Path of Exile and Twitch Prime Set To Partner Up Next Week!

Some people are so disgusting, so what if you live in a country that can't take advantage of this promotion? Deal with it and move on, your life isn't any worse for not having it.
More purple?
No Thanks.
~ There are spectacular moments.
No free candies for me this time. Ah well..
Alt Art items as League MTX - When?
Twitch just went full retard. This is the message i get when i either click the link or go here manually.

You appear to be signing up for Prime in the United States
Change sign up country

Sorry! Twitch Prime isn’t available in your country.
Twitch Prime is currently only available to customers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

Aparrently im living in a part of the US that exists in a different dimention.
It feels wrong for GGG to encourage their players to subscribe to a third party service in order to get MTXes. Also, too bad if you're living in the wrong 95% of the world.

This feels like it will generate quite some backlash from the community.
Identity is cheap. Reputation is priceless.

Retired Let's Player.
Retired HC player.
Still a SSF hipster build player who loves Ruthless.
Oh these country limits :)
Sarno wrote:
I'm against this.

Twitch Prime is only available in a handful of countries. GGG's staff live in New Zealand - not a single employee can avail of this promotion. I honestly think that's ridiculous.

It happens. The russians got that weird pet at one point when they were on Garena. I think this is incredibly awesome and will help promote the game further.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Privilege MTX! This is almost as good as Bigfoot vs D.B. Cooper
yay more free mtx
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
I really like the portal effect and will replace my current one with it.

Thank you GGG!

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