Immortal Golemancer Elementalist - Updated for 3.0 !
Loving your build so far! killed shaper yesterday at lvl 81 with 3,8k hp xD np. Now I changed my tree like 69wanted69 suggested and it feels amazing now. Running also +1 curse from tree with blasphemy, temp chains and enfeeble and dropped anger. have my convocation as self cast but also in my cwd setup. Now I'll just Need to lvl my gems and farm currency to get a skin of the loyal with the right colors. Gonna try Minotaur and chimera tonight, was a bit tough with my low hp so I had a friend killing em for me. The other 2 Guardians free loot of course.
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" Good to hear Cyee! The tree 69wanted69 did got full approval from me, was nice move to get the extra HP nodes for those who not only farm shaper and Hydra/Phoenix (like me :P ) You could swap the last jew slot for more HP like Quick Recovery and/or some HP nodes gated behind the major ones u already have. Would recommend to get a +1 curses amulet if your currency allow to drop all those points from the skill tree, and I should also mention that I tried dropping Anger for Enfeeble/Temp Chains and that is amazing for T1-14 maps. An option for those with limited currency is to dro the Skin of the Loyal for a +1 Tabula (like 60c) For those that prefer mapping with this build I'd recommend going Minion Speed crafted rings, with the Minion Speed skill gem aswell, using shield charge, and just run like the You could drop 2-3 jew slots for either HP or utility nodes. Damage will be fine anyway.. Never tried Scion and not sure if that would be better, but will look into it. Also if you wanna clear maps even faster, you could always use some Victario's items and buff the golems like crazy..Even going to the node in the skill tree which will give minions Frenzy charges is quite funny. But that is actually a different build ;) |
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" Want me to record my T11 (which is what I farm), so you can stop saying they die? Elementalist's golems can die too sometimes and that doesn't make me saying "your golems die and you have to resummon". Also using two weapons doesn't make me say your build is crap, although weap + shield is stronger. I have more than enough life for the build, which is using MF. Besides I'm using MoM as well, so tankiness is not an issue at all. |
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"Golem build can go further than farming t11. Maybe 69 was also referring to shaper or those end game bosses who deal elemental dmg. This build emphasizes on reliably farming shaper and some end game bosses while lying dead afk hence the title "Immortal Golemancer Elementalist." The scion tree looks nice but in the end it's not the goal of this particular build. |
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" oh hey, forget about arguing man. I did the same last league, argued you didnt need to be elementalist to have immortal golems with the right gear and had naysayers come out. Once I proved them wrong they got shut down and shut up real quick. I afked/played dead on shaper as a guardian just to see if my golems could. and they did. Just do your thing. Test/make your own builds that's the only way to get better. |
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" dying alot more and alot less is two different things, your build is like running triple ele damage maps without any resis,totally relying on the regen. run some higher maps and you'll notice the difference, even my 4k life char can run t11 maps. are you gonna run t11 till end of time? this build is about running all kind of crazy shit, not to farm t11 maps. Last edited by 69wanted69#2887 on Sep 2, 2017, 5:07:04 AM
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Don't rly see the issue here, I'm literally farming T16's, without dying.
Did deathless double bosses in Overgrown Ruin, tried ALL maps in the atlas without dying or having my golems die even once, never re-summoned em' in a map from 1-14, but there is a few exceptions thou: Hall of the Grandmasters, Chimera, Minotaur, Vaal Temple Map/Uber Atziri Trio. This is on zero minion % life nodes, and with 20/20 Gem, in a regular Tabula, without Empower gem. Ofc you can do this build with Scion and prolly a lot of other options aswell, not like I ever said that u can't. It's just that this build is for Witch Elementalist, that is all there is too it. Instead of arguing, post your own guide/ skill-tree for the different ascendancies and help ppl out and make em' interested, keep contributing to this awesome community. I would love to make a guide for other ascendancies in the future, thou for now I'm working on a completely different build, but feel free to keep asking me questions and keep the diskussions going here, I bet there is atleast a few ppl out there that still needs our experience and guidance. |
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for sure il gonna try this build
Last edited by tuberiolse#3649 on Sep 2, 2017, 11:38:23 AM
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Hey there!
Can we get a BiS gear section for the CI version of this build?? I have ~3000c to play with, and would like to know what to purchase. All I see are HP-based builds so far. |
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" The first version of this build was made as a CI, but changed a bit after the heavy nerfs to it, ofc it's still viable, just more expensive ;) Skin of the Loyal / Skin of the Lords BiS armour Weapon is still dual clayshapers Belt I'd say that Bated Breath is BiS here or just roll a high crystal belt. Gloves is a bit tricky, you could just rare here and get rly high ES with res, or you could go Grip of the Council, the reason why is the negative cold res dont effect em, since immune (if u are elementalist that is) and the 10% movementspeed is not that much if you have a Sidhebreath and/or minionspeed crafted rings. Unless you go with MF gear ofc, then most slots would be that instead tbh. Rings is either rare minionspeed crafted with high res/ES or one Doedre's Damning for a additional curse and Valyrium for the stun immunity, unless you are going to skip the Sidhebreath and go for a Blessing of Chayula instead. If you are getting a Sidhebreath thou, get one with +1 curses, that way you can skip the nodes for dual curse in the skill tree. Another option is using a Essence Worm with Discipline, for that sweet ES boost, thou you are gonna have a problem with running the anger aura or the blasp temp chains/enfeeble setup. This is something you just have to experiment with and choose yourself.. For boots its either MF, high ES rares or the following uniques: Kaom's Roots cuz Unwavering Stance is pretty sweet, but BiS would be having this on your Skin of the Lords instead, this could also be an option if you wanna go Hybrid. Another option is Steppan Eard or Death's Door. Amulet is as I mentioned before a +1 curse Sidhebreath, or Presence of Chayula. For helm its a must with the +40% flame golem damage enchantment, get either a rare one with high ES or perhaps use a Heretic's Veil for the curse setup. The Vertex could work aswell. Another really cool option (but hard to fix into your build, would be a Malachai's Vision, this is only working properly thou if all worn items are corrupted. With 3000C, that should'nt be a problem ;) For jewels get pretty much the same as the life version, you just use one Energy From Within instead, where you usually put it, it's under Pain Attunement. This is probably the most Bis I can come up with now without having a deeper look into it, hope it helps :) Feel free to add me if you have any more questions thou, playing mostly on my character named RighteousFirePyromaniac atm. |
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