skills still, presumably before 4.0 or 5.0 hit in a few years...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Jul 4, 2017, 2:20:22 AM
Bex_GGG wrote:
Due to this extra time and because we can't yet confirm the release date, we've decided to lift the end date on the Legacy Leagues.

This means they'll run longer than the previously announced end date of July 11th, but that there is no set end date. We will make sure that they end with a few days to spare before the 3.0.0 release so that players have time to sort through their items in the parent leagues. We'll confirm the new end date as soon we can.

Is this a joke? And still no way to allow us to leave it if we wants?? Some of us are already waiting since more than one month now to quit this f*ck*ng league!
fkxLegacySpectral : lvl 97 Raider ST HowA [Legacy]
fkxBreachSlayer : lvl 95 Slayer Blade Flurry [Breach]
fkxCrockett : lvl 94 Saboteur Ice Trap [Perendus]
fkxRampage : lvl 94 Witch Fireball [Rampage]
fkxShadow : lvl 95 Shadow FP/CI [open beta]
Last edited by fkxCrockett#6914 on Jul 4, 2017, 3:33:15 PM
Please stop pushing the end date for Legacy league forward.
We will make sure that they end with a few days to spare before the 3.0.0 release so that players have time to sort through their items in the parent leagues.

Can we get some better tools to deal with the million remove only tabs? I don't even want to touch my stash tabs in standard.
Rip melee
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Was deathless up until Yugul, who killed me 3 times. Is it really supposed to be the strongest boss in the game? :P
Suggest lowering the DOT and making the orbs despawn after some time, so as you don't have a ton of them chasing you at once.

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