[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

oh i see thank you so much for the EE section sorry I am a noob. So basically with ancestral bonds orb of storms wont apply EE? the trap is then needed until I can respec ancestral bonds?
MoM: As I said, my solution is to link BM to a warcry. When you get your mana depleted, the warcry still works and 25% of mana is gained instantly. But I didn't get to serious mapping yet, I just finished my first map in 3.0 and now I must upgrade my equip, because it is really shitty atm and I dare not to even try maps without nearly capping elem resists :)

Speaking of resitances, a fact of life: To fully cap resists with Soul Mantle without curse-removing potions, you need to get your bare (in HO) stats to 152 (75 base + 60 endgame penalty + 8 elemental weakness + 9 flammability/conductivity/frostbite curses). Penalty from elem weaknes map is not included, it pushes the requirements even further.
- TroubiCZ
Last edited by trouba#5401 on Aug 9, 2017, 6:45:05 AM
Hi Milky,
thank you for the tons of info on your build.
I have 2 questions about the skill tree:

- After lvl 90, celestial judgement (+18% elem.dmg) is an option; why not celestial punishment (+30% burning dmg)?

- I don't understand why Ironwood is important. It costs quite a few skill points to get there, and I don't see a huge damage increase in my Path of Building (not more than all those elemental or burning damage nodes, shamanistic fury etc). The other nodes on the way seem replacable as well; only if you use Bloodmagic it seems to make sense. Am I missing something?

Thanks and regards!

Last edited by Christiananda#2097 on Aug 9, 2017, 7:00:27 AM
HI !
Great guide and one of the most successfull/fun builds I have used in a long time.
Im soon level 70 and ending act 10. I recently picked up a cheap searing touch as I figured it would be great.
If Doryani and expensive items is out of the question, would you say its more value to use the Searing touch or does it make more sense to use scepter and shield ? (better, needed surviablity ?)
I don't know if this has been answered but would it be better to roll with enfeeble or temp chains as a second curse with flammability?
lazerod wrote:
I don't know if this has been answered but would it be better to roll with enfeeble or temp chains as a second curse with flammability?

ele weakness if you want more damage (curse effects stack), temp chains otherwise (personal preference)
Used this as my league starter wayyy back when we were using doedre scorn and triple curse :P

Back this league to try things again. I am an experienced RF totemer so my thoughts may not apply to newer players. I have done 50 atziri runs, going to do 50 more by the end of the week. Maps, i have done around t8 maps. Here is my thoughts.

1.)I dislike Soul Mantle because all the random curses has the potential to fk up in a perfect storm. Nonetheless, it is required now and is pretty powerful. I am still on a 5l.

2.)Damage wise is fine, pretty solid with SB and SR for boss killing.

3.)MoM is pure dogshit. Period. It is aggravating because we don't take alot of mana nodes in tree nor do you usally get mana on equipment. This means we have no synergy. Mana keep getting chunked to zero and then you can't use your OOS or Warcry. Very clunky and annoying to play and map. It seems okay for levelling, but i immediately specced out of it around lvl 67 and went Blood Magic. My hp now at lvl 86 is 6.2k and 600es (lol). Feels much smoother because this will lead back to my first point, the soul mantle. If you're caught with curses up and you can't cast warcry to get out in a situation on a reflex, you're in for a bad time. This happens more often than not, and it is something we Soul Mantle users have to take note with regards to positioning and putting ourself in good positions. Getting chunked to zero mana is NOT a good position.

Overall, been farming Atziri so far on gear total worth of like...10 chaos. Pretty solid. I reckon it can farm uber lab too. Will try after my 100 atziri runs.

If you guys had to drop scorching ray or searing bond, what would you choose? Of those two which help the most with the dps against bosses?
Hi I have a question, looking at PoB, the build has -40 chaos resist and I don't see anything in the guide about this. How do you deal with chaos damage and how would Forbidden Taste flask work like this?
Ultimir wrote:
Hi I have a question, looking at PoB, the build has -40 chaos resist and I don't see anything in the guide about this. How do you deal with chaos damage and how would Forbidden Taste flask work like this?

the only way to not have -40 chaos

is take Tukohama's Fortress Ebony Tower Shield (10 exalts and more) and with shield dont use soul mantle and 2 kikazary ring

and have body hand legs rings and amulers all rare with + chaos rez

phasing as used like skill dont work when y aktivate any skill phasing endings

Forbidden Taste
Quartz Flask = Recover Full Life on use
8% of maximum Life taken as Chaos Damage per second this mean y be dead wery quick )))

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