Spelling mistakes and typos
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Don't know if any devs still reading this but herald of thunder says "_ to_" with no space after to
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Dying Breaths Aura shows: Grantsl increased Damage.
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Grotto has no caption for the Shaper's comment on first entering.
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The challenge "Fulfil a Prophecy Chain" has fulfill misspelled.
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Confusing Critical Strike mod wording on Kongor's Undying Rage - Terror Maul:
I almost got my whole Guild into a frenzy of disagreement (while receiving conflicting answers from each Guild Member) when I asked the question, "Does 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' mean the same thing as 'No Critical Strike Multiplier'?" IF so, why not just reword 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' to 'No Critical Strike Multiplier' when they are the same difference? As someone who does not play Melee often and who has never used this particular Unique Weapon before, the confusion kicks in because 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' seems to imply in its wonky wording that 'regular' Critical Strikes otherwise do Extra damage without wearing Kongor's Undying Rage bearing the 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' mod. With that being said in mind, I was one of the players in the Guild discussion who thought 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' means the same thing as 'No Critical Strike Multiplier' because 'regular' Critical Strike Chance just acts as a 'dice roll' for whether or not you inflict Status Ailments or anything else requiring a Critical Strike. Therefore, 'regular' Critical Strike Chance does not deal Extra Damage to begin with, and that is what makes the 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' confusing even if the wording seems obvious. Conclusively, the end result of the Guild discussion was some Members in the Guild agreed 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' means the same thing as 'No Critical Strike Multiplier' while other Guild Members disagreed it is the same difference; but what everyone who thought it is the same difference agreed on most was the wording of this mod should be changed so it is clearer. ![]() Thank you for looking into this. HeavyMetalGear When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 10, 2016, 3:31:23 PM
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By default, Crits deal extra Damage based on your Crit Multiplier. Kongor's mod negates that. To be quite honest, I have no clue what else it could mean.
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" I just thoroughly explained what else it could mean and/or be assumed that did lead to confusion. My point still stands if 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' means the same thing as 'No Critical Strike Multiplier' then just word it like that. That is my suggestion to the developers. The fact the wording of 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' caused a frenzy of disagreement with different responses on whether or not it means 'No Critical Strike Multiplier' from roughly 20 Guild Members of mine is proof enough that the wording is not good as it can be. Even some of my most experienced Guild Members got to arguing about it until most of us came to the conclusion 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' means 'No Critical Strike Multiplier', and that is when I made a post here. Initially, I figured / thought that is what the mod really meant, but thinking / figuring leads to not knowing for sure, and that to me is a problem. The idea of wording something better is to prevent confusion altogether, and is that not what this thread is for, to suggest something be worded better? Just because you are 100% certain 'Your Critical Strikes do not deal Extra Damage' means the same thing as 'No Critical Strike Multiplier' does not mean everybody is going to be 100% certain of that. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 10, 2016, 9:58:10 PM
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" Yeah, I read your post. I still have no idea what this other interpretation is. From what I read, the only interpretations are "Crits normally deal extra Damage, if you don't have Kongor's" (that is what Crit Mult means, yes), and "this mod negates Crit Mult" (which is literally the same thing). That's why I wrote that previous post. It also shows up on the character sheet as setting your Crit Mult to 100%, btw. It's worth noting, Kongor's isn't the only modifier to use this wording: Crit mitigation modifiers such as those found on the Indomitable node and the Brass Dome unique armour all refer to this "mysterious" Extra Damage. It's just one of the game's regular terms. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Sep 11, 2016, 6:51:28 AM
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After killing Alira as Marauder, he says: There's no blacker magic than death, witch. but the wording in text in chat is: There's no magic blacker than death, witch.
Last edited by Myzk66#0496 on Sep 13, 2016, 6:10:17 AM
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