[3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM #

why mines? why not using traps?
leftyZX wrote:
why mines? why not using traps?

Hello my Friend,
i think this is just obvious:

Traps have a multi-cooldown. Each time the cooldown completes, a counter that is shown on the skill's hotkey icon is increased by one. This counter is how many traps the player has "in stock" that are available to be laid. The counter will continue to increase slowly until the maximum is reached. A maximum of 3 Traps per skill name may be stored.

Unlike the maximums for active traps/mines, which are global across all skills, the "stock" is tracked separately for each individual trap or mine skill, and the cooldowns also operate on a per-skill basis. Different instances of the same skill share the same cooldown. This means that if you use a fire trap gem and a bear trap gem, laying fire traps will trigger the cooldown for the fire trap but not the bear trap. If you have 2 fire trap gems and lay 3 fire traps, BOTH fire trap gems will be in a shared cooldown so you won't be able to use the second gem while the first one is in a cooldown.

This also means that unlike with a traditional cooldown, the traps can be laid in rapid succession, until the current stock is exhausted. They will then have to wait for more cooldowns to complete before more traps become available.

Removing a trap or mine from a socket, removing the item the trap/mine is socketed into or swapping to the alternative weapon set will NOT reset the cooldown to zero.

-source: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Traps_and_Mines#Active_trap_gems

SO my Friend, Traps have cooldown time recovery (like 3 throws and u must wait), mines just has limit by placed mines
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Alkatraz_BR wrote:
Can this build do any and all content in 3.0?

How much would me spend on her? I'm looking for a cheap build.

You need only 2core Jewels : Frozen Trail ~both cost 4-5c (as Shadow u can get as reward one jewel in act6 i think) and thats all

everything else could be easily crafted.

/Can this build do any and all content in 3.0
-Yes, I did All Guardians/Atziri/other friends as CI build, Shaper & UberAtziri avaible imao as a LowLife

Good Luck!

Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
First of all, I love this build, thank you. Its the first mine/trap build I played and I have been crushing my way to level 70 the past 2 days.

I greatly recommend using a detonate spell-totem for anyone who has problems with the more hectic boss fights. Since I have played a Golemancer the last patch I had difficulty keeping up with Kitava and setting/detonating the mines myself. With the Totem its like firing a machine gun.

The only real problem I have yet faced is the amount of gem sockets I need/would want.

Heres my gear for now, at level 70.

I'm not sure if the faster casting support on the spell totem actually does anything, I'll prolly switch it out for increased duration in the future.

Cheers :]
IGN: PunchyMcSplosion
Hey nice build.
Difference between CI&Life Version?
Would a Tremor Rod or Sire of Shards Serpentine Staff be good for this build?
Hi i'm doing this build but at which level do you think we can start by playing with the icebolt mine ?Because i'm 25 and i'm levelling with iceshot but i'm wondering when i will be able to swap for iceboltmine .(Thx for the build btw it's the only real cheap build that i found :D )
Got up to 70, using frostbolt since ~40 and can't complain at all. It just melt anything at any range just spam mine and win.
MoM + clarity and mana reg nodes working really good with ES, even with only 400 mana free (herald, discipline, clari).

Do you believe inc. crit chance gem can be replaced? I'm about 27% crit, i don't give a crap about pow charges and still frostbolt crit pretty often. I was thinking arcane surge or anything that gives % more but since it's my first miner i can't test much on standard.
Try to compensate slower projectiles with speed jewels/wand?. Hell even efficiency gem with only 20% more spell looks good.

IGN Flatulencia
Last edited by Focusix#6192 on Aug 15, 2017, 4:37:15 AM
15.08.2017 - [3.0] Added T5: Dunes - My first map after act 10 Gameplay Video
Maps are pretty easy and fun. Last upgrade of my gear was in act 5/6. Survi is good enough -didnt die on maps, yet. Remember about flask managment.

peeps420 wrote:
Would a Tremor Rod or Sire of Shards Serpentine Staff be good for this build?

Hi! Just read the thread for some tips. Tremor Rod is a awesome weapon and for now iam using it (71lvl) because of mine laying speed

BloodLab wrote:
Hi i'm doing this build but at which level do you think we can start by playing with the icebolt mine ?Because i'm 25 and i'm levelling with iceshot but i'm wondering when i will be able to swap for iceboltmine .(Thx for the build btw it's the only real cheap build that i found :D )

Go for frostbolt mines when u got 2 core jewels = Frozen Trail and just put them in tree asasp

Focusix wrote:
Got up to 70, using frostbolt since ~40 and can't complain at all. It just melt anything at any range just spam mine and win.
MoM + clarity and mana reg nodes working really good with ES, even with only 400 mana free (herald, discipline, clari).

Do you believe inc. crit chance gem can be replaced? I'm about 27% crit, i don't give a crap about pow charges and still frostbolt crit pretty often. I was thinking arcane surge or anything that gives % more but since it's my first miner i can't test much on standard.
Try to compensate slower projectiles with speed jewels/wand?. Hell even efficiency gem with only 20% more spell looks good.


Just look for some wand/dagger with crit mods + shield.
Iam curently 71lvl and with crap gear (also got some about 27%crit chance) now iam starting collecting some better gear (my gear is from act 5/6).

Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Damiano_POL wrote:
leftyZX wrote:
why mines? why not using traps?

Hello my Friend,
i think this is just obvious:

Traps have a multi-cooldown. Each time the cooldown completes, a counter that is shown on the skill's hotkey icon is increased by one. This counter is how many traps the player has "in stock" that are available to be laid. The counter will continue to increase slowly until the maximum is reached. A maximum of 3 Traps per skill name may be stored.

Unlike the maximums for active traps/mines, which are global across all skills, the "stock" is tracked separately for each individual trap or mine skill, and the cooldowns also operate on a per-skill basis. Different instances of the same skill share the same cooldown. This means that if you use a fire trap gem and a bear trap gem, laying fire traps will trigger the cooldown for the fire trap but not the bear trap. If you have 2 fire trap gems and lay 3 fire traps, BOTH fire trap gems will be in a shared cooldown so you won't be able to use the second gem while the first one is in a cooldown.

This also means that unlike with a traditional cooldown, the traps can be laid in rapid succession, until the current stock is exhausted. They will then have to wait for more cooldowns to complete before more traps become available.

Removing a trap or mine from a socket, removing the item the trap/mine is socketed into or swapping to the alternative weapon set will NOT reset the cooldown to zero.

-source: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Traps_and_Mines#Active_trap_gems

SO my Friend, Traps have cooldown time recovery (like 3 throws and u must wait), mines just has limit by placed mines

wow yea you right, thnk you for detailed reply.
One more thou, why energy shield build didn't have any defense? such like evasion, armor, or block?
because im usually doing dodge and evasion, pure energy shield is new thing for me
Last edited by leftyZX#1795 on Aug 15, 2017, 8:44:13 AM

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