[3.0] HC/SC Nowlech's Trickster Essence Drain (LifeMoM/CI/LL) ~Shaper and Uber Atziri! Videos!
Hey there. Thanks for the build.
I could use a few tips on how to progress. I am playing life-based on SSF so my options are very limited, and my gear isn't exactly impressive. If you want to look at my character, it is the one in the SSF Harbinger named Kontagik. My problem is that even with 6 links (tabula) my damage vs bosses is abysmal. I can barely kill a boss on t11+ maps (and usually end up dying if I try). Armor-wise I have Tabula and Lightning Coil (which I can't 5-link for the life of me). So what should I focus on? I could also try getting a Death's Oath by farming cards (I think Shaped Phantasmagoria is my best bet according to the wiki). I am using Tabula right now and my defenses are suffering from that. So, in short: I have poor mitigation, and poor damage. What do I do on SSF? Thanks. Last edited by sikker#5501 on Aug 15, 2017, 10:56:36 AM
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Running this baby on 3.0 and I'm loving it as things start falling in the proper places during my leveling process. I've only got a a couple of questions regarding the blight gloves. -Is it really a damage increase using those gloves over wither totem for single target? (now I may be wrong in many assumptions here so bare with me) Doesn't wither totem give 7% increased chaos dmg taken stacking 20x? (140% increased chaos dmg) -Can the blight effect truly out-match that chaos damage amp? -Also why 2 "rot" gems? From what little I've been able to find the 25% chaos damage taken shouldn't stack. Thank you if you have the patience! Last edited by MadVicar#6306 on Aug 14, 2017, 6:08:16 PM
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I did some math and posted some data here. Be sure to check this post if you want to have the full picture.
2 Spreading rot should stack both the extra hinder duration and the damage bonus. |
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Hi, just asking, is this build suited for SSF HC ?
HC because you don't take the "Shade Form" point and SSF because i don't see anywhere if this build is viable for SSF. Thanks Last edited by Lucilejtmbb#6938 on Aug 15, 2017, 8:26:43 AM
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" There's a bit of a disconnect that I haven't seen proof of in the assumption surrounding these threshold jewels. "Enemies hindered by blight take 25% increased chaos damage". Blight does not permanantly hinder mobs; it only hinders for a second shorter duration. If mobs already have your blight on them, that duration is not renewed. Thus, after ~2-3 seconds, mobs are no longer "hindered by blight", and the 50% damage bonus is no longer present. " Unless I'm missing something, most people seem to be making the assumption that the 50% more damage from Blight hinder is always present, which I don't think is the case. Unless the 50% is permanant even after the hinder wears off (aka elemental equilibrium debuff), you only get ~3 seconds of 50% more damage until your blight wears off completely and goes back to zero stacks... All of that said, I still use the blight totem, because I still find it makes for a way cleaner style of play (you can easily clear cannot die totems/mobs, for example). It's probably slower on bosses (definitely slower than self-casting blight between EDs and still using wither), but it's way easier I feel. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Aug 15, 2017, 10:07:15 AM
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" That's exactly what I said. In my calculation I talked about the MAXIMUM potential of the Blight + Spreading rot x2 + Allelopathy mechanics. The real gain in most fights is way inferior. That's why I prefer going with the classic ED setup and I don't use Allelopathy. |
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"When you make a calculation based on an assumption, it's pretty reasonable for people reading it to in turn assume that is an achievable circumstance. You state that the max achievable dps gain is 37%, that simply isn't the case. I'm not actually sure it's possible to achieve a dps gain at all on any fight that lasts more than twice your hinder duration (not unless you are self-casting wither instead, anyway). You also state to use swift affliction, which would lower the duration of hinder (and blight stacks) by 15%, which is almost definitely a dps loss over void manipulation or increased duration on fights lasting long enough (the totem will not reach max stacks without this or faster casting, and you get more hinder debuff time). I'm not really saying all this to be contrarian or anything like that, but people will look at that post and see "great, 37% more damage from allelopathy", which is never going to be the case. For me, the reasons to use blight totem aren't for direct single target dps. It is for the ease of which it manages any new adds that pop, for killing immune allies mobs, and for killing dangerous stuff without ever seeing it. It's almost definitely not more damage than a pure wither totem in a single target simple fight, but it's not far from it, and adds a huge amount of utility by way of filling gaps in ED mechanics. |
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" Probably I should have have clarified the difficulty (or impossibility without a dedicated build) to reach max Blight stacks while making profit from the hinder debuff + dual spreading rot combo, you are right. I'll edit my post later to add details. That said, I am not a huge fan of blight, so I guess I'll continue this way, lol. |
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What weapon do you use for essence drain/contagion ? I'd like to go for shield charge/whirling blades instead of flame dash but i feel like a lack in terms of damage if i change my wand for a dagger. And daggers don't provide any spell damage. I'm lvl 53 and still no damage.
Last edited by Lucilejtmbb#6938 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:21:47 AM
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Daggers do in some cases provide spell damage. I'm using a Heartbreaker. Dagger, 70% Spelldamage, some ES, Culling Strike, lvl 50+ and dirt cheap.
As for Blight: I use two spreading rot jewels .. together with the Allelopathy gloves, this gives me a rather powerful Blight totem that really does it's job. It's a great safety tool to distract and stop enemies and does serious damage. My gear is fairly sucky, but with the dagger and a Cherrubim chest, I do around 26500 damage per second with ED .. that works for now. I'm just in T6 maps, where my weak defense starts to show, as my gear only allows around 2900 Life atm. PS: Cherrubims is a HUGE PITA to get the blue sockets on. Requires a giant amount of Chroms for either lucky tries or Voricis table. Last edited by voonvoon#6984 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:57:36 AM
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