Path of Exile and Twitch Prime Set To Partner Up Next Week!

Sorry! Twitch Prime isn’t available in your country.

Wow. So excited. 10/10
kylegetsspam wrote:
When a "Valued Poster" starts being negative, you know you done fucked up.

I resent that implication.

Valued Posters are as likely to be critical of GGG as anyone else is.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
So if we are not in some of this countrys mentioned, we have to pay for this cosmetics.
necrotwi0 wrote:
Czarodziciel wrote:
Probably this post will get buried under people shouting at each other etc., but here goes.

I live in a country that is not on the list - Poland, but in fact I am as close to Berlin as I am to Warsaw (Poland's capital, for those not fluent in European geography). So yeah, bit silly that I cannot access Prime in normal way.

Cry ended, now solution, not really hard to do, no vpn programs to install either. Took me total of 5 min.

1. Install Opera - it has build in vpn, works, has Germany and USA build-in.
2. Use the link from GGG post, create an account on Amazon, or use existing one, I used mine. You will be asked to link a twitch account to amazon account. Either create new one or use existing, up to you.
3. As far as I see, you need a credit card, but any works, doesn't have to be German (I used polish one), so put that one for payment method, for billing address go to and pick any random hotel in Berlin or another German city, for phone number from Germany go check website of your country's embassy in Berlin, or whatever number you can find, I think mine leads to Romanian Embassy :P
4. Done, your credit card will not be billed for the first month.
5. IMPORTANT Go to Prime membership management, click cancel and pick option "Remind me later", you will get email 3 days before billing so you remember to cancel it ;-)

PS. When using Opera, after linking Twitch account and logging to Twitch, you will get message that your account has been blocked, in fact it's not, it's just Opera's VPN ip adress. Once you go back to your browser or disable VPN, you will be able to log in as usual.

To be frank, writing this post down took me more time then getting twitch prime trial, so instead of crying that you live in wrong country, go use the freaking XXI century miracle called GOOGLE and get your self shiny purple stuff.


"Insted of crying"?

This is not a legit way to do it, so maybe dont lecture people on it :)

Well, suit yourself. Usage of VPN is legal, you are not bound by law to reveal your physical location either (well, at least in Poland, dunno about first world countries), and since Amazon doesn't check billing address versus credit card address, I guess they don't mind either. Hell, if I was living a bit closer to the border, I would end up on German IP half of the time without even using VPN :P

Also, gonna edit OP, so people don't get offended... gosh
Considering I sub to few PoE streamers, this is awesome maybe I'll be able to sub to someone new once I sign up and get rewarded. Thanks as always
So me beying from Poland makes me unable to benefit from this?

Sad story :<
god damn man....well your choice who gets its or not but at least give it to the majority of people than just NA and 5 EU countries. I know twitch prime works only on those but try to be more fair next time.

P.S. i really wonder what's the percent of PoE's population that live in those countries.
Last edited by kredel#2868 on May 16, 2017, 5:25:29 PM
Purple is one of my fav color and I can't get it in my country, lame
what up cuzz
Twitch Prime isn’t available in my country... I love purple color and this weapon effect is amazing but I won't be able to get it. :[

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