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[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

First of all, thx for the guide.

bought this one, prob the highest fire dmg i found in harbringer league. I craftet DoT inc for even more dam. I would say this one is better than doranyi

btw, that sceptre costed about 60c, i was pretty lucky i guess :3

i think i will keep Mind over matter, because i have some serious mana reg, especially with that sceptre + a hybrid flask as life/mana help. with warcry it seems enough for now, but lets see later on
Last edited by scenzah19#1937 on Aug 10, 2017, 5:10:41 PM
scenzah19 wrote:
First of all, thx for the guide.

bought this one, prob the highest fire dmg i found in harbringer league. I craftet DoT inc for even more dam. I would say this one is better than doranyi

btw, that sceptre costed about 60c, i was pretty lucky i guess :3

i think i will keep Mind over matter, because i have some serious mana reg, especially with that sceptre + a hybrid flask as life/mana help. with warcry it seems enough for now, but lets see later on

That's even better than a dominus, minus the attack speed... awesome find! what did it cost you?

If you have a shitload of mana regen, might be worth keeping MoM. I switched over to blood magic today, and after dropping all the mana nodes along with MoM, I ended up with a total of about 600 more life vs the 1100 or so mana I had. Jury is still out on whether it will be better than with MoM.

I will probably need to swap out some +mana gear I had now that I dropped MoM. My life pool felt safer with MoM, but my mana pool was always getting hammered. I may end up going back in a few levels if I can't get the balance right.

Also, for the record, and because I couldn't get a straight answer from anyone - OoS DOES NOT proc EE when you have Ancestral Bond. Tested and verified. However, something like ice or lightning trap does cause EE to proc. If anyone really wants proof, I would be happy to provide screenshots. But I get the feeling I am the last to figure this out.

Would still be nice to know how Path of Building figures out totem life or base RF damage.
Miacova wrote:
JonhyBrawo wrote:
Great build. It's really cheap and easy to play but in my opinion 7link, +50% totem life, +cold res and some atributes (from Soul Mante and 2xKikazaru) are not so big advatages. For example Infernal Mantle is good option with increased fire dmg, +socket fire gems (RF and burning dmg), crit chance(for OoS). Then we can choose any unique ring. Emberwake Ruby Ring for more dmg. Second ring could be rare (with chaos resists) or The Taming. It is expensive but have a lot of resists and elemental dmg so other rares dont must have +40% resists. Regards.

Check out Pyre. I loaded it into PoB and it is a clear increase over Emberwake.
Unless PoB is not taking into consideration the "additional ignite" - not even sure how that mechanic would work with this build since RF is not an ignite (but aren't burning enemies ignited? One could go crazy with this paradox).

If I want to use Pyre that I have to increase my chance to ignite, right? I dont know how works that all mechanics. I dont know does that "Ignited Enemies you hit are destroyed on Kill" work with rf totem, scorching ray totem or searing bond? Or Just like EE, I must using LightningTrap to "hit enemies".

I bought Infernal Mantle and Pyre. I have to make 4-5link and I will test it.
You got lucky. I'm having a hard time crafting over 30% fire damage.

Just used about 500 alts on an ilvl 84 Sceptre. Best I got was

59%Cold Dmg

57%Lightning Dmg

38%Fire Dmg

And a 102%Physical Dmg..

Last edited by Mitch420#1849 on Aug 10, 2017, 7:36:22 PM
JonhyBrawo wrote:
If I want to use Pyre that I have to increase my chance to ignite, right? I dont know how works that all mechanics. I dont know does that "Ignited Enemies you hit are destroyed on Kill" work with rf totem, scorching ray totem or searing bond? Or Just like EE, I must using LightningTrap to "hit enemies".

I bought Infernal Mantle and Pyre. I have to make 4-5link and I will test it.

The ignite on Pyre is meaningless, but the 60-60% burning damage is massive! However, like I said earlier, I do not know how the ignites work with RF and Emberwake. If we are lucky Emberwake will apply 2 ignites and cook twice as fast. Naturally this would only matter on bosses, but that is the issue with RF totems, isn't it - boss fights.
righteous fire isnt an ignite so emberwake wouldnt work with it.
heres a reddit discussing it https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4y2tll/ignite_and_rf_mechanics_questions/
Miacova wrote:
crimsonraziel9 wrote:

Look at this beauty of a sceptre i snagged for 40 Chaos!! 123% damage. Thats just 9% off a perfect doryani and at half the price of a badly rolled one. Slap in a Leo mod and this will surpass a doryani easily. :D Keep a lookout for such sceptres my brothers.

Unfortunately that added fire damage will jack up EE. I like the scepter, and would even consider dropping EE if I could get another just like it.

Here's the thing, the fire damage applies to your shield charge, leap slam, yes. However, how often do you actually hit using those when fighting the tough mobs aka bosses. As some other users have said, it is not as detrimental as compared to added fire to spells (since those will mess up OOS EE), which is why it was considered. Maybe it is just my playstyle where i prefer to position myself with quicksilver more often than not because of the Soul Mantle curses, therefore it suits me. Also, the fire damage increased your other skills such as Searing Bond, and i THINK Scorching Ray (not too sure on this one) so its actually a dps increase too. :)
crimsonraziel9 wrote:
Miacova wrote:
crimsonraziel9 wrote:

Look at this beauty of a sceptre i snagged for 40 Chaos!! 123% damage. Thats just 9% off a perfect doryani and at half the price of a badly rolled one. Slap in a Leo mod and this will surpass a doryani easily. :D Keep a lookout for such sceptres my brothers.

Unfortunately that added fire damage will jack up EE. I like the scepter, and would even consider dropping EE if I could get another just like it.

Here's the thing, the fire damage applies to your shield charge, leap slam, yes. However, how often do you actually hit using those when fighting the tough mobs aka bosses. As some other users have said, it is not as detrimental as compared to added fire to spells (since those will mess up OOS EE), which is why it was considered. Maybe it is just my playstyle where i prefer to position myself with quicksilver more often than not because of the Soul Mantle curses, therefore it suits me. Also, the fire damage increased your other skills such as Searing Bond, and i THINK Scorching Ray (not too sure on this one) so its actually a dps increase too. :)

Beware - in boss fights, I use Shield Charge almost every time, to proc Fortify. And even without it, any movement skill is great if you need to get quickly out of reach. Uber Izaro is a great example, you can be oneshotted easily if you are standing at a wrong place at a wrong time.
So, be careful with the fire damage. It can ruin your EE, resulting in 25% increased fire resist on a boss.
- TroubiCZ
I think OoS will instantly override the fire damage from shield charge for EE if placed correctly.
Probably it's been answered before here, but searching through 73 pages is really time consuming.

It's about scorching ray usage. Won't it nullify the effects of EE by adding 25% resistance to fire as soon as it hits the target?

Or to use it, I must first use a trap (ice/lightning) and then scorching ray totem?


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