Damage Over Time Changes - Part 2

So, if I`m using 2 handed Cyclone with 100% phys to lightning, now WED will give me less damage?

Also, would like to see Shock reworked, hope now it`s gonna be more viable to have a chance to shock rather than using Vinktar flask as MUST.
Can't Wait!!
cislacoff wrote:
HC player pov
crit builds was always bad choise
life based=dead
bleed=not even was born
Poison=dead next patch
WTF? Kill totems,and shut down HC servers!


The same rhetoric was used by GGG for the AOE changes, and it killed all the builds using AOE. Now melee is dead, AOE spells are mostly dead, the only ones left are projectile based builds. I propose a "rebalancing" for projectiles, making them disappear after a couple of units traveled. That should teach them making fun and efficient builds!
Last edited by D3adGh0st#4819 on May 3, 2017, 8:23:09 AM
I think such overhaul will generate even more problems than it solves.
I am open to new and reworked mechanics, but have a slight concern (after the AoE changes) that some gems are just forgotten in this rework and as a result drop severily in eficiency.
To be specific:
What supports should ED now use not to be clunky?
We had Rapid Decay, Void Manip, Empower, Controlled Destruction, Slower Proj, Lmp/Gmp, Pierce, Less Duration. 8 gems for 5 slots- fine and dandy with a room for experimentation.
Pierce is mandatory for any map with Immortal totems.But losing pierce as a damage mod and Decay/Poison as single target boost what is left for ED to do? Getting about 40k DoT dps from ED debuff in PoE builder with LL char with current tag inherritance(and 40k more per Decay and Poison for single target) and going to an effective 5L without Decay/Poison that is a shift from 100k dps to 32k.

I am just asking whether you would consider changing skill core mechanics as the new gem system can't provide necessary support to the skill.
We're going to be removing the majority of these immunities, so they don't punish ailment-focussed builds.

I like this change for once. It was not only blocking diversity in the end game but also punishing players who wanted something different.
I can understand some builds not working perfectly at some (like lacking weapons for shaper with animate weapon) but this always made me hate a portion of the game since it made no sense when we've skills, gems and gear that want you to build around them.
not for nothing but this is just my 2 cents, GGG has never let me down in the past with the game changes they have made, im sure that they will have a reasonable balance to all of these changes, making build diversity a thing again instead of crit/poison/bleed ruling the meta, have faith in the developers of this amazing game and let them hash it out.

I personally would really like to see everything viable for the game again, instead of relying on some retarded mechanic to carry the game. IE sweep or some build that uses the skill without conversion to complete content.
Exactly what we needed,more dagger affixes. Like it wasn't already ridiculous to try craft a dagger.
This is a lot of text to basically say :

We nerfed the crap out of poison.
Well. I mean, I like the change since we now have to build something different than poison.
My question now is how will the changes affect skills with low base damage, which, when used under certain conditions (mostly longer casting/channeling) did much more damage, such as Flameblast and Blade Vortex - which are both coincidentally used in builds utilising damage over time.
Does it mean Flameblast will now apply the same ignite no matter how long you channeled it, or that Blade Vortex linked to Poison Support would apply the same poison no matter how many stacks do you have?

I'm obiously expecting that you'll look into such conflicts, I mean - you did an awesome job with the AoE changes, even if they were REALLY scary looking on paper.

Also, sorry for the wall (Vaal...?) of text. I dunno how to edit it nicely.
-Disagreeing with decisions doesn't mean one can't support the game.-

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