The Fall of Oriath: Act Five Concept Art

Praise the sun \o/
I really like the stained glass window concept!
good,god will be with me(。^▽^)
Stained glass looks great
I like #2 (what are these, broken picture frames they're wearing? lol), then #1 or #7 and C, and finally the 3rd stained glass best.
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Last edited by cipher_nemo#6436 on May 17, 2017, 1:17:36 PM
is it me or does kitava really hate picture frames?
the concept art looks soo friking coool!!! awesome job!:D cant wait to get my hands on the beta!! :D
Thx Natalia. <3
Ironmallet wrote:
Rexeos wrote:
Great work. Nevertheless please no more violet/purple... its for teenagers/juvenils mentality only..

How did you come to this silly conclusion?

Sounded pretty dumb to me too. Associating colours with mentality. Dude, do you like black only?

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