[3.8] Demi's FlyingPurplePeople Cyclone/Bladestorm/Earthquake/Ice Crash Slayer Guide
Wanted to say thanks for this build and the videos. Just coming back after several years not playing. I'm level 61 now and the game is basically faceroll at this point. Some observations from a newer player.
Stats (specifically intel) are a bit tough early on. A decent carnage heart can help with that, I think mine has like +40 all stats. Don't be afraid to snag a 30 intel node early on if needed and remove it later. I held off on blood magic and ran a clarity gem, this let me run herald of ash making packs a bit more faceroll early on. I basically never had to use flasks.... I hate having to chug. I personally don't feel lacerate "feels good" until we get multistrike. As you collect more attack speed nodes it really comes alive. I enjoy this far more than sunder. Early game use a warchief totem it is really helpful until you get more of the slayer points. It does a ton of damage and also mobs tend to target it. In normal lab I ran around the boss like a little girl while the totem killed him. Picking all damage and no life nodes was stupid. A newb mistake I wont repeat. |
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" glad you're enjoying it. i dont do leveling guides often as i hate the process myself, but this build should do fairly well as long as you balance defense and life 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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Hiya Demi, been playing this build up to level 83.
I opted to make a couple changes, that I'll list for discussion/your feedback 1) I took an Inspired Learning jewel (Duelist cluster). The few times you get a really nice mod like Soul Eater feels godly, but so far, it seems that a lot of the mods are either useless or next to it. Anything with Ele damage obviously does nothing, and stuff like Discipline, Allies never die, etc don't do much for you either. If you were seriously grinding maps, perhaps not the best use of six additional points (2 for endurance, 2 for mana, 2 for ev/arm) <- not 3, because I'm pathing to the right a bit. 2) I'm playing in Legacy, and have a non-legacy Voidheart. I've pathed to the right to take both Iron Reflexes and a few points in the Dirty Techniques cluster (8 points, not counting the Dex node right under Golem's Blood). 3) I'm not playing Blood Magic! I chose to allocate mana for Grace + Arctic Armor for some extra armor. I have mana leech on my gloves, but otherwise it's just one point for the hybrid attack leech with my current tree. I just read in the comments that you're allowed to run Blood Rage so I'll recolor my Starforge tomorrow, which brings me to point 4) I'm using an Ancestral Warchief setup in my weapon (only 5L really needed): Warchief | Melee Phys |Conc Effect | Bloodlust | Faster Attacks. I'll put Blood Rage into the 6th socket tomorrow and give that a whirl. According to Path of Building, I have approximately 300k DPS factoring in bleed/poison with flasks up. Obviously this would be more if I could afford a Sin's Rebirth and legacy Voidheart, but my build was under 4ex to build as a lot of my gear is self-found. Could definitely push that a lot higher with more investment. This build works really well for Lacerate, Flicker, Cyclone, and even stuff like Viper Strike. I'll have a few more levels to get another jewel socket if I want (though while you have 4-mod jewels, I generally only have the 3-mod jewels) and some more Life. Cheers Demi! Last edited by zhouster#6905 on Jun 20, 2017, 11:02:57 PM
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" glad you're enjoying it. if you're unaware, i do updates on my builds in this forum post/via youtube occasionally. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1908222 build diaries! but yea i've added a 6l warchief as well for single target, no idea what my PoB actual DPS is but it feels pretty solid for maps. Still have >8k life, tooltip is somewhere around 180k in hideout with totem/conc effect/flasks up. blood rage is amazing for us, free dps/frenzies is always nice. i'll be using a +1 curse non legacy carnage heart once this damn league ends (if it ever does) and testing that out, pretty sure it's the best option for us if we want dual curse. 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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" God, a +1 curse Carnage would be amazing but right now I'm just using a really high life + Lightning res + Int ammy and crafted a bit of phys on it since I'm a pleb who doesn't have godlike gear :), and I want to get life on pretty much all my gear since I'm not getting as much from the tree. I also haven't taken the life regen in marauder/templar area yet and don't think I need it. My current tree: https://poeplanner.com/AAgAANcABxQrAGibLV85ivDEgrCrvqdlTb02R36E2amUeHqpJ4Tv2sF07QUteu9AoNNvXhMhVdw9B3XApiz7iiInICFgdPHvTmFSk6iKs1dUhmA6UryfGJEOPBRx2XyCBxuqEPDyWoE6wQfXfmMX-Ovz3Whl6hh2rM9-9zJyqcT2xq582ayqWfMaOJBVJy862Ow4gpuaO5_f73yiADwFwGbwHwSzPC2DX64-Z5vkUVBH7w4UIIPMtz7-Cti98kUY2y4jLTCTmbuektAS4eSxOd1Gt0SeU7sppYdqAAAAAAA= Attack speed on gloves goes such a long way if you're not looking for the Vorici leech gloves. Even with very non-optimized gear I'm well over 150k tooltip with frenzies, totem, conc, onslaught, flasks, etc. Just bought a 4-slot jewel for 3 chaos what is life I think I got streamer RNG from posting here feelsgoodman.jpg Last edited by zhouster#6905 on Jun 21, 2017, 12:17:46 AM
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pretty big update, did some testing for pre 3.0 stuff.
🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager 🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters Last edited by DeMiGodking102#2148 on Jul 1, 2017, 10:57:40 AM
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" new video guide up as well, enjoy <3 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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added path of building actual effective dps screenshots as per request. warchief seems gud lmao
🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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Any idea on how i can improve my dps? IGN: LacerateBaby
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/devastatorz123/characters |
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" This profile tab has been set to private or you the lack the permissions to view it. yea uh, stop that. gear like me. thanks. 🥚 IGN: demigodking | Creator of Demigod's Wager
🍋 twitch.tv/demi | youtube.com/demigodkinglol 🥔 Mirror Thread (400+ Services): pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1753977 🍋 #1 Items, IIQ MF Item Duplication Services, Carries and More! 🥚 TheSpiderQueenByDemi - Hall of Grandmasters |
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