Path of Exile and Twitch Prime Set To Partner Up Next Week!

vio wrote:
eventually it's even forbidden to have more than 500 twitch viewers in germany without a costly governmental broadcast license (google pietsmiettv).

This is just plain wrong, you need a license when your channel grows to the point of it being comparable to a tv program or radio station. There are tons of german streamers way above 500 viewers how do you even make this up?
This is actually really awesome since I already have twitch prime ty GGG.
Sorry! Twitch Prime isn’t available in your country.
Twitch Prime is currently only available to customers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy.
Tyoll wrote:
I mean I could understand that you might be bit disappointed that you can't avail of the offer. But saying your against something being available ot others because its not available to you. It's a bit self centred

"We've turned down offers from a lot of companies..." -Chris Wilson, lead developer. Source

"Normally, we would avoid promotions that exclude a portion of our users (and have done so in the past)" - Bex, Head Community Manager. Source

From the sounds of things, even when back in 2013 when Path of Exile had a drastically smaller playerbase than it does now, GGG has had no shortage of companies wanting to partner with them to create promotional offers. Your post seems to be based on the assumption that Twitch were the only ones interested, that it was this or nothing, that nobody else was ever going to be able to get an MTX and I resent those who could. That quite simply is not the situation.

I do not accept being called self-centered, because I'm not attempting to take anything away from those eligible in this promotion. The MTX appear to be generic purple designs which could have very easily been given to the same players and many more in a deal with another company.


For the record, I recognize I've written a lot of posts on this issue. While it's one that I've an opinion on, it's not as big a deal to me as the volume of my comments on it might suggest. I understand that GGG views this promotion as potentially being a great thing for the game, and I do appreciate Bex's post in response to our feedback on this. This was just a response to someone who had responded to me, and it's likely to be the last I speak of the promotion.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
OMFG this is awesome!!!! :D
So people that live in us for instance will get those for free and i will have to pay. Doesn't sound fair, but oh well. As long as it is benifical to ggg i'm fine ;)
I can't believe how salty people here are because of a few purple hat items. Does this take away ANYTHING from this awesome game? Nothing at all.

I've spent thousands of hours playing games of companies such as Valve (Dota 2) and Blizzard (SC2, HotS) and those are companies that have left behind their once player-focused way of dealing with things for making the easy and quick money.

Never in the last decade I have encountered a game or a company caring so much about their players and communicating with them to a degree such as GGG. To me it sometimes feels surreal, it almost can't be true and yet it is.

And now people here complain about not getting something for free that I would not be suprised at all to see it availabele for free or next to nothing here in the shop very soon after the promotion. I can only say go play Dota 2 and you will realize what great company behind your favorite game you have here.
I don't know what all the whining about Twitch and PoE is for. Twitch seems like a regular outfit, why only today I received this nice email from them.


We believe that an unauthorized party may have accessed your account. For your security, we have invalidated your existing sessions and we have assigned a temporary password to your account."

I was going to write something about all the fuss but I lost interest around now....
I used to be apathetic, now I just don't care.
Uldi wrote:
vio wrote:
eventually it's even forbidden to have more than 500 twitch viewers in germany without a costly governmental broadcast license (google pietsmiettv).

This is just plain wrong, you need a license when your channel grows to the point of it being comparable to a tv program or radio station. There are tons of german streamers way above 500 viewers how do you even make this up?

didn't make that up. you can look the story up on yourself.
due to his popularity and income he would have been able to pay the 1k to 10k€ fee but he decided not to because smaller streamers couldn't afford that and it needs a change in governmental rules which don't change if people just pay.

and just because there is a ton of 500++ streamers doesn't say they're legal, it's just that nobody officially accused them of breaking the law.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Very Disappointed GGG
Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!

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