Underrated Itemization: Lycosidae

tm10067 wrote:
Strong feat on shitty item - usual approach.

you mean good approach. With 100% to hit, there is no downside other than the stats you give up. Its a truly well balanced shield in my opinion. You give up a lot to get a lot.

My only qualm with that, is when I start to consider taking this shield instead of a better statted one, I then just consider "Why don't I just go spells and get 100% hit chance inherently?"

I mean, yeah, it's cool that it's good utility on a non-top tier statted item. But it means a lot less to me when I could try and min-max with another damage source that disregards the need for it...

Meaning I'd only realistically try and utilize Lycosidae and Lioneye's Glare for minion builds, where it's the only way to bump up their accuracy...

But yeah, as far as the shield goes, it's on par with Eye of Chayula. In that it brings only the positive sides of a keystone, at the cost of being a mediocre statted item.
Tarille wrote:

My only qualm with that, is when I start to consider taking this shield instead of a better statted one, I then just consider "Why don't I just go spells and get 100% hit chance inherently?"

because Spells and Attacks are balanced differently :P
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There is a lot of offensive choises for dual wield setups ( death's hand, scaeada, twilight...)

But only lycosidae and the great old one and broken faith as offensive shields...

And lycodisae is the most powerfull one for a non-rt character.

So powerfull that it gives a free mod on atleast two of yours rares items (bye bye accuracy) while granting atleast 11% more extra damage. if you had 89% accuracy with two 350 accu mods, well... it does it better, you swap accu for pure str, gaining life and phys damage, or resistances.

Note even talking about crit chance here.

It's block chance is not bad either. It's level is low and it becomes more usefull late game... until it becomes good enough.

The only downside of this shield: It's only good in two cases...
a life cheap build or insanely costy ES build. So it cannot be a Best In slot item.

depending of the build, it can even reach 90% MORE damage... far better than any dual wield setup.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt on May 29, 2017, 7:09:30 PM
tm10067 wrote:
Strong feat on shitty item - usual approach.

you mean good approach. With 100% to hit, there is no downside other than the stats you give up. Its a truly well balanced shield in my opinion. You give up a lot to get a lot.

Also outclassed by other build specific shields as well as the 3-500 ES shields, but that won't be an issue for 3.0!

This shield is great, very underrated.
Why not just use a vegan weapon? More deeps and cant be evade.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
Why not just use a vegan weapon? More deeps and cant be evade.

Some people like to punch bad guys in the face with a critical punch supported by a huge electrocuting metal gauntlet. Or just simply break faces.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
vagan weapons are difficult to craft, especially for non-coc builds. And the damage is lower than a good weapon.
Plus vagan weapons "100% hit" is LOCAL so it cant be dual wield anyway with a stronger weapon to benefit of the 100% hit
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt on May 29, 2017, 8:06:46 PM
Geisalt wrote:
Plus vagan weapons "100% hit" is LOCAL so it cant be dual wield anyway with a stronger weapon to benefit of the 100% hit

I didn't know that: thanks!
Last edited by ladish on May 29, 2017, 8:23:12 PM
I'm double posting to explain something:

Lycosidae, for a build -without dex and accuracy- is far stronger than any dual wield setup, and probably than two handed setups too (unless RT).

Example: a build with one doryani's catalyst but 71% accuracy

if we add a second doryani' : 51% more damage

if we add lycosae : 87% more damage, superior by 26%

dual wield doryani DPS becomes identical with 80% accuracy, then the more accuracy you get, the better it is. it depends of your total % increased in the build, but... it shows the power of lyco.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt on May 29, 2017, 9:36:55 PM
With 100% to hit, there is no downside other than the stats you give up. Its a truly well balanced shield in my opinion

It may have changed since I last checked, but 100% chance to hit used to come with the downside of 100% chance to hit also applying to reflected damage. Not such a big issue anyway now that reflect isn't much of a thing anymore, but still worth noting.
Last edited by MonstaMunch on May 30, 2017, 1:23:58 AM

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