Energy Shield and Life

IamLoco wrote:
Nedfert wrote:
Probabily this game is become the hardest game in the world .This game lose player every day and this is a fact we all know( friend list empty day by day ) and now another brutal nef anouncement, i wonder if we not be able to play decent anymore this game, why we stil play or invest in this game?

1. They´re all rich now and don´t care
2. I´ll stop my support the moment this mindless nerf goes online. Will hold my moneyz for now, that´s for sure.

I hear ya i learned a vary valuable lesson from this game never pay free to play platforms because you'll just have your money go towards the future of the game that being a giant abyss

I do call that little investment. There are only 17 nodes on the tree which increase maximum energy shield. Equipment is also not good ES...not a single part of it and you still have about 9k ES.


I've taken every single ES notable that I fucking can.
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- PoE TOS.
IamLoco wrote:
Nedfert wrote:
Probabily this game is become the hardest game in the world .This game lose player every day and this is a fact we all know( friend list empty day by day ) and now another brutal nef anouncement, i wonder if we not be able to play decent anymore this game, why we stil play or invest in this game?

1. They´re all rich now and don´t care
2. I´ll stop my support the moment this mindless nerf goes online. Will hold my moneyz for now, that´s for sure.

If these nerfs go live as they are, and especially if I go from 8k to 6k ES which it seems like I will, I'll be asking for a refund on my recently purchased hydra and legacy packs at least. Dunno if they'll give me them, wonder if I'll be man enough to file chargebacks and get my account banned if I have to, but it wouldnt be worth it with how much money I've wasted so far.
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
Last edited by bhavv#7360 on May 18, 2017, 5:12:54 AM
bhavv wrote:

I do call that little investment. There are only 17 nodes on the tree which increase maximum energy shield. Equipment is also not good ES...not a single part of it and you still have about 9k ES.

I've taken every single ES notable that I fucking can.[/quote]

It's not only about notables. And i didn't want to say your items are shit or so, but I think its a fact that this is quite a budget gear. (Maybe i missed something.)

Plus: They are talking about nerfing the T1 mods. With "only" 8k ES you probably don't have that many T1 ES mods which means you are not affected that much.

Anyway, my point is, that everyone is talking about end-game content which will be harder. And this fact i really like. With even more nerfs, maps up to T14 should not be a problem at all. IN MY OPINION, end-game content should not be playable by everyone with every build. My motivation is being able to do the end-game stuff... and honestly I think it's too easy right now.
Last edited by ZinCi#5846 on May 18, 2017, 5:21:14 AM
Hey, I really like the changes.

You stated that a reason a lot of people go ES is because to do endgame they need big investments in damage and ES allows them to invest a lot in damage without having to invest a crazy amount in life, like high life builds do.

These changes will bring a lot of builds from about 11k ES down to 8k ES.

Considering an average melee life build can hit 6k life without a Kaoms my first question is immediately:

- Why would you go ES now over life? What kind of builds would benefit? Is it purely now 'I'm a build that's in the top right corner of the map, so I guess I'll go ES?'

- Will endgame content be changed to account for these changes? I heard you were adjusting damage levels of skill gems since you could no longer double dip and rely on that, (And I'm glad I'll be able to play a pure caster again that doesn't do fire or phys) but now that our endgame damage totals are nerfed along with the health we can get, a lot of endgame content will be many times harder.
Way to RIP off every player in the game while still not buffing life... I dont understand why you through the nerf hammer at everything instead of a slight tweak and judgements, but what do i know im just a player on your game.
Dear GGG the problem about Energy vs Life was NOT that.

The real problem are FLASKS VS ARMOR/EVASION.

As energy shield user you could reach forms of mitigation with Flasks that are on pair on not mirror only worthy AR/EV gear and beyond that a bigger life pool in form of energy shield so this is the REAL problem.

Key stones are fine you dont need to change them.

Wath is in need to change are Flasks in general, and maybe tweek top tier life rolls to be a little higter a reduce top energy shield rolls, so the investment in the tree wiil be even for both life forms what in damage and defense points concerns.

I dont know how you go test this stuff in one month beta and cannnot simple test END GAME fights by yourselfs in several years before now. I bet that you guys have the tools to create a character with all possible combination of items and them use them in all end game possible fights. if you guys dont have a tool like this, i think that is a problem in what touches balancing the game.

You guys should say wath life pool/mitigation do you have in mind when you creat content an then tweek these if needed when new harder content is added to the game, instead of manifestos that dont say anything tha real mathers.

First LIFE should have a diferent form to work than energy shield but now they dont, energy shield can use the same tools than life more the exclusive ones to him(except Life Flasks) in the end BOTH should have the SAME life pool so is more EASY to BALANCE the game.

