Underrated Itemization: Lycosidae

Today I will take a look at an often underrated item. It can be used for leveling, budget setup and is fully worthy of the endgame.

The item is naturally good because of "Your hits can't be Evaded".

- Will allow you to ignore accuracy.

- Which in turn is underrated because of how accuracy works. Not only does it apply when hitting in the first place, it then applies a second time to all critical hits and if it fails that second check the hit is not a crit but still hits. I believe this is also not reflected in in-game tooltips.

- Effectively that means your crit chance is reduced twice by your accuracy. If you have 89% accuracy, the amount of crits you do will actually be reduced by 1 - (89%)^2 = 20.79%, so in other words if you are on 89% accuracy you get 1 / 0.89^2 = 26.247% more crits by getting this item.

- Instead of dual-wielding, you can use twice the amount of currency to buy 1 really good weapon - cost effective and therefore in reality often the better practical choice even for endgame until you get super optimized gear (probably 100+ exalts for many setups).

- Allows you to free up some accuracy on gear(some suffixes) and passives in the tree.

- 100% chance to hit will allow you to be entirely sure your hits connect. For example using spectral throw i don't run the risk of the monsters evading my hits and having to lay extra throws to cover up behind me (reliability).

- You get a fair amount of block and a bit of life.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on May 29, 2017, 5:59:38 AM
Last bumped on Jun 4, 2017, 9:53:11 AM
No crit no fun.
Neden yaşıyorsun?
Unarmed crit approves of this shield (theorycrafted only, character not yet created).
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Don't forget minions. :)

Perception is reality.
Jideament wrote:
No crit no fun.

What do you mean with "no crits"?

The shield doesn't give you the unwavering stance node, just the property "hits can't be evaded", so it is GOLD for crit builds. And since in 3.0 people will probably go with life builds, it's a pretty damn nice unique shield to have when the expansion comes :). Life, block chance and guarateed hits and crits, what more would you ask for?
Completed 20 ChallengesJideament wrote:
No crit no fun.

What do you mean with "no crits"?

The shield doesn't give you the unwavering stance node, just the property "hits can't be evaded", so it is GOLD for crit builds. And since in 3.0 people will probably go with life builds, it's a pretty damn nice unique shield to have when the expansion comes :). Life, block chance and guarateed hits and crits, what more would you ask for?

Perhaps you mean "Resolute Technique"? and yes... is 100% chance to hit with crits working, not the resolute passive.
opethsland wrote:
Jideament wrote:
No crit no fun.

What do you mean with "no crits"?

The shield doesn't give you the unwavering stance node, just the property "hits can't be evaded", so it is GOLD for crit builds. And since in 3.0 people will probably go with life builds, it's a pretty damn nice unique shield to have when the expansion comes :). Life, block chance and guarateed hits and crits, what more would you ask for?

Yes ik it's not resolute my friend played crit ST with this shield last league. I said that because the shield is really good for crit.

FCK42 wrote:
Unarmed crit approves of this shield (theorycrafted only, character not yet created).

Doryani's Fist Guardian?
Neden yaşıyorsun?
It is indeed a truly awesome shield, I used it until lvl80-ish until i got the surrender, but even then, I was left thinking how good that 100% hit rate actually is.
Spreading salt since 2006
Strong feat on shitty item - usual approach.
tm10067 wrote:
Strong feat on shitty item - usual approach.

you mean good approach. With 100% to hit, there is no downside other than the stats you give up. Its a truly well balanced shield in my opinion. You give up a lot to get a lot.

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