[3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM #

Provin915 wrote:
Fun build; nearly transitioning to CI. Also, using Taryn's Shiver for the +2, it's pretty good in the beginning. Super late game, 1h + shield will dominate.

It's good to hear that!
definitely my 3.0 starter build (so much fun, so much clear speed!
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
jacobtoye wrote:
CptKeys wrote:
I like the idea of magma orb as well. Combined with a Sire of shards maybe. Does anybody know if that interaction would work with mines? I can just imagine entire screens of magma orbs going off. Either way definitely a fun build I'm going to be playing

Did you give this a go? In Beta I tried without Sire of Shards and the damage was better than frostbolt, however not by much and with frostbolts the projects travel much further and faster (multiple screens). For both versions I had the appropriate jewels. The test was done in a T6 map when I was around level 72.

In Beta was I didn't have great crit (3*% with 5 power charges), I still 3 crit clusters to go. But you still get a lot of chill and the odd freeze. Obviously you're not going to get this with Magma Orb.

I don't have time to play too much and test builds sadly =(
Nor do i have the currency to spend testing end game setups at all. I'm super casual when it comes to PoE. I just enjoy creative build ideas and hope others that can test them do.

I'm currently working on a glacial cascade mine setup in beta and its fun thus far. And the damage can be pretty nuts if Path of Building is accurate. Only level 39 atm though haha.
Hey man. I'm pretty new (first toon to 70 (and only) in legacy). This build looks super sick! What skills did you level with and when did you transition to mines / what setup?
yes, u should stay with CWDT on lowest lvl at is possible -leveling CWDT would block your defensive setups (ofc u can level CWDT + other gems if u have enough DEX+INT+STR)

Leveling LifeBuild should be something like this. #grab life, then dmg#
Mind Over Matter is awesome ass saver
62 points
100 points

What weapon, rings , amulet , jewels , equipment and affixes should I be looking out for as a hp build ?
멈추지 말고 계속 해나가기만 한다면 늦어도 상관없다.
What the Num5 trick is supposed to do? I'm brand new to this mechanic and build so I don't know what I am supposed to look for. Thanks a lot!
xstalkerx666 wrote:
What the Num5 trick is supposed to do? I'm brand new to this mechanic and build so I don't know what I am supposed to look for. Thanks a lot!

The num5 trick allows you to throw mines without having to press shift. they go under the char wherever u click
soullesseal wrote:
Hey man. I'm pretty new (first toon to 70 (and only) in legacy). This build looks super sick! What skills did you level with and when did you transition to mines / what setup?

Iam using frost blades for leveling + some melee skills ~heavy strike (for single targets)
Usually when i pick up some mine nodes like Cleaver Construction, Saboteur, Volatile Mines/Blast Cascade then dmg is enough for transition to mines.

Iam also using LMP / GMP till i put 2x Frozen Trail Jewels. Tabula or 5L chest helps a lot :)
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
AikawaKurosu wrote:
yes, u should stay with CWDT on lowest lvl at is possible -leveling CWDT would block your defensive setups (ofc u can level CWDT + other gems if u have enough DEX+INT+STR)

Leveling LifeBuild should be something like this. #grab life, then dmg#
Mind Over Matter is awesome ass saver
62 points
100 points

What weapon, rings , amulet , jewels , equipment and affixes should I be looking out for as a hp build ?


So look for: INC Critical Strike Chance for Spells, INC Global Critical Strike Multiplier, INC Spell DMG, Bonus: INC Cold DMG/Adds X - X cold DMG to spells and it always nice to have INC Projectile Speed
Diamond Rings with (for better CRITs):
% Res + HP + Strenght/INT
Other Eqp:
U need more HP, Res + everything else like mana or +some STR/DEX/INT would be nice bonus

I started my FROSTBOLT KING Yávíôn_Usírâkhôn as LifeBasedBuild where i focused on HP, RES + InC Rarity -it depends what u looking for
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
In what order would you suggest to take your ascendancy point? from normal to uber lab. Thanks a lot once again!
xstalkerx666 wrote:
In what order would you suggest to take your ascendancy point? from normal to uber lab. Thanks a lot once again!

Normal: Bomb Specialist = +2 additional mines
Cruel: Demolition Specialist = inc arming speed/some dmg
Merci: Explosive Expert = dmg penetrates 10 % ele res (Cold pen 20lv 20%q gives us total 47% penetration :) )
uLab : Blinding Assault

uLab is not necessary, i just did it for challenge :) the best choice is Blinding Assault because other ascendancy point gives only some ele dmg + a lot of shit for traps
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Last edited by Damiano_POL#3340 on Jul 18, 2017, 5:09:29 PM

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