Is up to YOU GGG guys Find a SOLUTION for this iff you dont know, and seems so, based in the manifesto, should asks to community ,prefencial me.

Should be more easy put LIFE on pair with Energy shield and then after increase monster damage if needed, than create more legacy items in long run just saying.

You have to balance the game around the same numbers every time you want to introduce new content if you guys continue with this formula.

We cant have better gear than 4 years ago because the end game content do same damage tham before(the problem is that is not true), Kaoms Heart will be the ultimate LIFE chestpiece forever (facepalm) is that it?New harder content and LIFE stay the same OK gg heck he have to be nerfed lol.
Sight... i think is just more easy balance life and monster damage and player damage than create legacy items every time you do some drastic changes to de game. If some items are realy broken they should be reworked and no legacy items should remain.

New MORE damage MODIFIERS should only introduced whem really new tought content is added to game or can be used to replace current MODFIFIERS.

We get back to my first thinking that Flasks are the real problem here. They are to strong Every Build that dont need life or mana flasks will be better than anything else. So that is principal reason than energy shield is better than life.

At least can you guys create a LIFE pot that give Flat LIFE(like 500) for duration that is increased by modifiers on the tree or something like that so LIFE builds can have at least the same pool than energy shield and you dont neen to make 3000 changes to energy shield idk.

Since Kaoms Heart DONT have links maybe Kaoms Primacy should come with a least 5 links minimum maybe idk is just a idea. Or Kaom just use basic attacks??? Since his boots and chest dont have links LOL.

I have so many more to talk but i bet no one will be reading any way.... so STAY SAFE.
bhavv wrote:
driquis wrote:
"We've seen characters reaching over 25,000 Energy Shield"

just who have perfect item mirroned have that,i cry for reach 8k

fuck all

Right, I post my 8k ES gear and all that people here do is tell me how shit it is that its my fault I dont have better gear.

So because they want to nerf 25k ES builds, my 8k will become what? 6k? 5k? 4k???

I dont give a flying fuck about nerfing vaal pact as I only use ES / CI for spell builds, but Ghost Reaver at least is still needed for CI melee shadows, or how are they meant to be able to melee anything?

For example, boots with 200+ ES cost 2 chaos on Standart (where your gear from). You listed 140 ES piece of crap. What was your point again?

Ah, that you can't read, or understand the meaning of text. But that is not a game ballance issue, sorry.
these adjustments really seem like too much.
i dont get why ES is always beeing compared to LIFE while it should be compared to AR/EV since thats the slot it takes.
it obviously is the best defense of those, but that seems to be because there are no diminishing returns whatsoever on ES while there are on AR/EV.
introducing diminishing returns for ES seems to make more sense to bring it more in line with AR/EV. better yet though i would like to see some adjustments to AR/EV that make them more appealing.
in general ES seems just so much better because mob damage just doesnt feel balanced at all,
they either do no damage or just one-shot you.
vaal pact feels like the worse offender here since it mitigates practicaly every small hit, which in turn gives the game the need to have those huge hits to not have vaal pact be a god mode.
maxkardinal wrote:
Why people keep saying that without Vaal Pact there will be NO way to regain ES?

Llife leech was not yet removed from the game, so what's your problem? Oh, i think i'm getting it - you won't be able to fecetank everythg that not 1-shots you. In your world tnhat means unplayable? Nice.

Why people keep saying that ES chars can't mitigate physical damage?

Fortify, Granit, Basalt Flasks, Arctic Armour are not yet removed from the game. Oh, that means that you need to replace your precious dps flasks and drop one offencive aura. Thats unplayable, for sure. Thtats fucking unspeakable!

considering your character pool i would say you have no expansive knowledge of endgame. Life leech without vaal pact is not workable in a CQC environment. The leech is plain too slow. Sure, there are some life leech rate + nodes, but they are mostly in the south west of the tree

I have no doubt bow ES will work, since you can dodge most of the damage. In close quarters (melee, some spells) you can't always dodge.

We aren't talking about facetanking shaper beam/slam here. I have never done that, and yet ive killed both uber and shaper.

My lvl 94 raider (HoWA) has about 10k ES, with a decent investment. One could argue the chest is trash, but this is about the ES a high tier chest will get after nerf. So, is she as invincible as you claim? Absolutely not, if I dont pay attention she will die, even just doing regular maps. Do I need vaal pact? I sure do, even when playing as spectral throw, and even more so if i switch to blade flurry.

In the current high damage environment of late maps the changes proposed by GGG wont work for CI characters. This includes both the high nerf to tree ES and vaal pact. However, there are some additions we havent seen (pantheon).

If this is another knee jerk nerf and actually goes through I will probably skip next season. There are some good ARPG (and mods!) alternatives nowadays.
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