[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
Milkyslice wrote:
maxtothemax6 wrote:
So woudld you recomend the Scion mix>? or The Pure beserker or chieftain? I have since looked into a few other posts and stuff and the biggest advantage seems to be the curse immunity otherwise it seems that scion dps is actually lower by as much as 40% and the life pool is similar which makes me think its may not be worth it.
i haven´t forget you, just had not much time to respond ;)
scion guardian/chieftain is fine. the Chieftain subclass is boring and doesnt bring much to the table, but the alternate start is good on this one. For scion only speaks the curse "immunity" which also reduces incoming dmg from the remaining 20% curseeffect of the other classes. Besides that there is nothing special about her except the guardian/necro combo for the unique party support.
Chieftain has nothing exciting anymore since the degen of rf is heavily reduced in 3.0. The fire immune totems were the selling point. The debuff of his totems and regen/totem placement speed are nice, but other classes have similar benefits as well.
Berserker on the other side deals the most damage and has his powerful warcrys which outperforms chieftains/scions regen and long term survivability. He is only more prone to oneshots compared to the other classes (10% more incoming dmg vs less dmg of enemys aura vs less curse effect and some minor buffs). Endurance charges are up all the time like on the chieftain if we heal with enduring cry.
He also has less issues with no regeneration maps since the warcry can still heal a good chunk.
I recommend the berserker for the substain and damage, one shots which are his weakness got heavily nerfed and are not a big deal on a passive build in my opinion.
For scion i would go for guardian/necro, skill/gear a bit different for dual/triple curse... like 2 curse on hit, one blasphemy + determination for excample and have a higher impact in partys while still being able to do anything solo
Awesome thanks for the advice, Yea i figured berserker would be best its just so good in 3.0 and the 100% immunity doesn't really seem worth it in comparison to the sustain and dps the berserker brings to the table. I'm currently level 51 and loving your build thanks for the guide and response. Cheers!
Okay, so fireborn doesn't work... but I did find some ways to optimize the build for damage by placing spire of stone in a different location. Still enjoying the build, and I managed to get THIS today. I can do triple cursing now!
Okay, so fireborn doesn't work... but I did find some ways to optimize the build for damage by placing spire of stone in a different location. Still enjoying the build, and I managed to get THIS today. I can do triple cursing now!
I would replace the boots if I were you. Dual curse is plenty enough for both defense and offense.
Such an excellent write up thank you!!
May I ask:
- Would the "x % of totem damage is leeched to you as life" from the Chieftain ascendancy or the unique shield work with RF Totems? RF normally doesn't allow for leech effects, but this is another modifier altogether (damage). Thank you!
- Is the "increased damage taken" from Aspect of Carnage additive or multiplicative? You people seem to say "more damage" taken, but isn't it "merely" increased?
thank you!
Underrated stats: Basic human decency, small quantum of respect, microportion of compassion
Such an excellent write up thank you!!
May I ask:
- Would the "x % of totem damage is leeched to you as life" from the Chieftain ascendancy or the unique shield work with RF Totems? RF normally doesn't allow for leech effects, but this is another modifier altogether (damage). Thank you!
- Is the "increased damage taken" from Aspect of Carnage additive or multiplicative? You people seem to say "more damage" taken, but isn't it "merely" increased?
thank you!
1. dots cannot leech, no way around that.
2. if its the only damage taken modifier its basically 10% more dmg taken. But it is additive with other damage taken modifier like abyssus, so its increased damage taken like written in the text ;)
Guys I need some help. Looking at milky's PoB he manged to get 300k DPS on shaper but I only mange to
get 190k. I wonder where does rest comes from. flasks ?
My PoB if anyone is interested: https://pastebin.com/Vf43ghm6
what would you recommend for end game gear for the rare items, boots, amulet, gloves, etc
everything is listed in the gear section.
- enough dex so you dont have to use skillpoints for that.
- high life on every piece
- enough overcapped resists (91 fire, 90 cold/lightning)
- chaos res after that, 30 on the gear are enough, more is never bad
- strength for more life and armour after that point