Cartwheels on Ice (Golems) ⛄ Shaper-viable meme build

tomatopotato wrote:
I have experimented with and even a bit recently, but not enough to draw any hard conclusions yet. It definitely felt fine, but I can't say for sure if it felt better or worse than what I was used to.

Need to say was more oriented for closed quarters, like in Incursion league. For regular mapping there is no difference, and 5.1.1 even a bit better.

But for rooms with a high mob density and high HP pools, the difference is pretty noticeable. It raises the amount of mobs that can be one-shotted without waiting for cooldowns, and it makes golems to move more efficiently.

Just an observation though, hope it can be confirmed better in Delve.
cyberxndr wrote:
Need to say was more oriented for closed quarters, like in Incursion league. For regular mapping there is no difference, and 5.1.1 even a bit better.

But for rooms with a high mob density and high HP pools, the difference is pretty noticeable. It raises the amount of mobs that can be one-shotted without waiting for cooldowns, and it makes golems to move more efficiently.

Just an observation though, hope it can be confirmed better in Delve.
Ahh, okay. That makes a lot more sense to me now. Thanks for the clarification.

* Ice Golems benefit more than the others from Primordial Chain. Movement speed bonus is very sweet.
* Convocation becomes unnecessary.
* Spirit Offering becomes reasonable choice now (minion resists, added chaos damage, bonus ES). Flesh Offering not a thing anymore, since we already have a lot of movement speed.
* Definitely
* Hmm... Yeah, not necessary. I'll probably still run it though for the occasional hallway or so.
* I've been running Spirit over Flesh for a while now for the exact reasons you stated.

Second Clayshaper becomes not very useful. Shields seems to outperform it for both cases.
Agree here too, but will want to test just in case.

Tyranastrasz wrote:
Its worth noting that the new "caster" tombfists give 1k accuracy with a ghastly jewel in them.
1.8k Accuracy might make lycosidae not neccesary anymore and accuracy gem link also replaceable.
I think so too. I'll probably be swapping back to Victario's.

cyberxndr wrote:
Interesting items:
* Balefire - 3% max mana/life on kill. With ZO it's nice regen for clearing. Also opens MoM possibilities.
* Severed in Sleep - minions have 60% chance to poison enemies on hit. Seems like more additional DPS for bosses.
I'm kinda iffy on both items.

For Severed in particular, it seems like poison damage works better when there's already some base chaos damage to scale off of. Scaling off of only phys probably isn't impossible, but will it result in better DPS than scaling pure phys? I honestly don't know and I'm feeling kinda lazy regarding testing :x
⚡ Lightning Golems:
⛄ Ice Golems:

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