Development Manifesto: Changes to the Labyrinth
I don't like to complain or to say shit about other's work when I did nothing to improve it but... I also don't enjoy the labyrinth even a bit. I do it just for the ascendancy points which are a must if you want to make your build work, at least the 6 first points maybe the last ones are an exquisitness ok. But I agree that the need to do this lab to unlock that leveling feature is a pain in the ass, but only because how the lab is designed. The fact that if you die to a stupid trap, you failed to dodge 1 Izaro ability or you failed to remove every single buff on the previous 2 boss encounters, or you get dced forces you to re run the lab is annoying as fuck. Too many things can make you fail instantly and most of them are not related to player skill. I don't even think no one ever thinks of killing Argus for that extra key... let's be realistic, we all do it for the points because even on uber lab the chests are trash most times except when you get the currency ones which may contain 1 or 2 chaos. The enchantment... if you get the specific one for your build from the hundreds of posibilities it's a huge power boost ok, but you would need to be extremely lucky or run it hundreds of times to get it being it really difficult hundreds of times and needing to farm the "keys" to that uber lab (if you are going for the enchantment better go for the better one). Just for that enchantment such a boring lab where you can fail so easily even with the most powerful character doesn't seem worth the time it takes.
And I don't see reducing the time it takes to complete it make it worth still, even if they remove the need of the offering of the goddess (which it seems) for the uber lab. I like some suggestions some other players made like leaving only 1 uber lab, and end game lab, for those who enjoy it and want the treasures and enchantments, and give the ascendancy points through storyline like after boss fights. If you want to keep them 2 points at a time you can still do it and start giving the points only with the new act bosses. I hope you take into consideration what most of the community really wants, after all the beta didn't still came out there is still time to change that I guess or maybe on another future patch. |
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In OP:
" I don't see how one of the largest changes is Labyrinth, at least from a player perspective. A waypoint was added which slightly speeds things up, when compared using to the Sarn waypoint. Trials were adjusted and the first labyrinth was slightly shortened. The UI became less unintuitive (ie: there actually is a UI now) by letting you track your progress. That's it. These are all small bandaids and minor pain medication handed out to treat the same open wound that shows no sign of healing on its own. It's the gameplay in labyrinth that's the core of the problem and none of these changes does a thing to fix the fundamental, underlying problem that labyrinth provides a boring and frustrating in-game experience. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
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Can you please do something to increase finding the Uber Lab trials... In SSF I still stuck on trying to find the last trial at level 88. Even when not SSF I hate having to look in channels to try and find someone and join their party to do the trials. If trial spawns in a map it should be 100% one that you don't have. |
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" This is spot on I am not as eloquent or sober as the chap i'm quoting but the lab just doesn't fit in with the rest of the game I'm old, an alcoholic and my reactions are to put it mildly not what they used to be. I also choose to play HC because any challenges I manage mean something - and believe me I struggle to get out of bed some days so even a small totem at the end of a league is an achievement The argument that the lab is optional is not valid as from what I can see, GGG assume the lab will be done and have adjusted the content accordingly. I've been playing since the original closed beta and generally feel Chris and the team have succeeded in creating a game they (and we) want to play. The lab is the only major thing I feel they have got wrong Can you please listen to your players on this one Chris????? IGN - LeNavetBete
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