[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

WeGrich wrote:
Does Elemental Equilibrium work with Orb of Storms as well?


go page 1 and read post about skill gems
How can I procc Elemental Equilibrium?

I use IceTrap and Vaal Lightning Trap for this.

We need to deal Lightning or Cold damage to get a beneficial EE procc. We cant deal damage ourself and the degeneration effects of Righteous Fire and Searing Bond wont procc EE.

That does not answer my question whether orb of storm activates the EE as well. :/
WeGrich wrote:
How can I procc Elemental Equilibrium?

I use IceTrap and Vaal Lightning Trap for this.

We need to deal Lightning or Cold damage to get a beneficial EE procc. We cant deal damage ourself and the degeneration effects of Righteous Fire and Searing Bond wont procc EE.

That does not answer my question whether orb of storm activates the EE as well. :/

This means, as long as we use Ancestral Bond we NEED a trap or mine with cold or lightning damage to debuff the enemy with -50% fire resistance.

If we DON`T use Ancestral Bond, because we have additional totems with Soulmantle or Tukohamas Fortress, every DIRECT HIT can apply the debuff. In that case no trap is needed because we use Orb of Storms that applies the debuff.

DoT skills like righteous fire, searing bond or scorching ray DO NOT debuff enemys with EE since they do not hit a target.

With the build i usually skill Ancestral Bond for the extra totem and screen coverage UNTIL i use SoulMantle and/or Tukohamas Fortress. Then i respecc Ancestral Bond so i dont have to use traps anymore (which can be quite annoying)

- Elemental Equilibrium Special Section

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Does Bisco's collar work properly with RF totems?
I just rip in HC at lvl 83, insta died to some mob that exploded on death.
How do we apply the second curse when we play with Witchfire Brew am I missing something ?
paafzor wrote:
How do we apply the second curse when we play with Witchfire Brew am I missing something ?

yes y missing

this two way

1st take on tree node Whispers of Doom

2nd on poe trade got 1 amulet with +1 curse on enemy
Mezamete wrote:
Does Bisco's collar work properly with RF totems?

i dont see a reason why not

How do we apply the second curse when we play with Witchfire Brew am I missing something ?

I would just use it to not having to use oos to curse trashmobs. Not as a 2nd curse

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by DemianGuevara#3249 on May 20, 2023, 12:37:16 AM
question that i hope u read and do the numbers on. instead of 4 linking scorching ray is it worth it to put it in the 6 link soul mantel with RF replace either increased area or efficacy during boss battles. that way you have another 4 link for a cwdt or something else. is it a dps loss on single target? please do the numbers and not just say that its a dumb idea. i am saying that u only put scorching ray in for boss battles not during the map

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