Weekly Beta Report Two

BugsyLLJK wrote:
arherter wrote:
Im kinda concerned about the benches' bug. It kinda cripples the character development a bit.

Same here. Going to have to be extra careful in the next beta phase about it. Not having haku and elreon benches is so tough to deal with.

In next phase you will have craft benches. You only lost craft benches when you changed hideout after owning one. In next phase there is a wipe which will reset this. So as long as you don't switch hideouts again, you can keep your benches
Wooser69 wrote:
As a beta player I dislike almost all of these balance changes.

Unbound elements does not need nerfing at all for elemental ailments. Please, if it needs nerfing, make a separate one for poison/bleed/ignite and another for freeze/chill/shock. I really love the idea of a support gem to improve shock/chill/freeze

Decay did not need such a drastic nerf, just make shield charge/fire nova mine's bonus apply to only hits and ailments and disable minion/totem/trap/mine scaling. Now it will only be used by those builds that can get off a shitload of minion/totem/trap/mine damage, for a regular chaos/dot built it will be barely noticeable. You realise that the best way to apply decay is to just stick it on a golem, and it still will be even after the nerf?

Deadly ailments was the only way for my viper strike character to deal any kind of significant poison damage, I'm now much better off with void manipulation and rapid decay. So the new support gem really does nothing for it and that character is built around NOTHING but maximising poison damage. It was non-crit and I was fine with losing hit damage to improve my poison, now there's no reason not to instead scale both hit and poison. If the values aren't high enough then there's no reason to specialise, anyone will instead focus on getting out the highest DPS they can.

I didn't play crit poison but the change to perfect agony is harsh as hell. Ailment damage is horrible right now and I can appreciate changing it so that crit isn't the only path, but jesus christ, all these nerfs and not a single change to how horrible the new ailment damage values are? Burning damage is also getting hit, what game are you guys playing? The only ailment with any decent damage potential is poison and it too will be horrible after the next patch.

Brutality is just kinda lame and makes it so very few people will use it. It was a good way to increase my viper strike characters single target damage when I didn't need melee splash and had a red socket free, but now it will be in no ways beneficial.

I really have to wonder what metrics GGG are working off here. Did a decimal get misplaced somewhere in your statistics? Because no one is dealing any kind of significant enough poison/bleed/ignite damage for these nerfs to make any sense.

I agree almost completely with what you're saying here. I think GGG's intention is to make every build on par with a noob player shit setup skill tree hipster build. Or for everyone to go Essence Drain to keep ES alive. Oh wait, they buffed cyclone, so they want everyone to go Cyclone builds still too.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
i wonder if GGG's balance team ever plans on playtesting the game or just doing simple math to see if something needs to be nerfed or not
Last edited by matt29234#1374 on Jun 21, 2017, 8:08:53 PM
Bearpauw wrote:
Perfect Agony down from 70 to 30? Whyyyyyyy and Brutality can't be used in poison builds wtf.... and things were going so well..

Poison is based on chaos AND physical. Even with Brutality you can still poison. Brutality says you can't deal chaos damage with supported skill. It doesn't it prevents ailments dealing chaos damage.
I hope the design team has realized one really fascinating thing about the Brutality gem. I even hope it was intentional.

The moment you put on brutality your defensive budget goes up substantially. Not only does it boost the hit and dot enough that taking the balanced approach (some hit, some dot) is worthwhile, you can reach good damage numbers and also acquire far more defense than you'd have ever done in 2.6. You don't get to use the good damage auras - you have to choose among Haste, an offensive curse (limited usefulness on top tier), or a defensive aura. So you probably end up picking up Grace or Determination by default, when you would have struggled to justify doing so in 2.6.

Maybe in the community's current sensibility, they won't care too much about this right away. But what I'm saying is that there was already plenty of incentive to exclude perfect agony and stack hit damage along with dot damage. I firmly believe this kind of build was already on track to become prominent, just barely outside the "meta".

I hope that explains why I'm a little puzzled by the Perfect Agony nerf. I was already planning on setting PA aside except as kind of a toy. Builds that max perfect agony have no defense, only micro. Very mentally exhausting to play.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Jun 21, 2017, 8:16:42 PM
Wil the new Macrotransaction Tab available in live realm too?
My YOUTUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7SYVrfQWKi0NJiAJJMusg
Wow! I guess these changes are really necessary. I've played the beta a lot, tried many of they new support gems including pure-physical (/chaos) builds and damage-over-time. Tornado Shot + LMP + Decay + Poison + Void Manipulation + Rapid Decay is quite ridiculous for blazing through act 5. Also tried playing melee bleed, and it's a bloody joke! You'll have to boost bleed a LOT to make it just a bit interesting. All the generic %phys-nodes are around and above shadow, how's duelist or marauder going to scale bleed in its current state? Everyone's going Assassin for the extra bonuses with maim/bleed/poison. Even 2H-melee and tbh it really sucks. You'll have to make huge changes to increase build-diversity for bleed. Glad it's happening! Also looked at melee burn-proliferation and was not very impressed. With the change to Flameblast perhaps you should do the opposite to Burning Arrow, Infernal Blow and appropriate fire-skills? It's a tough job and I'm very impressed with all the new content. Amazing! Can't wait to play 3.0 and anything that's to come this autumn and next winter. Cheers! :)
Bring back helmet enchants!
Last edited by hogmark#5124 on Jun 21, 2017, 8:24:33 PM
grassparov wrote:
I was wondering if phase run is losing the phys damage buff in fall of oriath or is it a bug as I had no bonus to phys damage while phased using phase run

It only buffs melee dmg.
Are you sure you are using a melee skill?
I really hope that you will postpone 3.0 release as long as needed. Judging from the state of A5-A7 so far it's also a bit worrisome that there wont be a test of Act 9 and 10 at all before the live update. HC is gonna be "fun" this league.
Nephalim wrote:
Do people play ES in the beta?

After the nerf? Why bother?

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