Weekly Beta Report Three

Any word on new Uniques and/or Skill gems?
bugs happen. just take your time.

the first impression of players is always the most important one. so far i'm very impressed by the new artwork and look&feel of the new acts.

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on Jun 29, 2017, 2:37:58 AM
don't expect 3.0 before 2018 guys
I didn't see anything in that about fixing the crafting benches.

Edit. If they are not wiping characters again, then we will need these fixed so we can advance our HO's.


Last edited by xyllywyt#7818 on Jun 29, 2017, 8:16:44 PM
I need to answer to that:

MBata wrote:
When will the Master/Mistress sexual discrimination be resolved?

Mistress of the Hunt
Mistress of the Dead
... pants for the templar, ...

Why need the templar pants?
You would discriminate also all kind of men who like to wear something else than pants!
btw. the templar wears a tunic, so it doesn't matter anyway...

the only sexual discrimination I can see so far: you can't choose the other sex on the characters - no female templar or duelist and no male hunter or a witcher. But I don't care, because it's about the story...

The_Reporter wrote:

In my opinion, they shouldn't be charging people to test their game for them, but these guys march to the beat of their own drum. It's their game to do as they please AND people seem to be gladly paying up, so who's to argue.

The bottom line is that the payroll is well over 100 humans at this point, so they need to pump for coin out of this ftp game(s) in any way(s) possible.

No one is charging you anything. You can always wait for an invite instead. But reality is that you don't want to wait, because you want it NOW. So if you want it NOW, you can always pay. It's not like you only pay for invite anyway...
An actual improvement for the lab would be to remove it completely.
3.0 soon. and still no ingame trading system? we still need to use external web pages. so sad
Beta here i come D:

ps. looking for character effects mtx discount.
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Last edited by PsVRTwo#1022 on Jun 29, 2017, 3:46:12 AM
Americans sure are a whiny bunch.

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