Retro SCi-Fi version of POE idea

So i stumbled upon this amazing book,The Alien World, The Complete Illustrated Guide, Steven Eisler

...and got me thinking about taking the game of POE and then placing it in a RETRO SCI-SCI setting.

where you explore distant planets and venture into the unknown universe!

could be really awesome i think, as almost an opposite theme to what POE is now.

Last edited by Cheesefrog on Jun 26, 2017, 5:18:49 AM
Last bumped on Jun 28, 2017, 3:40:08 AM
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So, a space dungeon crawler game?
“ I'm going to build my own Wraeclast with blackjack and hookers. In fact forgot about Wraeclast and the blackjack. Ah screw the whole thing. ” - Exile Bender

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


imagine exploring space caves,on foreign planets, with strange creatures that light up, and morph into different things, camouflaging themselves.

Meeting space travellers along the way, with different missions etc...finding lots ancient technology, buried deep inside unknown planets..

so much you can do with this!

Anyone feeling it? guys?
I mean if done right, I would at least give it a shot
“ I'm going to build my own Wraeclast with blackjack and hookers. In fact forgot about Wraeclast and the blackjack. Ah screw the whole thing. ” - Exile Bender

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I fail to see the point of this thread to be honest.

I mean, you're hyped, it could be interesting but .... what are you expecting ?
That would be a completely different game, not one that GGG would be doing since they are already busy with PoE.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Fruz wrote:
I fail to see the point of this thread to be honest.

I mean, you're hyped, it could be interesting but .... what are you expecting ?
That would be a completely different game, not one that GGG would be doing since they are already busy with PoE.

Agreed. They aren't big enough to tackle multiple games
“ I'm going to build my own Wraeclast with blackjack and hookers. In fact forgot about Wraeclast and the blackjack. Ah screw the whole thing. ” - Exile Bender

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

why is everyone super grumpy around here huh?

it's an idea, i'm not saying they must make the game...i just had a cool idea, and thought the POE community would be interested to hear...

Cheesefrog wrote:
why is everyone super grumpy around here huh?

it's an idea, i'm not saying they must make the game...i just had a cool idea, and thought the POE community would be interested to hear...

It isn't about beeing grumpy, it's about this forum being for feedback and suggestions.

What is your suggestion ?
What is your feedback ?

Would you like GGG to provide you an option to turn the game into a Sci-fi version ?
Because the costs would probably really high, like .... making another game might be easier, idk.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
I actually posted this in the section titled " OFF topic "

and then the dev moved my post here, so nothing i can do about that i'm afraid!

no i don't expect anything other than people saying whether they think it's a cool idea or not...

I assume people who play this game have some sort of imagination and interest in art and story etc...

is that too much of an assumption?

Just wanted to see what people thought about it :)

Last edited by Cheesefrog on Jun 28, 2017, 3:09:34 AM

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